都市人类学,urban anthropology
1)urban anthropology都市人类学
1.The paper expounds the ne- cessity and importance for urban plan- ning to refer to urban anthropology,and discusses the connection between urban planning and urban anthropology.阐述了都市人类学对城市规划的借鉴意义及两者之间的结合点,从规划价值观、规划调查分析方法和规划分析三个方面探讨了城市规划借鉴都市人类学的领域。
2.This paper refers to urban anthropology, whose viewpoints are used to analyzeproblems .本文借鉴都市人类学的观点与视角分析大城市近郊小城镇居住空间中的问题与矛盾,以上海市闵行区颛桥镇为案例,从理论和实证两个方面进行研究。

1.A Study on Urban Anthropology Analysis of Urban Living Space and Planning Responses;基于都市人类学的城市居住空间分析及规划对策研究
2.The Changes of Land System of Towns--Case Study of Urban Anthropology;城镇土地制度的变迁——琼市个案的都市人类学探究
3.The Rural-City Continuum: Thought on -Typology of Human Compact community;“乡村──都市”连续统──人类聚居形态的类型学思考
4.Metropolitan Village: Nanching --Following C.K.Yang’s Footsteps;都市村庄:南景——一个学术名村的人类学追踪研究
5.Comparision on Distinctive Style of Urban Literature--the Fortune and Defection of New Sensation-Oriented Writers and New Persons;都市文学中的“另类”之比较——新感觉派与新新人类的创作命运及缺陷
6.Are Anthropologists All False and Affected? --After reading“Humanities Type”;人类学家都是虚伪做作的好人?——《人文类型》读后
7.Anthropological Analysis on the Adaptation Problems in Big Cities of the Urban Ethnic Minorities Floating Population in Northwest China--An Investigation from Gansu Province;西北少数民族流动人口大都市困境适应的人类学分析——来自甘肃的实证调查
8.DeShong, M. "Housing Typology and Urban Morphology: London and Paris." 1990.居住类型学与都市形态学:伦敦与巴黎>,1990.
9.Disputes:From Primitive Tribes to Modern Cities--A Study on Disputes from the Perspective of Contemporary Western Legal Anthropology纠纷:从原始部落到现代都市——当代西方法律人类学视野下的纠纷研究
10.Even the human inhabitants find them bleak.连人类居民自己都可以发现城市的阴冷。
11.Both Science and arts are important parts of human culture.科学和人文都是人类文化的重要组成部分。
12.An Anthropological Analysis of the Traditional Market Places and Its Architectures in Yunnan;云南传统集市场所的建筑人类学分析
13.The past ages of man have all been carefully labeled by anthropologists .人类学家小心翼翼地将人类以往的每一个时代都贴上标签。
14.the theological doctrine that all people will eventually be saved.认为所有人类最终都会被拯救的宗教学说。
15.Considerate the Construction of Water Culture in the Dujiangyan Regions from the Anthropology Angle;从人类学角度看都江堰地区水文化建设
16.Ceremony and Symbol:Anthropological Study on Nuo Epidemic Disease of Nianduhu in the End of the Year;仪式与象征——年都乎岁末傩疫活动的人类学研究
17.Migration and Harmony --An anthropological research essay on NianBaDu Town s history and culture;迁徙与交融——廿八都历史文化的人类学观察
18.The Unscramble of Mongolian Haircutting Ceremony and Anthropology of Qinghai Dude青海德都蒙古族剪发礼及其人类学解读

new human being in the metropolis都市新人类
3)city dweller都市人
1.The changes of the city dwellers concept on sex are revealed in the TV "Talk" on reproduction health in the 1990s,the disappearance of Program "Mask" in 2004 which was called "Number One Midnight TV Program on Sex in China" and the entertaining tendency of today s TV programs on sex.从20世纪90年代以生殖健康为内容的电视"谈话"节目开始播出,到2004年号称"中国第一档深夜性电视节目"的《面罩》夭折,再到今天电视性教育栏目开始呈现娱乐化倾向,在这个过程中透露出当下都市人性观念的变化。
4)urban merchants都市商人
5)the new city person新都市人
6)urban population都市人口

都市水文学  见应用水文学。