环保投资,environmental protection investment
1)environmental protection investment环保投资
1.Analyzing the environmental protection investment from highway project;公路建设项目的环保投资分析
2.Focusing on the confusion about investment on environmental protection industry and on environmental protection by domestic academic societies and governments, this paper clearly defines the two terms: environmental protection investment and environmental protection industrial investment.本文针对国内学术界和政府部门在环境保护产业投资和环境保护投资方面的模糊认识 ,明确区分了环保投资与环保产业投资 ,阐释了狭义的环保投资概念和环保投资与环保产业市场化的关系 ,论述了环保投资对环保产业市场化的作用 ,并强调只有坚持以市场为导向 ,环保产业才能健康发展。

1.Regional Plan for Investments in Environment and Health环境和保健投资区域计划(环保投资计划)
2.The Evaluation and Empirical Research of the Efficiency of Environmental Investment;环保投资运行效率的评价与实证研究
4.Environmental Protection Investment: the investment demand for the five years is 700 billion yuan, accounting for 1.3% of the GDP of the same period.环保投资:五年中需要投资7000亿元,约占同期gdp的1.3%。
5.An Optimizing Model for the Investment Balance between Industries and Environment Protection;区域产业投资与环保投资的协调优化模型及其试用
6.The investment of the Three-Simultaneity of the new construction projects is 33.64 billion yuan, 29.45 over the previous.新建项目“三同时”环保投资336.4亿元,比上年增加29.4%。
7.Investment margin of environmental protection and water conservation to be left in the design budgetary estimate;设计概算必须打足环保和水保的投资
8.On our part, we will keep improving the environment for investment and business operation and protect the rights and interests of investors in accordance with the law.继续改善投资和经营环境,依法保护投资者权益。
9.A Study on China s Environmental Investment System and Optimizing Investment of Enterprise;我国环境保护投资体制及企业投资优化研究
10.A Study on the Efficiency Evaluation of the Environmental Protection Investment of China;我国环境保护投资运行效率评价研究
11.Risks and Risk Management of BOT Investment & Financing in Environmental Protection Industry;环保产业BOT投融资风险及其管理
12.Legal Environment, Auditor Independence and Investor Protection;法律环境、审计独立性与投资者保护
13.Multinational Corporation Investment and City Environment Protecting Relation;跨国公司投资与城市环境保护的关系
14.Comparative Analysis on Investment & Financing of Environmental Protection of Different Regions in China我国环境保护投融资的区域比较分析
15.Analysis on the Loss of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Protection Investment in Xi'an City;西安市环境污染经济损失与环境保护投资分析
16.Analyses on the Financing Way of Trust in the Environmental Protection Projects;基于信托投资的城市环保项目融资方式分析
17.With the daily improvement of the Tianjin Port Bonded Area's investment environment, foreign businessmen coming to invest are increasing daily.随着天津港保税区投资环境的日臻完善,来此投资的外商日益增多。
18.A primary objective of these agreements is to assure overseas investors of the stable investment environment in Hong Kong.协议有助确保海外投资者对香港拥有稳定投资环境的信心。

environmental investment环保投资
1.Increasing Law And Proving It's Theory On The Environmental Investment;环保投资增长规律及其理论证明
2.According to the different environmental goals and population of different units, this paper puts forward the relative planning results (including wastewater treatment design, management policies and environmental investment).本文根据深圳市的具体情况,采用相对分散控制的方法,划分十个地面水环境单元,针对每个单元的不同环境目标和未来人口发展规模,提出相应的规划方案(包括污水厂设计规模、管理方法和环保投资)。
3.In this paper, we use "the preferred growth model of environmental investment" to analyze the running efficiency of environmental investment, and find that it is very low.近几年来,我国环保投资增长很快,但是我国环境质量的改善却不明显。
3)investment in environmental protection环保投资
1.Through the investigation and study about the investment in environmental protection in highway s construction projects in some provinces and cities and analyses about the main body,the source and the structure of scale and usage of the investment,the paper puts forward some reference for the policy-making administration of the investment.通过调查研究我国部分省市的公路环保投资,对我国公路环保投资的主体、来源、规模结构、使用结构进行了分析,为公路环保投资的决策管理提供参考资料。
4)fund in environment pollution treatment环保投资额
5)total investment of environment protection环保总投资
1.The qualitative analysis on the basis of policy, experience prediction on the basis of the former investigation of environment protection industry and the prediction of the second smooth index are used to predict the total investment of environment protection and the technology equipment market capacity in the next five years.采用政策上的定性预测、经验预测和二次平滑指数法对我国"十五"期间环保技术装备市场进行了预测,预测的项目为环保总投资和环保技术装备投资。
6)environmental protection investment and financing环保投融资
1.Due to problems in environmental protection investment and financing mechanism(EPIFM),China faces insufficient and inefficient investment in EP.由于环保投融资机制的不完善,我国环保面临投资总量不足和投资效率较低等问题,成为环保事业发展的“瓶颈”。

个人投资者投资准备个人投资者投资准备 【个人投资者投资准备】首先收集信息 投资者若要投资于基金,必须在投资前了解一些有关基金的知识,搜集一些有关基金的资料,以了解基金的基本情况。 信息的收集来源主要有以下几个渠道。 1.基金章程。它是基金经理公司为设立基金而制定的纲领性文件。基金章程的内容视基金品种不同各有侧重,一般应包括以下条款: (1)总纲。①基金名称;②基金经理人;③基金信托人;④基金的目标、结构、性质。(2)基金的设立。①批复文件;②发行总额与规模。 (3)基金的受益凭证 (4)基金的发行、赎回与交易 (5)基金的投资范围与比例 (6)基金经理人的职责权限 (7)基金信托人的职责权限 (8)持有人大会 (9)基金的收费与开支 (10)基金的估值 (11)基金的收益分配 (12)报告与帐目 (13)基金的期限、变更与终止 除基金章程外,基金管理公司往往还准备一些协议书作为基金章程的附件,供投资者查阅。这些附件包括:代理协议、保管协议、分销商协议、投资管理协议、服务协议、付款代理人协议、清盘协议等。 2.信托契约。它是经理人与信托人之间共同设立基金,为明确双方责任与权利而订立的核心性文件。投资者可以不看基金章程,但却不能不了解基金的信托契约。因为信托契约不仅规定了经理人与信托人之间的行为准则,还规定了包括单位持有人、投资顾问、律师、核数师等的地位与责任,以及在某些特定条件下,他们可获豁免,所承担的责任,以及各方保证赔偿的条款。单位信托基金的所有文件(基金说明书、上市申请书、基金募集及发行计划、受益证书、基金报告书等)都必须以信.506.中国金融大百科全书·下编托契约为依据。可娜说,信托契约是契约型投资基金的根本大法。 3.公开说明书。它也称募股章程,类似于股份公司的芬股说明书,是基金章程和信托契约的延伸。在内容上它比基金章程和信托契约更为详实和全面。它是基金自我介绍的文件、也是基金经营的行动纲领。投资者借此文件便可了解到基金经理公司概况、该基金发行的背景、经理人、信托人、法律顾问、核数师等的背景、经验、相关关系及通讯地址、该基金的详细经营规定及风险性。 一4.每日行情表。基金上市交易后,投资者必须关注基金股份的交易状况。从国内外主要的报刊杂志经济版都可找到上市基金的行情表。