社会批判,social criticism
1)social criticism社会批判
1.Enlightenment of new Marxism s social criticism theory;新马克思主义社会批判理论的启迪
2.The theoretical courage and deep thoughts in The Statement of a Hermit,with its profound influence,not only evoked historical echoes in the works of Cui Shi,Zhong Changtong and Xun Yue and converged to the cultural tide of social criticism in the late Han Dynasty,but also enlightened commoner scholars to write books.王符是东汉社会批判思潮的思想先驱,在中古史上开创了独特的"潜夫议政"传统。
3.Xun Zi s social criticism theory was based on reflection of the existing social rationality prob- lem.荀子的社会批判理论是对现存社会合理性问题理性反思的基础上展开的。

1.Criticism and Construction--A Study of Xun Zi s Social Criticism Thought;批判与建构——荀子社会批判思想研究
2.The Sublation of Alienation: From Political Critique to Social Critique--An Interpretation of Marx Critique of Hegelian Law-Philosophy;异化的扬弃:从政治批判到社会批判——马克思《黑格尔法哲学批判》解读
3.Marx How to Turn from Metaphysical Social Criticism into Scientific and Realistic Social Criticism马克思怎样从形而上学的社会批判转向科学现实的社会批判
4.An Evaluation of the "Socio-Critical Theory" of Frankfort School法兰克福学派"社会批判理论"评析
5.The Social Critical Ideology and Its Enlightenment Advanced by Eric·Hobsbawm;霍布斯鲍姆的社会批判思想及其启迪
6.From the Heated Social Criticism to the Exploration of Steady Academic Rationality;从激烈的社会批判到沉稳的学理探求
7.On the Rational Bases of Habermas Social Critical Theory;论哈贝马斯社会批判理论的理性基础
8.On the University s Tradition of Soial Criticism of Univesity: Its Origin and Contemporary Situation;大学社会批判精神的源泉及当代境遇
9.The reality Apocalypse of the social critical thinking in the communist party manifesto《共产党宣言》社会批判思想的现实启示
10.Symptom,Fantasm And The Analysis Of Ideology;社会意识抑或社会现实——意识形态批判
11.Criticism to Sociological Criticism of Efficiency of Modern Enterprise Institution;现代企业制度绩效的社会学批判的批判
13.On the planning of the critical socialism by Hayek;哈耶克批判社会主义计划的思想辨析
14.Criticizing Capitalism:from the Perspective of Eco-socialism;资本主义批判:生态社会主义的新视野
15.MacIntyre s Moral Criticism of Modern Western Society;麦金太尔对现代西方社会的道德批判
16.The Theory of Social Harm:A Further Critical Clearance;社会危害性理论:进一步的批判性清理
17.The Society of Spectacle: a Kind of Criticism Words of the Ear of Media;景观社会:媒介时代的一种批判话语
18.A Critical Analysis of Social Responsibilities of Contemporary Universities in the USA;现代美国大学社会责任的批判性分析

social critique社会批判
1.He was aware of new mission of age and task of philosophy,and promoted religion critique to social critique,which realized Young Marx s philosophy theme.他继费尔巴哈之后对宗教批判作了总结性的批判和终结性的论断,并在此过程中,自觉把握住了新的时代使命和哲学任务,把宗教批判诉诸于社会批判,实现了青年马克思哲学主题的转换。
2.The outstanding character of Marx s theory is its social critique and anti-doctri-nairism, and the value it pursues is to criticize market, to finish the tyranny of economy, and finally to attain "the liberation of mankind".马克思理论的突出品格是社会批判和反对教条主义,其价值追求则是通过批判市场,消除经济暴政去达到“人类解放”。
3)attacking society批判社会
4)critical social history批判社会史
1.At the same time,Marxism worked great influence on the critical social history and the research of new marxist historiography in everyday life.二战后联邦德国的马克思主义史学家对工人运动史、法西斯主义和反法西斯抵抗运动、德国历史连续性等展开了广泛的研究,但马克思主义史学一直处于被边缘化的状态;同时马克思主义对联邦德国的批判社会史和新马克思主义史学对日常生活史研究都产生了很大的影响,但不属于新马克思主义史学流派。
5)non-society criticism无社会批判
6)the critical social theory批判性社会理论
1.The artical based on the critical social theory examined contrains and obstacles encountered in this process are revealed.NursingEducation 2 0 0 2 ,4 1(7) :2 89 2 94 )上著文 ,论述了该校实施国际交流项目的初步经验 ,该文根据批判性社会理论 ,指出了在项目实施过程中所遇到了障碍和限制 ,特别是政治和经济对沟通和理解互动的影响。

批判的社会学  见法兰克福学派。