自然力,Natural force
1)Natural force自然力
1.The moveable laws of man-land aystem are controlled by coupling natural force with social force.自然力、社会力是人地系统演替的动力,自然力和社会力的耦合控制导致不同时空条件下人地系统特殊的运行规律。
2.Secondly, value is a criterion to the “compensable” consumption of manpower, but the natural force which hides in machinery and replaces manpower is “free”, so the contribution that machinery offers doesn’t create value.(2)价值是对人力“有偿”耗费的评价,寓于机器之中并用以替代人力的自然力是“无偿”的,因而机器提供的贡献并不创造价值。
3.The three sources of economic remainders were: the free supply of natural forces, human intelligence taps natural forces deeply, and the cooperation of production s factors.自然力的无偿提供、人类智力对自然力的深入挖掘和生产要素间的协同与合作是经济剩余的三个来源。

1.suggesting the operation of supernatural influences.表明超自然力影响的。
2.not produced by natural forces.不是自然力量产生的。
3.harness natural forces and resources.利用自然力和资源力产生动力。
4.effected by force or injury rather than natural causes.非自然力的暴力或强力所致的。
5.Natural Science and Pure Natural Force in the Process of Value Increment;价值增殖过程中的自然科学与单纯的自然力
6.To summon a devil by magic or supernatural power.施妖术用魔力或超自然力召唤魔鬼
7.A Literature Review on The Theory of Natural Forces--A Reflection on Natural Forces Economics;关于自然力理论的文献评述——自然力经济学研究中的思考
8.any art that invokes supernatural powers.调用超自然力的任何技术。
9.vis medicatrix naturae [ medi5keitriks nei5tju:ri: ]【医】自然治愈力, 自愈力
10.physical force or magnetic attraction found in nature(自然界的)力,磁力,引力
11.self-restoring capacity of nature自然的自我恢复能力
12.physical capacity of the natural environment自然环境物质负荷能力
13.He was making a visible effort to control himself.他显然在努力控制自己。
14.ability to move spontaneously and independently.自然或独立运动的能力。
15.She had an eye for the beauty of nature.她有鉴赏自然美的眼力。
16.Let us close in on nature and come to grips with her.让我们接近大自然并努力对付大自然吧!
17.You can not strive to be above nature, and still be yourself.你不能力争在自然之上,而同时依然是你自己。
18.The Relationship Between the Developments of Natural Science and Productivity as Viewed from the Development of History;从自然科学的发展看自然科学与生产力的关系

Natural forces自然力
1.The initiation of this discipline provides a more massive natural forces theoretical basis for the social economic sustainable development.自然力经济学是一门崭新的交叉性学科领域,这一学科的开创为社会经济可持续发展奠定了更加厚重的自然力理论基础。
2.Its economic nature is the natural forces economics theory: P=f(N,E), P=2N+3, P=KE aN b, I=E/N .农林业是自然再生产和经济再生产相互交织的过程 ,其经济本质是自然力经济学原理 :P=f (N ,E)、P=2 N+3、P=KEa Nb、I=E/ N。
3.In fact,however,in a lot of works by Marx,a lot of space is devoted to expounding the relationship between natural forces and productive forces in an all-round way and explicitly advances the scientific proposition that all productive forces boil down to natural forces.在传统的生产力理论中,没有自然力的一席之地,从而带来了生产力理论研究和现实发展中的一些问题。
1.From the ancient myth we can intensely feel the constraint that man transcends the nature, and the will idea and the spirit that man creates existence circumstances.从上古神话我们可以强烈地感受到人类超越自然力的制约和压抑,去开创自由生存境界的意志理念和精神品格。
4)natural resultant force自然合力
5)Natural fertility自然肥力
1.Economic fertility of soil is a combined formati on of artificial and natural fertility.土地肥力是土地的客观属性 ;土地肥力包括了许多要素 ;具有肥力的土地是农业基本生产资料 ;土地自然肥力是自然历史过程的产物 ;土地经济肥力是人工肥力和自然肥力的统一体 ;科学技术在土地肥力发展中起着十分重要的作用 ;自然土壤向农业土壤的转化和发展 ,是人类生活和生产发展的必然产
6)natural stretch自然弹力
