社会机制,social mechanism
1)social mechanism社会机制
1.Characteristics as well as natural and social mechanism of extreme drought of Chongqing were analyzed, and protection strategies were proposed.文章针对2006年的特大旱灾探讨了2006年的特大旱灾的特征,分析了2006年特大旱灾的形成自然机制和社会机制,并提出了今后重庆市抗御旱灾的策略。
2.In recent years,the third mechanism of environmental protection,namely the social mechanism has been paid great emphasis by all the society.环境保护社会机制从其构成要素看,应包括公众环境意识、信息公开制度、公民的环境权、环保非政府组织、公众参与等;从纵向角度看,应以公众参与为核心;从横向角度看,应包括知情和表达机制等;从其程度的由浅入深看,应由宣教机制、行动机制、参与决策和监督机制组成。
3.Applying the basic concept of global coordination, the article raises a proposition to construct a social mechanism for sustainable development and expounds economic, legal, ethical mechanism of global coordination in very concrete terms.本文运用大协调学的基本观点,提出了建立可持续发展社会机制的主张,并具体阐述了大协调经济机制、法律机制和伦理舆论机制。

1.a mechanism of social control for enforcing a society's standards.加强社会标准的社会机制
2.Mechanism Choice for Construction of Harmonious Socialist Society;构建社会主义和谐社会机制抉择论析
3.Harmonious Society:The Social Mechanism Construction of Supporting High Colleges and Universities Stability in New Period;和谐社会:新时期维护高校稳定的社会机制构建
4.Social Transformation,Social Governance,and Social Response Mechanism Chain;社会转型·社会治理·社会回应机制链
5.The Agreeable Mechanism of Forming a Socialist Harmonious Society;构建社会主义和谐社会的社会认同机制
6.Perfect Social Sincerity Mechanism Construct Harmonious Stable Society;健全社会诚信机制 构建和谐稳定社会
7.On Building Social Coordination Mechanism Model for Social Management;论社会管理的社会协同机制模型构建
8.Research on the Governance Systems of Chinese Political Socialization during Social Change;论社会变革中的政治社会化治理机制
9.Constructing the legal mechanism of socialist harmonious society(Ⅱ);构建社会主义和谐社会的法律机制(下)
10.Constructing the legal mechanism of socialist harmonious society;构建社会主义和谐社会的法律机制(上)
11.On Controlling Mechanisms of the Operation of Socialist Harmonious Social System;试论社会主义和谐社会系统运行的控制机制
12.The Perfection of Community Dispute s Solution Mechanism--Construct Harmonious Society;完善社区纠纷解决机制——共建和谐社会
13.Civil Community:A Principal Integrating Mechanism;公民社区——一种重要的社会整合机制
14.On Social Deliberative Mechanism of Trade Associations;论社会协商机制——以行业协会为视角
15.Financial System Fitting for the Socialization of Logistics in Colleges;高校后勤社会化的财会运作机制探索
16.Studies on Social Participate in Public Crisis Management公共危机管理中的社会参与机制研究
17.Study on Constructing Coordination Mechanism of Jiangxi Social Benefit in Harmonious Society;和谐社会下江西社会利益协调机制构建研究
18.Study on the Balance of Social Conflicts and Social Stability as Well as Its Political Machanism;社会冲突与社会稳定的平衡及其政治机制研究

Social System社会机制
1.To prevent and punish corruption, we should set up a social system via the way of accelerating enactment of law, completing legislative systems, and combination of high payment and cultivation.因此,建立一个广泛、有效的预防和惩治腐败犯罪的社会机制已迫在眉睫。
3)On the Theory of Social Mechanism社会机制论
4)the socializing mechanism社会化机制
1.Through the elaboration of the value and content of the tort damages in the various community-based mechanism system,the author demonstrates the establishment of socializing mechanism of tort damages in the need for public policy considerations,and conceives establishment and improvement of the socializing mechanism of tort damages.本文以三鹿奶粉事件为例,对传统的侵权损害赔偿机制进行了检讨,并由此引出传统的一元侵权损害赔偿机制向社会化机制的转变。
5)mechanism of social control社会控制机制
1.Self-help remedy is a mechanism of dispute settlement by individuals as well as a mechanism of social control by private enforcement of law.私力救济,既可定位于一种私人自行处理冲突的纠纷解决机制,当事人通过私人力量维权的权利救济机制,也是一种私人以威慑和制约为核心、高度分散、私人执法的社会控制机制。
6)the mechanism of social restriction社会制约机制

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决