重大意义,great significance
1)great significance重大意义
1.Strengthens the independent innovation ability the great significance is: To human society law of development science understanding;To now wo.增强自主创新能力的重大意义是:对人类社会发展规律的科学认识;对当今世界经济、科技发展趋势和内在规律的准确把握;对中国特色社会主义经验的深刻总结;新形势下中国社会发展的重大举措。
2.WT5”BZ]Deng Xiao ping has many brillant expositions on the great significance of Chinese stability.邓小平同志就中国稳定的重大意义作了许多精辟的论述。
3.So strengthening the construction of enterprising culture is of great significance.加强创业文化建设对现代化建设具有重大意义

1.a happening of no great importance.没有重大意义的事情。
2."Respect for party members dominant position" of the great significance of proposition;“尊重党员主体地位”命题的重大意义
3.The Great Significance of Forming"the three represents" Theory;“三个代表”重要思想形成的重大意义
4.This is of prime importance not only economically, but politically as well.这不但在经济上有重大意义,在政治上也有重大意义
5.Re-comprehend the Large-scale Production and the Small-scale s and Its Great Significance;重新认识大生产和小生产及其重大意义
6.The significance of the event does, indeed, seem vouchsafed.这个事件看起来确实具有重大意义
7.For me, it is a meaningful step forward,对我个人而言,这一步具有重大意义
8.This is a matter of great significance.这是一个具有重大意义的问题。
9.-It means so much to him.-这对他意义重大呀!
10.This is a significant finding.这一发现意义重大。
11.a matter of the utmost political importance有重大政治意义的事情
12.sufficiently significant to affect the whole world.意义十分重大、影响全球。
13."of noticeable importance, effect, or influence"重要的,重大的,有意义的,影响深远的
14.of very great significance deciding to drop the atom bomb was a very big decision.指非常重大的意义“投放原子弹的决定关系重大”。
15.Today is a great day for Susan.今天对苏姗来讲是个意义重大的日子。
16.This dinner seemed to mean so much to the Old Gentleman.对老绅士来说,这顿饭似乎意义重大。
17.Your friendship means a great deal to me.你和我的友谊对我意义重大.
18.Today is a red-letter day for me. I got a promotion.今天对我来说意义重大,我升职了。

1.Developing service economy in China is of great significance in changing people s wealth view,strengthening its sustainable development capacity,promoting its economic growth,enhancing people s well-being and improving its efficiency and benefit.中国发展服务经济对转变财富观、增强可持续发展力、促进经济增长、增进人民福祉、提高效率和效益都具有重大意义
2.His suggestions about building the Autonomous Region by means of legal system and his thought about ethnic legislation are of great significance not only for the perfection of the regional national autonomy system,the strengthening of ethnic legal system construction and the successful solution of ethnic problems but also for building a well-off society and the harmonious socie.乌兰夫在这一过程中提出的有关法制建区和民族立法思想对西部开发进程中更加完善我国民族区域自治制度、加强民族法制建设、成功解决我国民族问题和对全面建设小康社会、构建和谐社会、维护国家统一和民族团结都具有重大意义
3)great importance重大意义
1.This article approaches the great importance of the cripples′ vocational education ,discusses the special means of particular education, expresses the protracted and hard nature of the special vocational education development.论述了残疾人职业教育的重大意义 ,探讨了特殊教育的特殊手段 ,指出残疾人职业教育是需要长期研究的重要教育课题。
2.They identified that developing political civilization with socialist democracy and nomocracy is objectively inevitable and of great importance during new period,and then acknowledged a top priority task is how to realizingly formulate specific aim of political civilization.大家都认同新时期建设政治文明具有客观必然性和重大意义,政治文明建设的当务之急是科学确定政治文明建设的目标。
4)major significance重大意义
1.This paper puts forward the teaching method of audio-visual-oral integration by using modern multi-media technology in order to improve the efficiency of teaching English and points out its advantages and major significance as well.在改革实验的基础上 ,本文提出了新世纪外语教学应运用现代媒体技术 ,创建视、听、说先行 ,以视听说带动读写译的教学模式 ,以提高教学效果 ,并指出提出该教学模式的原因、优势以及实施的重大意义
6)key decisions意义重大的结论

《中国军事形势的重大变化》  毛泽东于1948年11月14日为新华社写的一篇评论。1960年9月收入《毛泽东选集》第4卷。    1946年7月,国民党反动派自恃握有军事上的绝对优势,悍然发动全面内战,猖狂进攻解放区。战争开始之后,毛泽东就指出,军事形势发展变化的关键问题,是大量地歼灭国民党军队。解放战争第一年,中国人民解放军平均每月歼敌 8个旅(师),迫使国民党军变全面进攻为重点进攻。战争第二年,人民解放军在大量歼灭国民党军队之后,在南线和北线都由防御转入进攻。到了战争第三年的第四个月,即1948年11月辽沈战役结束后,国民党军队已由发动战争时的430万人减为290万人,人民解放军则由120万人增至300余万人。这样,人民解放军不但在政治质量上早已占有优势,而且在数量上也由长期的劣势转入优势,不但已经能够攻克有坚固设防的城市,而且能够在一次战役中围歼几十万兵力的国民党精锐部队,歼灭国民党军队的速度大大提高。因此,作者在写这篇评论时,对于人民解放战争胜利的时间重新作了估计,指出从1948年11月起,再有一年左右的时间,就可以打倒国民党反动政府。后来解放战争的胜利,证明这个估计是完全正确的。