代际公平,intergenerational equity
1)intergenerational equity代际公平
1.Intergenerational Equity of Cultivated Land Use and Sustainable Development of Social Economy;耕地资源利用的代际公平原则与社会经济可持续发展
2.The paper begins with the meaning of intergenerational equity in search for the integration with the public administration in an attempt to build an ecological government,which is an inevitable choice when dealing with resources and environment problems and maintaining social intergenerational fairness.从代际公平的本义切入,寻求公共行政与代际公平的契合,就是要构建生态型政府。
3.Accordingly, the equity value of law should be the reunion of intragenerational equity and intergenerational equity.在此时代背景下,法律的公平价值体现为代内公平与代际公平的统

1.The study on the measurement and solutions of intergeneration fair problems;“代际公平”问题的测定和对策研究
2.Institution and the Realization of Rural Intergeberational Fair in Our Country;制度变迁与我国农村代际公平的实现
3.Intergenerational Equity and Sustainable Utilization of Agricultural and Forestry Specialty Resources农林特产资源可持续利用的代际公平
4.Justice and order between generations:The constitutional value of a harmonious society;代际公平与秩序:和谐社会宪法的价值追求
5.The Evolution of Administrative Ecology to Ecological Administration:Insertion of Generational Fair Idea;行政生态向生态行政嬗变:代际公平理念嵌入
6.On the Fairness and Harmony Among the Generations in traditional culture perspective;从中国传统文化视角论代际公平与和谐
7.A Commentary and Some Tentative Ideas of Study on Intergeneration Fair in Sustainable Development Theory;可持续发展理论中代际公平研究的述评
8.As the Threshold of Sustainable Development under the Research on Inter-generational Equity可持续发展视阈下的代际公平问题研究
9.Intergenerational Equity of Cultivated Land Use and Sustainable Development of Social Economy;耕地资源利用的代际公平原则与社会经济可持续发展
10.On Intergenerational Justice of Environmental Law--Argumentation from Idea to the Basic Principles;论环境法上的代际公平——从理念到基本原则的论证
11.World Heritages Pass on from Generation to Generation;世界遗产代际公平探析——对我国世界遗产管理的法律思考
12.INTERGENERATIONAL EQUITY AND SUSTAINABLE LAND USE PLANNING--Take Nanjing City of Jiangsu Province As an Example;代际公平原则与可持续土地利用规划——南京市的实例研究
13.Participation of Natural Resource in the Income Distribution--A System Which Gives Attention to Both Eco-efficiency and Equity between Generations自然资源参与分配——兼顾代际公平与生态效率的分配制度
14.Fair Education:Explanation of the Key to the Effect of City and Countryside Generation Inheritance--A Study of Fair Education;教育公平:破解城乡代际继承效应的关键——关于推进教育公平的思考
15.Equality of Opportunity and Generation Equity--Sociological Analysis on Education of Children of Peasant-workers;机会平等与代际公正——关于农民工子女教育问题的社会学分析
16.Ethic and Fairness of Daughter's Supporting to Her Parents' Family:Gender study on intergenerational family relation in rural areas of eastern Zhejiang Province女儿赡养的伦理与公平——浙东农村家庭代际关系的性别考察
17.International North Pacific Fisheries Convention国际北太平洋渔业公约
18.International Conference on Fair Trading“公平交易”国际会议

inter-generational equity代际公平
1.From the ecological and ethical point of view,the water pollution in Taihu Lake reflects at least two ethical relationship____ the relations between the economic development and the environmental protection,the relations between intra-generational equity and inter-generational equity.从生态伦理道德角度上讲,太湖水污染至少折射出两层伦理关系,即经济发展与环境保护、代内公平与代际公平之间的关系。
2.Judging from the main body of a fair, justice is including the intra-generational equity and inter-generational equity.从公平的主体来看,公平包括了代内公平和代际公平
3)intergenerational fairness代际公平
1.By reviewing different methods of measuring the intergenerational fairness,this papaer proposes "the model of intergenerational reaource & wealth fairness",and puts forward the solution and mechanism of the realizing intergenerational fairness.代际公平是衡量可持续发展实现的标准之一。
4)equity between generations代际公平
1.It shows that the view of equity between generations is the ethical basis of green manufacturing.本文利用博弈、规划的方法,分析了绿色制造模式实施的价值及其实施的困境,指出了代际公平观是实施绿色制造模式的伦理基础,同时指出了市场激励、政府激励及制造团队内部的激励是实施绿色制造的基本动力。
2.It is put forward that the view of equity between generations is the ethical basis of green manufacturing and that the prompting of market and government and the incentive compatibility in manufacturing team are important impetus to implement green manufacturing.从伦理与经济 2方面分析了绿色制造模式的价值 :分析了实施绿色制造模式的内在矛盾 ;指出代际公平观是实施绿色制造模式的伦理基础 ;同时市场与政府对绿色制造的激励及制造团队内部的激励相容是实施绿色制造模式的重要推动力 ;利用博弈论的基本方法优化了市场、政府及制造团队内部的激励机
3.It is put forward that the equity between generations is the ethical basis of green resources development and utilization.从伦理与经济两方面分析了绿色资源开发利用模式的价值;分析了实施绿色资源开发利用模式的内在矛盾;指出了代际公平观是实施绿色资源开发利用模式的伦理基础,同时市场与政府对绿色资源开发利用的激励及资源开发利用产业系统内部的激励相容是实施绿色资源开发利用的重要推动力;利用博弈论的基本方法优化了市场、政府及资源开发利用团队内部的激励机制。
5)intergenerational justice代际公平
1.The idea of intergenerational justice affects the study and practice of environmental law and becomes its basic objective.代际公平理念影响着环境法并成为其追求的基本目标之一,但要在人类制度和行为中落实,仅停留在理念层面显然是不够的。
6)fair in development chance between generations代际公平性
1.It concludes the connotation of sustainable development as four aspects:being fair in development chance between generations.根据可持续发展发展内涵的代际公平性、资源限制性、发展协调性和质量效益型发展要求 ,分析了湖北省公路发展现状 ,提出了“代际单元”概念 ,指出了考虑代际公平的决定性影响 ,对公路设计、施工和营运三个阶段中环境保护的实施进行了打分评价 ,得出了公路目前还远离可持续发展状态的结论 ,强调了公路实施可持续发展的要

代际冲突代际冲突generation gap  代际冲突(generation gap)不同世代的人之间,在政治态度、价值观念等问题上存在隔阂,甚至存在完全不同的看法,因而引起的冲突。本特生(B engtson)曾提出代际之间存在“大鸿沟”的假设,因而代际冲突又称为“代沟”。也有人认为“代沟”是一个虚构的概念,老一辈和年轻人的核心价值相同,而价值观的冲突是次要的。近来的一些研究说明,“代沟”确实存在,在基本政治态度、信仰、价值取向等方面表现得较为明显。而其他方面表现得不够明显。造成两代人心理差异的原因是多方面的,首先两代人是在两种不同的环境中长大的,他们在特定的环境里形成了自己的态度和基本的行为模式。其次,两代人在生理、心理上的发展水平不同,要求的重点不一。在代际冲突面前,有三种不同的态度:(l)埋怨的态度,在截然对立的思想支配下,两代人相互发泄不满,互相埋怨,一代看不惯另一代。(2)无视现实的态度,否认“代沟”矛盾,而认为这是部分人的思想问题。(3)求同存异的态度,承认两代人各自的特点不同,彼此理解和尊重,不互相干涉。无疑,求同存异是我们对待代际冲突应采取的态度。 (赵拼派吴荣先撰梁宝勇审)