代内公平,intragenerational equity
1)intragenerational equity代内公平
1.This paper discusses some environmental equity theories and practice, which is put forward by foreign specialists , including intragenerational equity and intergenerational equity.介绍了国内外专家学者提出的一些环境公平理论和国外的实践情况,主要从代内公平、代际公 平的角度,针对享有资源的权利和保护环境的义务之间的对等原则展开讨论,并结合实际情况,提出我国环境可持 续发展的几点建议。
2.Accordingly, the equity value of law should be the reunion of intragenerational equity and intergenerational equity.在此时代背景下,法律的公平价值体现为代内公平与代际公平的统
3.This paper begins with the origin of environmental equity to discuss some related theories from the angle of intragenerational equity (.本文首先从代内公平(包括国内公平、国际公平)和代际公平的角度来研究环境公平,从环境公平的起源入手,对现有国内外环境公平理论进行了阶段性的归纳和分析,通过进行理论整合并得出了相应结论。
2)intra-generational equity代内公平
1.Equity is the soul of social security,including intra-generational equity and inter-generational equity,inequity will lead to loss of welfare losses.公平包括代内公平和代际公平,公平的缺失会导致福利的损失。
2.From the ecological and ethical point of view,the water pollution in Taihu Lake reflects at least two ethical relationship____ the relations between the economic development and the environmental protection,the relations between intra-generational equity and inter-generational equity.从生态伦理道德角度上讲,太湖水污染至少折射出两层伦理关系,即经济发展与环境保护、代内公平与代际公平之间的关系。
3)intra-generation and inter-generation equity代内与代际公平
4)justness in the era代内公正
1.In reality,with the aim of performing the "justness in the era " of ecological ethics and solving the global environment problem,we should not only use the factors of non-capital and non-market,but also,we should abolish private ownership,persist to be guided by the scientific developing view of "people-oriented",and go with the socialist humanism.资本主义生产方式使生态伦理倡导的“代内公正”在实践中陷入困境。

1.The Difficult Position and Real Selection on the "Justness In the Era" of Ecological Ethics;生态伦理“代内公正”的困境与现实选择
2.Discussion at the Society Impartial in the Important Thought of "Three Represents" Theory;“三个代表”重要思想公正内容解读
3.On the Implications of Justice and Different Levels of Justice;论公正概念的内涵和公正的领域层次
4.The Effect of System Justification and Implicit Activation of the Justice Motive;系统公正化效应及公正动机的内隐激活
5.Developing Open and Fair Electronic Seal System发展公开、公正的第三代电子印章系统
6.The idea of modem administrative justice holds the balance between all interests, but the unlimited extension of power makes it extremely easy to dissimilate the idea.现代行政公正理念内蕴各方利益的均衡,而权力的无限扩张本性使之极易异化。
7.Post-modern Justice View and Its Implicaitons to the Construction of Judicial Justice后现代正义观及其对司法公正建构的启示
8.The process through which information gets spread unofficially throughout the company.信息在公司内迅速非正式传播的过程。
9.Rural Compulsory Education of China in the Perspective of Fair Society;社会公正视野内的中国农村义务教育
10.Social Justice:the Inherent Requirement of the Essence of Socialism;社会公正:社会主义本质的内在要求
11.Review of Standpoints in China s Research on Justice;国内公正理论研究立足点的研究综述
12.The Specific Connotation of Government Administrative Justice During Social Transformation;论社会转型时期行政公正的特定内涵
14.It is the decadence of the modern bull that has made bullfighting possible.正是现代公牛的退化使斗牛成为可能。
15.The public security bureau is pressing for a new identity card for inhabitants.公安局正在催办新一代居民身份证。
16.Just Thinking of Marx and Engels and Contemporary Values;马克思恩格斯公正思想及其当代价值
17.On Marx s Ideas about Justice and Its Enlightenment under Cotemporary Context;当代视野的马克思公正思想及其启示
18.Social Justice Issues in Contemporary Chinese Class Division;当代中国阶层分化中的社会公正问题

intra-generational equity代内公平
1.Equity is the soul of social security,including intra-generational equity and inter-generational equity,inequity will lead to loss of welfare losses.公平包括代内公平和代际公平,公平的缺失会导致福利的损失。
2.From the ecological and ethical point of view,the water pollution in Taihu Lake reflects at least two ethical relationship____ the relations between the economic development and the environmental protection,the relations between intra-generational equity and inter-generational equity.从生态伦理道德角度上讲,太湖水污染至少折射出两层伦理关系,即经济发展与环境保护、代内公平与代际公平之间的关系。
3)intra-generation and inter-generation equity代内与代际公平
4)justness in the era代内公正
1.In reality,with the aim of performing the "justness in the era " of ecological ethics and solving the global environment problem,we should not only use the factors of non-capital and non-market,but also,we should abolish private ownership,persist to be guided by the scientific developing view of "people-oriented",and go with the socialist humanism.资本主义生产方式使生态伦理倡导的“代内公正”在实践中陷入困境。
5)justice connotation公平内涵
6)internal equity内部公平
1.This article reveals the issue of internal equity of salary by T environmental protection corporation in Zhejiang province as case study,under interviews and document analysis,etc.研究结果表明:企业薪酬存在内部公平性问题。

-戊内酯、3-甲基丁内酯、咖吗-戊内酯CAS: 108-29-2 分子式: C5H8O2 分子质量: 100.12 沸点: 207-208℃ 熔点: -31-208℃ 中文名称: 4-戊内酯、γ-戊内酯、3-甲基丁内酯、咖吗-戊内酯 英文名称: dihydro-5-methyl-2(3H)-Furanone、dihydro-5-methyl-2(3h)-furanon、4-hydroxypentanoic acid lactone、4-hydroxyvaleric acid lactone、4-methyl-gamma-butyrolactone、gamma-methyl-gamma-butyrolactone、gamma-valerolakton 性质描述: 无色至微黄色液体。凝固点-31℃,沸点205-206.5℃,83-84℃(1.73kPa),相对密度(25/25℃)1.0578,折光率(nD25)1.4301。能与水、许多有机溶剂、树脂和蜡等混溶。10%水溶液的pH为4.2。 生产方法: 由不饱和羧酸通过闭环反应来合成,例如乙酰乙酸与硫酸共热,或乙酰丙酸在镍、铜等催化剂存在下加氢。 用途: γ-戊内酯有较强的反应能力,可用作树脂溶剂及各种有关化合物的中间体。也用作润滑剂、增塑剂、非离子型表面活性剂的胶凝剂、加铅汽油的内酯类添加剂,用于纤维素酯和合成纤维的染色。γ-戊内酯具有香兰素和椰子香味。我国GB2760-86规定为允许使用的食用香料。主要用以配制桃、椰子、香草等型香精。