环境公平,environmental equity
1)environmental equity环境公平
1.Research on environmental equity evaluation based on regional differences and its countermeasures—a case of Jiangsu Province江苏省不同区域环境公平测度及对策研究
2.That makes the problem of environmental equity become a more serious issue.当前,城乡环境公共服务供给显失公正,使得环境公平问题日益凸显。
3.This paper puts forward the thought of environmental governance equity for establishing a theory of environmental equity that is suitable for China.本文提出"环境治理公平"的思想,试图建构适用于中国的环境公平理论。

1.Justifiable Education on Environment,Which Could Not Be Ignored in Education on Environment;环境教育中不可忽视的一环:环境公平教育
3.The Environmental Equality Must Be The Basic Mission Statement of The Rural Environment-protection Law环境公平应成为农村环境保护法的基本理念
4.Environmental Fairness and Environmental Democracy-the Third Comment on the Basic Idea of Legal Science of Environment and Resources Law;环境公平与环境民主——三论环境资源法学的基本理念
5.The concept hinders in realization of the environment equity and the countermeasures;论实现环境公平的观念障碍及其对策
6.A Fair Linguistic Environment Under Linguistic Extravagance;从言语奢化现象看语言环境公平问题
7.Study on Analysis of Environmental Policy and Corresponding Adjustment Based on Environmental Equity Theories;基于环境公平理论对我国环境政策评析及调整对策研究
8.just and favourable conditions of work公平而良好的工作环境
9.On Environmental Taxes and the Achievement of Equitable Benefit-sharing;实现环境利益公平分享的环境税机理
10.Equity and Compensation:The Juncture of Environmental Politics and Environmental Ethics;公平与补偿:环境政治与环境伦理的结合点
11.The Constitutional Assertion of Fair Employment of Environmental Resources in the Times of Environmental Protection;环境时代宪法对环境资源公平享用的确认
12.In order to create a fair international trade environment,为了营造一个公平的国际贸易环境,
13.Fourth, we'll maintain and improve a fair and open market environment.四是维护和完善公平开放的市场环境。
14.Environmental Infringement--Interpretation and Application on New Equal Relationship;环境侵权——公平关系的新诠释与适用
15.Education Justice between the Urban and Rural Areaunder Information Technology;信息技术环境下的城乡教育公平探究
16.Creating a Fair Financing Environment for the Development of Private Economy;为民营经济发展创造公平的融资环境
17.A Reflection on Creating Fair Competitive Environment Between Eastern and Western Regions;关于营造东西部公平竞争环境的思考
18.Create Equitable Environment of Competition and Promote the Development of Private Economy;创造公平竞争环境 促进民营经济发展

environmental fairness环境公平
1.The present ecologic compensation mechanism is for other objects but not for ecologic compensation,so it can not maintain environmental fairness or contribute to sustainable development.现行生态补偿机制更多的是为其他目标而并非为生态补偿制定,不能形成一个有机整体来维护环境公平,促进可持续发展。
3)environment fairness环境公平
1.According to the sustainable development theory, on the enterprise case how to achieve the environment fairness from analyzing thoroughly and study the pollution charges.在探讨可持续发展中公平性原则的内涵及其重要性的基础上,论述了环境公平的存在背景以及坚持公平性原则所面临的困难,提出公平性原则的立法实施途径。
4)equity environment公平环境
5)views on environmental justice环境公平观
6)environmental equality环境公平性
1.In this paper,environmental equality includes both,one is based on natural resource endowment and another is based on economic output.定义了环境公平性包括基于自然资源禀赋的环境公平性及基于经济产出的环境公平性。

海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)marine physical geographic environment  haiyang ziran dili huaniing海洋自然地理环境(marin。phys、calgeograPhic environment)见自然地理环境。