文化基础,cultural foundation
1)cultural foundation文化基础
1.Thinking on Cultural Foundations of Intelligent Cities;关于“智能型城市”文化基础的随想
2.The conception of rule of law is formed on the political and cultural foundation.“法治”观并不是凭空产生的,它的形成有着社会政治、经济和文化基础

1.Construction of Civil Culture as the Basis of a Harmonious Society;论作为和谐社会文化基础的公民文化
2.Capital Region Culture: The Historical-cultural Foundation for the Construction of Metropolitan Beijing;京畿文化:“大北京”建设的历史文化基础
3.The Cultural Foundation of Marxism Chinanization;文化精神的会通:马克思主义中国化的文化基础
4.We should strengthen cultural infrastructure and boost various types of popular culture.加强文化基础设施建设,发展各类群众文化。
5.The cultural infrastructure is the base and carrier of developing th e cultural cause.文化基础设施是开展文化事业的依托和载体。
6.Investigation on the Cultural Basis of the Unity of the Mainland and Taiwan from the Cultural Source of Taiwan Island;从台湾文化源头看两岸统一的文化基础
7.An Analysis of the Cultural Basis of the Plants Adoration in The Book of Songs简析《诗经》中以植物起兴的文化基础
8."Central of Zhejiang Province Urban Agglomerations" Development Strategy Based on the Culture;论“浙中城市群”发展战略的文化基础
9.Discussion about Whether Eastern Christianity Culture Should be Listed into Russian Education;“东正教文化基础”能否走进俄罗斯教育
10.The Teaching Reform about "Computer Culture Foundation";关于《计算机文化基础》课程的教学改革
11.The Design of Network Course Culture Foundation of Computer in Colleges;高校《计算机文化基础》网络课程的设计
12.To Use Archives Culture to Consolidate the Foundation of City Civilization Construction;用档案文化夯实城市文明建设的基础
13.He Culture -the Cultural Foundation of Structuring our Modern Enterprise Culture;“和文化”是构建我国现代企业文化的基础
14.Cultural and Philosophical Basis for Culture Construction of Contemporary Metropolises;论当代大都市文化建设的文化哲学基础
15.The Cultural Creation Trend --Also on Practical Basis of Cultural Creation;文化创新的走向——兼论文化创新的实践基础
16.Cultural Compromise:the Basis of Constructing Socialism Harmonious Culture文化和解:构建社会主义和谐文化的基础
17.The Confucianism thought is the foundation of the excellent Chinese traditional culture.儒家思想是中华优秀传统文化的基础。
18.The Effects of Confucian Culture on Contemporary Elementary Education in Korea儒家文化对现代韩国基础教育的影响

cultural basis文化基础
1.The Cultural Basis for the Chinese Landscape Gardening;中国皇家园林艺术的文化基础
2.For the origination of Chinese medicine, 4 agricultural production is the economic basis; the meteorology , astronomy and calendar is the scientific basis; the establishment of country and cities and consolidation of department functions is the social basis; the ancient characters is the cultural basis and the anatomical analogy is the methodological basis.农业生产是产生中医的经济基础,气象天文历法是产生中医的科学基础,国家和城池的建立及强化的方位职能是产生中医的社会学基础,古文字是产生中医的文化基础,解剖比附是产生中医的方法学基础。
3.The decline of TCM efficacy is caused by the fact that Chinese Medicine is divorced from its cultural basis, clinical Chinese Medicine divorced from differential treatment, and Chinese herbal medicines from clinical Ch.造成中医临床疗效下降的问题在于“三个脱节” ,即中医学与自身文化基础脱节 ,中医临床与辨证论治脱节 ,中药与中医临床脱节。
3)cultural base文化基础
1.Which is an important traditional cultural base for building harmonious society."孝悌"、"孝慈"、"家和万事兴"的家教文化,"和为贵"的思想理念,"天人合一"的环境文化等是构建和谐社会的重要的传统文化基础
2.Being the essence of the culture of science,its immense spiritual values stimulate and direct the whole social members,it s an important cultural base for the construction of a harmonious society,the spirit of science should be inspired highly all over the society.科学精神作为科学文化的核心和灵魂,其巨大的精神价值能够影响和激励社会成员,是构建和谐社会的重要文化基础,应该在全社会大力弘扬。
3.Constructs the socialism harmonious society the cultural base, since construction harmonious society theory and practice need to develop, also is the Chinese characteristic socialism cultural reconstruction theory and the practice need.构建社会主义和谐社会的文化基础,既是建设和谐社会理论和实践发展的需要,也是中国特色社会主义文化建设理论和实践的需要。
4)Culture Base文化基础
1.Since the beginning of the last century, China has not been implementing rule of law, which is not only a matter Of political agreement, but also lack of the culture base of the rule of law.近代以来,中国社会未能走上法治之路,不仅仅是政治认同问题,关键在于法治文化基础的缺失。
5)cultural basic course文化基础课
1.With the establishment of‘Study-oriented Society’and the penetration of the idea of‘Lifelong Learning’, the rapid progress in science and technology as well as the development of social economy put forward new requirements not only on personnel qualities but on the cultural basic courses in vocational education.随着“学习型社会”的建立、“终身学习”观念的深入人心,科学技术的日新月异和社会经济的发展对人才素质提出新要求的同时,也对职业教育中的文化基础课提出了新的要求,要求进一步明确其在职业教育中的地位并更大发挥其教育作用。
6)basic city culture城市基础文化
1.Taking national historical and cultural city——Sichuan Langzhong as example,from three aspects: geo-culture,culture of environmental shape and historical culture the resources of city image of Langzhong are analyzed from the viewpoint of basic city culture in order to provide ideas for new image creation of Langzhong in new era.以国家历史文化名城———四川阆中为例,从地缘文化、环境形态文化和历史文化三方面,从城市基础文化的角度,对其城市形象、资源进行梳理,以期为新时期下的阆中城市新形象的构想提供参考。

经济基础(见经济基础与上层建筑)经济基础(见经济基础与上层建筑)economical basis  J ingji Jiehu经济基础与上层建筑。(eeonomiealbasis)见经济基础