重化工业,Heavy Chemical Industry
1)Heavy Chemical Industry重化工业
1.A Study on Environmental Problems Caused by the Development in China's Heavy Chemical Industry and Countermeasures;中国重化工业发展的环境问题分析与对策研究
2.As China s industrialization process is in its interim period of transforming from light chemical industry to heavy chemical industry, coal demand has a sharp increase tendency as a result of the needs from power, metallurgy and construction industries.我国工业化进程正处在由轻化工业向重化工业转变的变革时期。
3.The development of heavy chemical industry has great important function for China s industrialization.重化工业的发展对于我国的工业化具有极其重要的作用,并且其发展一直保持较高的速度,在国民生产总值中的比重高于轻工业。

1.Industrial Policy Innovation in China s New Heavy Industry;我国新型重化工业化与产业政策创新
2.Kyushu is the base of heavy and chemical industries and one of the four major industrial areas of Japan.九州是日本的重化工业基地、四大工业区之一。
3.A discussion of heavinized industries and the approach of Fuzhou industrial development;浅议重化工业与福州工业发展的路径选择
4.Heavy and Chemical Industry Stage and Strategic Choice for Industrial Development in Guizhou;重化工业阶段贵州工业发展的战略选择
5.Thinking on the Characteristics and Strategy of the Heavy-Chemical Trend of Yangzhou s Manufacturing Industry;扬州制造业的重化工业化特征及战略思考
7.The key Function of Digitalized Tool in the Design of Industry;数字化工具在工业设计中的重要作用
8.Development emphases of industrial technology in China s chemical industry today;当前我国化学工业产业技术发展重点
9.The Achievement Analysis of Industrialization Promoting Urbanization in Chongqing;重庆市工业化推进城市化的绩效分析
10.On combination of new style industrialization and urbanization of Chongqing;论重庆市新型工业化与城镇化之结合
12.On the Heavy-industry-orientation of Yunnan s Industrial Structure and Workable Solutions;试论云南工业结构的重工业化趋势及对策
13.Only Way to New Industrialization of Chongqing──Eco-industry Parks;重庆新型工业化的必由之路──生态工业园区
14.Developing Ecotype Industry for Carrying out a New Type of Industrialization;发展生态工业是走新型工业化道路的重要途径
15.An Empirical Analysis on the Influence of Heavy Chemical Industry on Chinese Energy Consumption;工业重化工化对我国能源消费影响的实证分析
16.A Research on Specialized Restructure in the Petroleum Engineering Technical Service Enterprises of SINOPEC;中石化石油工程技术服务企业专业化重组研究
17.The Optimizing Research of Industrial Structure Based on New-type Industrialization in Chongqing;重庆市新型工业化的产业结构优化研究
18.The key Point of Sichuan Industrialization: Manufacturing Driven by the Informalization;四川省工业化的重点:信息化带动的制造业

heavy and chemical industry重化工业
1.An idea of developing heavy and chemical industry in the Pearl River Delta;珠江三角洲发展重化工业的构想
2.Currently, China’s industrial development has entered the stage of heavy and chemical industry.当前,我国的工业发展已经开始进入重化工业阶段,这一阶段对贵州而言是一次结构调整的重大战略机遇期。
3)heavy and chemical industries重化工业
1.This paper focuses on energy cost and environmental loss of keeping rapid economic growth and developing heavy and chemical industries in China.通过能源消费和电力消费弹性系数以及设计的SO2排放弹性系数,考察近几年我国经济增长的能源成本与环境代价;利用统计数据考察了我国部分重化工业行业的总产出和单位产出的能源消耗及污染物排放情况,得出近年来我国的经济增长是建立在能源高消耗和环境高污染的基础上,特别是一些重化工行业的能耗和污染物排放总量以及单位产出能耗和污染物排放尤其严重的结论;由此引出对我国的经济发展模式进行反思,对发展重化工业的驱动力提出疑问,希望从一个侧面探讨经济发展政策和发展模式对全国性能源紧缺和环境污染加重的影响。
2.At the critical point of the reform in China,problems relating to safety of food,reform in state-run enterprises and development of heavy and chemical industries have become the cruxes of China s economy today.中国的改革目前已进入攻坚战的关键时期,粮食安全、国企改革、重化工业发展等问题已日益成为阻碍现阶段经济发展的难题。
3.The developing experience of the developed countries in the 20th century and the economics theory of the middle and late 20th century show that there is no such a period as " heavy and chemical industries" in the economic structure, to say nothing of overstepping.先行和新兴工业化国家20世纪的发展经验与20世纪中后期经济学理论的演进都表明,在各国工业化进程中,国民经济结构并不存在所谓“重化工业阶段”,因此更谈不上该阶段的逾越问题。
4)heavy industrialization重工业化
5)Industrial Heavilization and Chemicalization工业重化化
6)heavy and chemical industrialization重化工业化
