1.On Building Campus Civilization Shape the Undergraduates Perfect Personality;建设大学校园文化 塑造大学生健全人格
2.Sympathy and criticism:the female characters shaped by Faulkner;同情与批判:福克纳对女性人物形象的塑造
3.The construction of campus culture on college students healthy shape and character of the culture浅谈校园文化建设与大学生健康人格塑造的辩证统一关系

1.Capable of being molded; plastic.可塑造的,塑造的能够被塑造的,有可塑性的
2.We mold statues out of clay.我们用粘土塑造塑像。
3.The sculptor figured the girl in clay雕塑家塑造了这个女孩的泥像。
4.Shape... into...把。。。加工[塑造、铸]成。。。形
5.Work to be turned in the lathe.在车床上塑造的零件
6.the molding at the top of a column.在圆柱顶部的塑造物。
7.The mould in which they were made is broken.塑造它们的模型已毁。
8.I shall procure some clay and mould it.我会找些粘土塑造它。
9.Children mold figures out of clay.孩子们用粘土塑造人像。
10.the moulding of young people's characters对年轻人性格的塑造.
11.Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself.人只是自我塑造的产物。
12.To shape or mold(dough, for example)into a particular form.塑造将(面团等)塑造或浇铸成一特殊形状
13.Creating the Heroes in the Failure--Discussion on the Image Creation of Zhuge Liang;在失败中塑造英雄人物——诸葛亮形象塑造刍议
14.Forming or capable of forming.能成形的造型的或可塑造
15.McCoy: He shapes how wines are made and marketed.他塑造了葡萄酒是如何制造并营销的。
16.A Study on the Teachers Creative Personality and Its Cultivation in Primary and Middle Schools;论中小学教师的创造性人格及其塑造
17.Cultivation and Configuration of High Colledge Graduates Creative Quality;高校研究生创造性人格的培养与塑造
18.On Character Moulding and Cultivation of Creativity for University Students;试论大学生个性塑造与创造力的培养

1.The Construction of New Labor Resource Pattern to Cultivate and Mold Perfect Students;构建以学生成长为纽带的人才资源模式 培养和塑造更完善的大学生
2.Urban Green Space System Plan Molds City Characteristics;城市绿地系统规划塑造城市特色
3.Molding Spirit for Landscape Building;景观建筑“灵魂”塑造——以重庆云阳龙脊岭景观建筑概念设计为例
1.Thesis for Master s Degree the Sports Display of the Elite s Athletes and Personality to Mould;高水平运动员竞技表现及人格塑造
1.On shaping China s national image;略论塑造中国的国家形象
2.Discussion on the personality shaping of ideological and political education worker in institutions of higher education;论高校思想政治教育工作者的人格塑造
3.Reflections on shaping the character of modern university students;对当代大学生人格塑造中几个问题的思考
1.Suggestions on the Molding of the Brand of Universities Foreign Language Reading Room Service;塑造高校外文阅览室服务品牌之我见
2.Strengthening Humanized Outpatient Treatment Molding Modern Hospital's Branding加强门诊人性化服务 塑造现代医院品牌形象
3.Chinese traditional culture and the soft molding of the intellectuals during the May 4th movement论中国传统文化对知识分子的“软塑造”在五四时期的表征与影响
1.Furthermore,the author proposes that the modeling of a harmonious personality is like a to systematic engineering.和谐人格的塑造是一项复杂庞大的系统工程,其基础是完善社会主义市场经济体制,其保证是健全社会主义民主政治制度,其条件是营造健康的文化环境。
2.The modeling of ecology civilization requires that people should always be indebted,be penitent,be awful,be humble and have an affection for the nature.生态人格是对农耕文明时代依附型人格和工业文明时代物化的单向度人格进行反思,符合生态文明时代发展需求的一种新型人格,生态人格的塑造需要世人必须始终保持对自然的感激之心、忏悔之心、敬畏之心、谦卑之心和珍爱之心。

塑造1.用石膏或泥土等可塑材料塑成人﹑物形象。 2.用文字描写或戏剧舞蹈表演创造人物形象。