1.From Epistemology "Self" to Existentialism "Self";从认识论“自我”到生存论“自我”
2.Change from "Breakthrough" to "Normalization"——On the Madman s Words and Needs about "Existentialism";从“突外”向“归化”的转变——狂人言行的“生存论”视角解读
3.The Significance of Kierkegaard s Individual Existentialism to Ontology;论克尔凯郭尔个体生存论的本体论意蕴

1.The Object of Existentialism,Theory of Existence and Generative Methodology;存在论、生存论与生成性方法论旨趣
2.Realm and Subsistence--Existential Implication of the Realm-of-Life Theory;境界与生存——境界说的生存论意蕴
3.The Survival of Marxist Perspective on the Study of Heidegger's Survival马克思生存论视阈下的海德格尔生存论研究
4.Transendental Turn and Existential Turn of Epistemology--Re-understanding of Epistemology in Existential Dimension;认识论的先验转向和生存论转向——以生存论维度重新理解认识论
5.Existentialism s Revolution to Ontology--The Significance of Kierkegaard s Individual Existentialism on Ontology;本体论的生存论革命——克尔凯郭尔个体生存论中的本体论意蕴
6.From Epistemology to Existentialism: Entering the Existential Sight of Studies on the Skepticism;从认识论到生存论:走进怀疑论研究的生存论视野
7.Knowing and Mood: Heidegger’s Existential-ontological Analysis;认识与情绪——海德格尔的生存论-存在论分析
8.From Epistemology "Self" to Existentialism "Self";从认识论“自我”到生存论“自我”
9.On Existentialism Tropism of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature Teaching论中国现当代文学教学的生存论转向
10.Ambivalence in Discourse of “life\|world”and Consciousness of survival Theory;生活世界话语的困限与生存论的自觉
11.Random Views on Existence · the Questions of Existence · Philosophy of Existence and Sustainable Development;生存·生存问题·生存观念与可持续发展散论
12.Being,Subsistence and Life--On the Existence Way of Human;存在·生存·生活——论人在世的方式
13.Pain of the Survival:on Chen Ran′s Novels about the Difficulty of Life;生存之痛——试论陈染小说的生存困境
14.The existence got in crack-In terms of Lo Yin s existence;夹缝中的生存——罗隐生存状态析论
15.On Zhang AiLing s Philosophy of Existence;苍凉中的生存——试论张爱玲的生存哲学
16.Trying to Discuss Unity of Natural Environment for Human Existence and Their Existence Mode;试论人类生存的自然环境与生存方式的统一
17.Predicament of surviving--Talk about Song pronoun latent ease of people survive and experience;生存的困境——论宋代词人的隐逸生存体验
18.UNDERTAKE HERSELF S SUBSISTENCE POETICALLY-- On Ma Ying-hua s way of subsistence;诗意地承担自己的生存——论马缨花的生存方式

1.The research into science from the high plane of existence of human being will help not only open up a new philosophy of science,but also set up a new philosophy of life.从生存论的高度研究科学,不仅有助于开辟新的科学哲学,而且也有助于开辟新的生命哲学。
2.Marx found the self-produceness of Man which rose from Man s sensuous activity,so that he could think deeply about the essence of history and Man s existence-historicity.马克思发现了人通过对象性的活动(感性活动)而自我创生,达到了对生存历史性的真切领悟,揭示了现实历史的本质,呈现了前概念、前逻辑、前反思世界,从而在存在论基础上跃出了知识论路向,颠覆了整个柏拉图主义,终结了传统形而上学,开启了立足于现实生活过程的生存论哲学境域。
3.Putting forward and studying social memory on the lay of philosophy,we have three validity foundation of humanism, existence and epistemology.从哲学层面上提出和研究社会记忆,有人性论、生存论和认识论等三个方面的合法性根据。
3)existence theory生存论
1.it reflects the exchange and creation from the perspective of knowledge theory,and the awaking of teachers self-consciousness and Cross-examining of the life from the point of existence theory.从知识论的视角看,其本质体现了知识的交流与创造;从生存论的视角看,其本质是教师自我意识的觉醒与生命意义的追问。
2.It is from and on this concept that Karl Marx develops his philosophical theory that completely overthrows traditional philosophical theories and philosophical research archetype and that Karl Marx explores a philosophical shift to existence theory that is more succes.马克思正是从"人的感性活动"出发并且围绕"人的感性活动"理论的展开才彻底超越了西方传统哲学,开辟了他哲学探索比海德格尔更成功的生存论转向。
3.With the deepening reform of education and the changing style of life, the relationship between teachers and students, as the crucial point of education reform, can be structurally divided in terms of existence theory into covert and overt parts.随着人类生存方式的改变,有必要从生存论的角度来认识师生关系。
4)Existential Ontology生存论
1.Looking at "Communication" of Marxist Philosophy in the Perspective of Existential Ontology;从生存论的角度看马克思哲学的“交往”
1.The thought of Heidegger’s existential-Ontology is profound, but finally fell into the deep end because of its insurmountable difficult in theory which oneself is unable to solve.海德格尔的生存论思想是深刻的,但由于其不可克服的理论疑难最终陷入了自身无法解决的理论困境之中。
2.“Dispelling”Rationalistically is a road of no return, therefore, Enlightenment of“belief”should base itself on the way of Existential-Ontology.要解决这样的问题,一种可能的思路就是立足整体的人,从生存论层面对于“信仰”进行启蒙。
6)Survive-Existence Theory生存存在论

《概率论、信息论及其在雷达中的应用》  阐述雷达信息和信号检测理论的经典著作,英国P.M.伍德沃德著。1953年伦敦派加蒙出版公司出版,1964年再版。全书共七章,前三章是概率论、信息论和信号分析的基础,也是阅读本书的预备 知识。第四章是噪声中信号检测的一般理论,对理想接收机和后验概率理论作了精辟的阐述。最后三章是全书的精华,系统阐述雷达信号检测理论和分辨理论。书中提出著名的伍德沃德模糊函数的定义,后成为雷达信号分析和波形设计的有效工具。书中还分析了几种典型雷达信号的模糊函数及其对系统潜在性能(精度、分辨力、模糊度)的影响,对雷达信号波形设计有很大的作用。这本书已被译成多种语言出版。1980年美国再次翻印出版。