1.The contention between scientism and anti-scientism has continued for a long time in the West, which is apparent in "the controversy between sciences and metaphysics" in 1922-1923 in China.科学主义与反科学主义的分歧与冲突在西方社会由来已久,中国20世纪20年代发生的“科玄论战”中两者的冲突现象也尤为明显。
2.The writer does not think that anti-science?pseudo-science and anti-scientism are the same conceptiond,the three con.并将反科学和伪科学、反科学主义区分开来,力图梳理反科学的思想脉络,使“反科学”一词更明确更清晰。
3.It s necessary to investigate the recourses of anti-scientistic ideology, the historically social contexts of the rise of anti-scientism, its basic attitudes and its ac.这些反科学主义者实际上以他们抽象设定的所谓科学主义指称几乎所有的那些重视和倡导科学思想、科学方法和科学精神的观点,并以一种完全否定的立场和态度批判这些观点,尤其批判对中国社会在近代的发展与进步具有重大意义的五四科学思潮。

1.How is Ant-scientism Feasible in China--Take "The Controversy" for Example;中国反科学主义如何可能——以“科玄论战”为例
2.The Humanism Side of the Modern Chinese History under the Trend of Anti反科学主义思潮下中国现代史学的人文指向
3.Subversion of Scientism: A Brief Survery on Scientific Nature of Modern "Anti-Science";对唯科学主义的反动——略论现代“反科学”的科学性
4.A Reflection about the Relation between Scientific Socialism and Democratic Socialism;对科学社会主义和民主社会主义关系的反思
5.Her opposed the asceticism of devotion to sciences, advocated the gay science.他反对为科学献身的苦行主义,主张快乐的科学。
6.Nevertheless, Nietzsche was firmly against Scientism.但是,尼采坚决反对唯科学主义。
7.He opposed“ science for science” as the decadent nihilism, and advocated“ science for human life”.他反对为科学而科学的颓废的虚无主义,主张为人生而科学。
8."Scientism","Rearranging the National Heritage" and Reflection on calligraphic thoughts in the first half of the 20th century;“科学主义”、“整理国故”与20世纪前半叶的书学反思
9.Classical sociology emerges as a reaction to this form of positivist scientistic thought.古典社会学的出现是对这种实证主义的唯科学主义思想的反动。
10.Reflection of Conflict and Integration of Two Psychologisms;从科学主义与人文主义反思心理学的对立与整合
11.Scientific Reflection is the Basic Way to Make Marxism Localized in China;科学反思是推进马克思主义中国化的基本途径
12.On Feminism s View of Science;论女性主义对科学的批判、重建及其反思
13.Scientific View on Nationality and the Construction of Chinese Nationality科学民族观与中华民族建设——民族主义的反思与中华主义的弘扬
14.On the Possibility of Social Scientific Laws--Around the Debates between Naturalism and Antinaturalism;论社会科学规律之可能性——从当代自然主义和反自然主义的角度看
15.Adherence to the Scientific Concept of Socialism--Based on the reflection on the socialist theories and practices;坚持科学的社会主义观——基于社会主义理论与实践的反思
16.Building Scientific View on Marxism--Comments on the Contrast between Socialism Theory and Practice;构建科学的马克思主义观——社会主义理论与实践反差现象述评
17.Theoretical “Anti-historicism” --Interpretation of Marxism from the Perspective of Science-oriented W estern Marixism;理论“反历史主义”——唯科学的西方马克思主义对马克思的解读
18.Scientific psychology is characterized by scientism.科学主义心理学以唯科学主义为特征。

anti-scientific aesthetics反科学主义美学
3)modern anti-scientism现代反科学主义
1.On Library Science Research: Non-Rational Trend of Scientism Trend of Thought;图书馆学研究:科学主义思潮的非理性倾向
2.The Culture Origin of the Localization of Scientism;科学主义本土化的文化根源
3.Scientism,Constructivism and Naturalism;科学主义·建构主义·自然主义
1.Searching logos-ism in architectural design from science;从科学主义看建筑设计中的理性主义
2.At the same time we insist that we must treat scientism by the spirit of science.科学主义与科学精神是科学史上两个比较重要的概念,它们都源于科学,但是又都对科学的发展产生了不同的影响和作用。
1.Furthermore, the “value neutralism” advocated in sciencism has repressed insights, wishes and aspirations of the disadvantaged community, thus lacking feasibility with its mysticism for its o.科学主义研究方法的局限性受到了批评,首先,实证主义的研究方法抹杀了“人”的存在,割裂了人性;其次,它忽视心理现象与人的存在的社会历史性;另外,科学主义的研究方法所提倡的“价值中立”说,既在操作上不可行,同时也压制与扼杀了弱势群体的观点、愿望和呼声。
2.There ever is an opposition of two psychologisms:sciencism and humanism in all kinds of schools of psychology.心理学各流派一直呈现出科学主义和人文主义两种主义的对立,这是不同的哲学思想和当时的唯科学主义的科学观影响的结果。
3.The motive of sciencism is to replace phylosophy and its essence is to tran sform the phylosophy from the value r ation to tool ration.科学主义是现代哲学的一大景观,与人本主义一起撑起了现代哲学的两条生命线。
