成分法,component approach
1)component approach成分法
1.Calculating the ecological footprint of the iron & steel industry with a component approach成分法计算钢铁的生态足迹
2.The approaches of ecological footprint are made up of compound approach and component approach.生态足迹分析法有综合法和成分法2种。
3.The component approach of ecological footprint was used to study the ecological footprints/efficiencies of 9 university campuses in Shenyang in 2003,including Northeastern University.根据生态足迹成分法的基本原理和计算模型,计算、分析了东北大学等沈阳市九所高校2003年的校园生态足迹和生态效率。
2)factor analysis主成分法
1.This paper adopts Factor Analysis method to analyze whether MBO improve the performance of china s listed companies or not.本文采用主成分法,对1997至2004年间中国上市公司的管理层收购是否改善目标公司的经营绩效进行了分析。

1.Evaluation of Multi-projects Based on Main-element Analysis;基于主成分法的投资项目多方案评价
2.Discussing to Comprehensive Evaluation by Principal Component;对应用主成分法进行综合评价的探讨
3.Improvement of Data Processing Method in Principal Component Analysis;主成分分析法中数据处理方法的改进
4.The Web Page Recommend Algorithm based on Principal Component Analysis基于主成分分析法的Web页面推荐算法
5.KPCA extracting principal component with nonlinear method is an improved conventional PCA.核主成分分析方法是主成分分析的改进算法,其采用非线性方法提取主成分。
6.Application of principal component analysis method in cost analysis for gold mine;主成分分析法在黄金矿山成本分析中的应用
8.Research on Face Recognition Methods Based on Principal Component Analysis;基于主成分分析的人脸识别方法研究
9.The Application of Principal Component Analysis Method in Urban Land Evaluation;城镇土地评价中主成分分析法的应用
10.University EHR System Based on Main Component Analysis;基于主成分分析法的高校EHR系统
11.The Principal Component Analysis Method of the Water Quality Assessment in Rivers;河流水质综合评价之主成分分析方法
12.Ear Recognition Based on Principle Component Analysis基于主成分分析的人耳识别方法研究
13.Attributes reduction by rough set with PCA based on tolerant relation容错粗糙主成分分析的属性约简方法
14.Moving shadow detection method based on PCA基于主成分分析的运动阴影检测算法
15.LS-SVM Regression Based on KPCA基于核主成分KPCA的LS-SVM的算法分析
16.Detecting gross errors in DEM of regular data based on PCA基于主成分分析法的DEM粗差定位
17.Principal Componnent Evaluation--A Multivariate Evaluate Method Expanded from Principal Component Analysis;主成分分析用于多指标评价的方法研究——主成分评价
18.Application of Primary Component Analysis in the Methods of Comprehensive Evaluation for many Indexes;主成分分析法在多指标综合评价方法中的应用

factor analysis主成分法
1.This paper adopts Factor Analysis method to analyze whether MBO improve the performance of china s listed companies or not.本文采用主成分法,对1997至2004年间中国上市公司的管理层收购是否改善目标公司的经营绩效进行了分析。
3)Shared method分成法
4)syntax ingredient句法成分
1.He gave many examples including parts of speech understanding,phrase structure,syntax ingredient and sentence pattern.《四书章句集注》中,朱熹对一些语法现象有所认识,注解中有许多解释语法的例子,有对词类的认识,有对词组结构的分析,有对句法成分的认识,有对句式句型的分析。
5)principal component analysis主成分法
1.Application of principal component analysis in evaluating nutritional status of preschool children;用主成分法评价学龄前儿童的营养状况
2.A study of spectral features of stands and their related factors with principal component analysis;用主成分法进行林分及相关因子光谱特征研究
6)grammatical elements语法成分
1.This paper studies the sound variations of grammatical elements of the Jin dialects in seven counties along the Yellow River in the north of Shaartxi province,which include 3 types: 1) those caused by the fluctuations of the semantic and grammatical functions;2) those resulting from the borrowing of grammatical elements from one another among different dialects; 3) those with other causes.本文考察陕北晋语黄河沿岸方言语法成分的语音变异。

法性属法为法性土【法性属法为法性土】  谓真如法性之理,譬如虚空,遍一切处,乃是法身所证之体,即为所依之土,故名法性属法,为法性土。