科学执政,scientific administration
1)scientific administration科学执政
1.Review and Consideration of Research on CPC s Scientific Administration;中国共产党科学执政研究的回顾与思考
2.The prerequisites of scientific administration are following the regular patterns of parties and following the regular patterns of the ruling party,and its basic demand is strengthening the consciousness of the ruling party and positioning accurately.科学执政应当坚持两个前提,一是应当遵循政党的一般规律;二是应当遵循执政党的一般规律。

1.Be in power with scientific methods、democraticmethods and be in power by laws;解读科学执政、民主执政、依法执政
2.Understanding The Philosophical Connotation of "Scientific Ruling, Democratic Ruling ,and Ruling by Law";解读“科学执政、民主执政、依法执政”的哲学内涵
3.Governing Scientifically,Democratically and by Law: Dialectical Unify;论科学执政、民主执政和依法执政之辩证统一
4.Connotation and Relation: Scientific Governing and Democratic Governing and Governing by Law;科学执政、民主执政、依法执政的内涵及其关系
5.The Law on Administrative Licenses and the Government s Law -Based Administration;科学执政、民主执政中的依法执政基本途径
6.Perfecting the Ruling Mode by Ruling Scientifically, Democratically and Legally;坚持科学执政民主执政依法执政完善党的执政方式
7.Procedure Construction is the Only Way to Be in Power Scientifically and Democratically, to Be in Power Occording to Law;程序化建设:科学执政、民主执政、依法执政的必由之路
8.Sticking to Scientific, Democratic and Legal Administration; Strengthening and Improving CPC s Way of Leading and Administrating;坚持科学执政、民主执政、依法执政 全面加强和改进党的领导方式和执政方式
9.Intellectualization of Politics:the Foundation for Scientific Government--An Enlightenment from the Gains and Losses in Historical Politics;政治知识化:科学执政之基——历史政治得失的启示
10.Review and Consideration of Research on CPC s Scientific Administration;中国共产党科学执政研究的回顾与思考
11.Exercising the State Power according to the Law Is the Correct Choice for Ruling Party S Scientific Administration;依法执政:执政党执政方式的科学化
12.The concept of scientific development: a scientic concept of politics as a philosophy of governing;科学发展观:作为执政哲学的科学的政治观
13.Historical Reflections on the Scientific Ruling Way and Ruling Ability Construction;执政方式科学化与执政能力建设的历史思考
14.The scientific fixed position of the party-in-power s functions and the selection of being in power s styles;执政党功能的科学定位与执政方式的选择
15.Scientific Party-Government Relation Promoting Party s Power to Exercise its Governance/Administration;科学构建党政关系 加强党的执政能力
16.Concept of Scientific Development and the Use and Protection of Govern Resource;科学发展观与执政资源的使用和保护
17.Adhering to the View of Scientific Development and Enhancing the CPC s Governance Capability;坚持科学发展观与提高党的执政能力
18.Scientific Viewpoint of Development Is a Leap in the Ruling Idea of the Communist Party;科学发展观:共产党执政理念的飞跃

scientific governance科学执政
1.From the scientific governance, the democratic governance, and the legal governance, this paper analyzes the hardship consciousness during the current construction of the Party’s ability of governance and probes into the countermeasures of strengthening the hardship consciousness, enhancing the construction of the Party’s ability of governance so as to construct the socialist harmonious society.从科学执政、民主执政、依法执政的角度,分析当前党在执政能力建设中所引发的忧患意识。
2.The Party adopted "scientific governance、democratic governance、legal governance"mode in The Fourth Plenary Session of The Sixteenth Central Committee.党的十六届四中全会提出的科学执政、民主执政、依法执政的执政方式,体现了现阶段我国社会主义政治文明建设的基本内涵和本质要求;加强党的执政能力建设,努力探索、不断完善科学执政、民主执政、依法执政的执政方式,是进一步推动我国社会主义政治文明建设的根本保障。
3.Social harmony is the ultimate goal of the scientific governance.社会和谐发展是科学执政的根本目标,执政党不仅要通过好的经济政策,而且也要通过好的社会政策来推进社会的和谐发展。
3)scientific governing科学执政
1.The guiding thought of scientific governing and democratic governing and governing by law,raised in the 4~(th) session of the 16~(th) National Congress of CPC,has fundamentally solved the problems to how to govern and what to be depended upon.党的十六届四中全会提出了科学执政、民主执政、依法执政的指导思想,从根本上解决了党怎样执政和靠什么执政的问题。
4)Scientific Ruling科学执政
1.Two Issues Concerning the Study of Scientific Ruling;关于科学执政研究的两个问题
5)ruling scienc执政科学性
6)scientific ruling way执政方式科学化
1.The question of scientific ruling way is one major issue for the communist party in power to be exploring in the International Communist Movement.毛泽东在执政方式科学化的探索中既有突出贡献也有一些失误。

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