同一律,law of identity
1)law of identity同一律
1.Visualization of a axonometric projection conforms to the law of identity of imaginal thinking, If conforming to the law of identity, it have to conforms to the principle of similarity、continuity and proximity(three principles).轴测投影的直观遵循形象思维的同一律,而要遵循同一律,又必须遵循相似原则、连续原则、接近原则(三原则),符合三原则的图形看上去位于同一平面。
2.The law of identity is to substitute the object concepts from the opposites by seeking common ground.抽象思维是遵循同一律 ,运用抽象思维方法 ,操作抽象语词代换、把握对象观念 ,建构用抽象逻辑结构起来的思维成果的逻辑规律型代换思维。
3.By reviewing the development of law of identity and law of contradiction, I summarized how these two laws developed in ancient China.通过对中国古代著作中同一律、矛盾律的理论回顾,从逻辑学的角度分析了同一律与儒家“正名”思想的渊源以及先秦思想家应用矛盾律时遇到的问题,并对同一律、矛盾律在中西双方的发展作了比较研究。

1.About Ma Te s View of the Law of Identity;评马特的《同一律》——歧义谬误、概念混淆
2.The Relations between Law of the Unity of Opposites and Law of the Coordination of the Differences;论对立统一规律与差异协同律的关系
3.Without it, we would find it impossible to work together with one heart and one mind for the realization of our goals.同心同德,一心一意,没有纪律不行。
4.All people, without reference to age or sex, get equal pay for equal work.所有的人,不分男女老少,一律同工同酬。
5.the doctrine that the various objects labeled by the same term have nothing in common but their name.具有相同名称的不同物体只有名字相同其他方面一律不同。
6.My lawyer instructs me that the contract will be signed on Monday.我的律师通知我合同将于星期一签订。
7.The lawyer drew up a contract for the sale of the property.律师起草了一份房产出售合同。
8.Once enter Into , a contract be enforceable by law .合同一经签署,就应依照法律实施。
9.He told the lawyer to tear up the old contract and prepare a new one.他告诉律师撤销旧合同,制订一份新的。
10.resolve a legal dispute by mutual agreement相互同意解决一法律上的争端
11.The same principle is at work in federal law.同一原则在联邦法律中起了作用。
12.in conformance with justice or law or morality.同正义、法律和道德相一致。
13.The laws of resemblance of the child to its parents are the same.子代和亲代相似性之定律是同一的。
14.The new law discriminates between men and women新法律对男子和妇女不一视同仁。
15.We are engaged in a legal tussle with a large pharmaceutical company.我们正同一家大制药公司闹法律纠纷。
16.Analysis on the Elements of "the Same Legal Relation" for the Establishment of the Lien;论留置权成立要件之“同一法律关系”
17.Analysis of the Reason for and Solution of the Invalidity of Identity Replacement Law;同一替换律失效原因及解决方案剖析
18.On the Lagal Application of Contracts -Unitary theory and dpege;论合同的法律适用——统一论和分割论

the law of identity同一律
1.Understanding correctly Hegel s criticism upon "the law of identity;正确理解黑格尔对同一律的批评
2.The great logician Aristotle put forward the three basic logic laws: the law of identity,the law of contradiction and the law of excluded middle,but their current statement is not scientific.伟大的逻辑学家亚里士多德提出了逻辑的三个基本规律:同一律、矛盾律和排中律,然而逻辑基本规律的现有表述并不科学。
3)identity law同一律
1.Using identity law in paper writing,the consistency of papers can be ensured and the paper can be made more persuasive.同一律的基本内容是指在同一思维的过程中保持自身思维的同一性和在特定的语言环境中保持与他人思维的一致性。
2.During investigation and interrogation,applying identity law correctly is helpful to the setup of reasonable questions around interrogation gist,to the surveillance of the suspect s answer and confession,to the identification and refutation of the suspect s sophistry.侦查讯问中,正确地运用同一律,有助于围绕讯问主旨合理地设置问题,对犯罪嫌疑人的回答(或供述)进行监控,可及时地识别、驳斥犯罪嫌疑人的诡辩。
4)Identity Replacement Law同一替换律
1.Analysis of the Reason for and Solution of the Invalidity of Identity Replacement Law;同一替换律失效原因及解决方案剖析
6)identical law system同一法律体系
