中国特色社会主义,socialism with Chinese characteristics
1)socialism with Chinese characteristics中国特色社会主义
1.On the academic system of socialism with Chinese characteristics;中国特色社会主义理论体系的几个问题
2.The Greatest Achievements in the Past 30 Years Since the Implementation of the Reform and Opening Policy——On socialism with Chinese characteristics;改革开放30年的最大成果——论中国特色社会主义
3.On the Realistic Significance of the Common Idea of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics;论中国特色社会主义共同理想的现实意义

1.The Comparison with “China’s Characteristic Socialism" and " Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”;“中国特色社会主义”与“有中国特色社会主义
2.Socialist Social Formation and Socialism With Chinese Characteristics社会主义社会形态与中国特色社会主义
3.We are living in the socialistic society which has Chinese characteristics;我们生活在中国特色社会主义社会中
4.To Understand all-round "the Characteristics" of the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics;全面认识中国特色社会主义之“特色”
5.On the "Basic Characteristics" in the Socialism withChinese Characteristics;试论中国特色社会主义之基本“特色”
6.Where does the socialism with China's characteristics reflect its features中国特色社会主义在何处“显”特色
7.On the Theory of New-democratic Society and the Construction of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics;新民主主义社会论与中国特色社会主义建设
8.Can not Replace Socialism with Chinese Characteristics by Democratic Socialism不能用民主社会主义取代中国特色社会主义
9.On Social Equity Theory of Socialistic Society with Chinese Characteristics;中国特色社会主义社会公正理论初探
10.On the Main Features of the Socialist Economy with Chinese Characteristics;论中国特色社会主义经济的主要特征
11.Paradigm Transition between Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Socialism;中国特色社会主义与社会主义范式转变探析
12.Socialism:Chinese Characteristics and the World Perspective;世界社会主义视阈下的中国特色社会主义
13.Interpreting Socialism with the Chinese Characteristics from the Context of the World Historical Socialism;从世界历史性社会主义解读中国特色社会主义
14.The Theory of the Stages of Socialism and the Rise of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics;社会主义阶段理论与中国特色社会主义的崛起
15.Current Socialism s historical position and Socialism With Chinese characteristics;当代社会主义的历史方位与中国特色社会主义
16.Compare Socialism with Chinese Character with Swedish Socialism瑞典式社会主义与中国特色社会主义之比较
17.A Comparative Study between Traditional Socialism and the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics传统社会主义与中国特色社会主义之比较
18.On Culture with Chinese Characteristics and Socialist Core Values中国特色社会主义文化与社会主义核心价值

Chinese characteristic socialism中国特色社会主义
1.The dialectical consideration of the economical globalization and Chinese characteristic socialism;经济全球化与中国特色社会主义的辩证思考
2.Find the growth-points of the Chinese characteristic socialism in the process of globalization;在全球化进程中寻找中国特色社会主义的生长点
3.Development Viewpoints from the Central Leaders at Four Stages and a Booming Development of Chinese Characteristic Socialism;四代中央领导核心的发展观与中国特色社会主义的蓬勃发展
3)the socialism with Chinese characteristics中国特色社会主义
1.The practice fully proves that the reform and opening up is the key choice of determining China s fate and an necessary road of developing the socialism with Chinese characteristics and realizing great rejuvenation of Chinese nation,and that only socialism can save China and only the reform and opening up ca.实践充分证明:改革开放是决定当代中国命运的关键抉择,是发展中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴的必由之路;只有社会主义才能救中国,只有改革开放才能发展中国、发展社会主义、发展马克思主义。
2.Under the leadership of the Party, constructing social political civilization is both one of the contents of the Marxist theories and reflects the fundamental demand of the development of the socialism with Chinese characteristics.在党的领导下进行社会主义政治文明建设既是马克思主义理论的题中应有之义,同时也反映了中国特色社会主义发展的根本要求。
3.How to build the socialism with Chinese characteristics,has been a historic task remaining before the CPC and the Chinese since new China came into being in 1949.如何建设中国特色社会主义,是新中国成立后摆在中国共产党和中国人民面前的一个历史性课题。
4)socialism with Chinese characteristic中国特色社会主义
1.Develop the socialism with Chinese characteristic at new historical starting-point-studying the report of the (the seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China) SNCCPC;在新的历史起点上发展中国特色社会主义——学习党的十七大精神的体会
2.Socialism with Chinese Characteristic;简论中国特色社会主义的完整科学内容
3.Knowledge economy and challenge to socialism with Chinese characteristic in the 21st century;知识经济对21世纪中国特色社会主义的挑战
5)Chinese characteristics socialism中国特色社会主义
1.nswervingly carry out and develop Chinese characteristics socialism;始终不渝地坚持和发展中国特色社会主义
2.The recognition about the important mean of China s socialistic reform and open should be put in the insight that modernization and Chinese characteristics socialism have unified.对中国社会改革开放重要意义的认识应置于现代化与中国特色社会主义相统一的视野中。
3.The theoretic system of Chinese characteristics socialism is a scientific theoretic system which includes such grave strategic thoughts as Deng Xiaoping s theory、"three representatives" momentous thought and scientific development concept.中国特色社会主义理论体系,是包括邓小平理论、"三个代表"重要思想以及科学发展观等重大战略思想在内的科学理论体系。
6)trade union of socialism with Chinese characteristics中国特色社会主义工会
1.The trade union of socialism with Chinese characteristics with the special connotation is established in the light of basic national conditions at the present stage.中国特色社会主义工会也是依据中国现阶段的基本国情而形成的,既有工会的共性,又有其独特的内涵。
