环境公正,environmental justice
1)environmental justice环境公正
1.Environmental Justice,Public Participation and Transportation Planning;环境公正、公众参与与交通规划
2.Since the 1980s,environmental justice has become one of the important research topics in the West academic circles.20世纪80年代以后,环境公正问题成为西方学术界的一个重要研究话题。
3.Environmental justice is just by using the principles of justice to regulate the relationship between person and person which affected by the relationship of people and nature.环境与发展之间矛盾的凸现,使得环境公正成为全球关注的重要话题。

1.Restoring Mill Creek:Landscape Literacy, Environmental Justice and City Planning and Design重建磨坊河:景观知识普及、环境公正及城市规划与设计
2.The Reasons and the Countermeasures of Environment Injustice;环境不公正现象的形成原因及其对策
3.Justice Is an Inevitable Option in Taking International Environmental Responsibilities;公正是承担国际环境责任的必然之选
4.On building up a fair and orderly telecommunication market;建立公平公正 有效有序的电信市场竞争环境
5.Third, we'll establish a clean, highly effective, fair and standard administrative environment.三是建立廉洁高效、公正规范的行政环境。
6.Institutional Environment for Realizing Fairness and Justice and Government s Functions;论实现公平正义的制度环境及其政府职能
7.Equity Among Nations--from an Angle of Environmental Ethics;论国际公正——可持续发展的环境伦理学视角
8.Discussion on justice system model on environmental ethics in sustainable development;可持续发展环境伦理观公正体系模型初探
9.Study on Balance of Equity and Efficiency of Local Environmental Legislation;论地方环境立法公正和效率价值的平衡
10.An abnormal fear of open or public places.恐旷症;陌生环境恐怖对公开或公共场合不正常的恐惧
11.Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context越境环境影响评估公约
12.Public Factors and Cultural Environment of Public Environment Sculpture;公共环境雕塑的公众因素与文化环境
13.A Study of the Theme of Environmental Justice in American Environmental Literature;美国环境文学中的环境正义主题研究
14.On the extension of environmental justice--the perspective of environmental ethics论环境正义的外延——环境伦理学的视角
15.More and more companies are realizing the value of playful work environments.越来越多的公司正在意识到玩耍娱乐和工作环境的价值。
17.The industrial management should be open, fair and just, creating and providing a healthy external environment for the growth of the enterprises.行业管理要做到公开、公平、公正,为企业发展创造和提供一个良好的外部环境。
18.The establishment of the examination system has provided an open, equal and fair environment for competition for the "access" to the ranks of lawyers.律师考试制度的建立,为律师行业“准入”提供了公开、公平、公正的竞争环境。

environment justice环境公正
1.Now the idea of justice is brought into environment management, the notion of environment justice was posed.长期以来公正是社会学、政治学和伦理学中的基本概念,现在逐渐把公正观念纳入环境管理中,提出环境公正的概念。
3)international environmental justice国际环境公正
4)generation environmental justice代际环境公正
5)environmental correction equity环境矫正公平
6)And the environmental justice代内环境公正

海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)marine physical geographic environment  haiyang ziran dili huaniing海洋自然地理环境(marin。phys、calgeograPhic environment)见自然地理环境。