文化自信,cultural confidence
1)cultural confidence文化自信
1.Cultural Confidence & Modern Chinese Education;文化自信与现代汉语教育
2.For the development of Wushu,we should regain our cultural confidence,establish our pride of our nation,and select a course suitable for our own development.武术发展要克服文化自卑,加强民族文化自信,选准一条适合自己发展的道路。
3.In order to enhance the cultural confidence of Wushu Sanda education,the article aims at establishing the herited cultural notions of Wushu moral for development,setting ethical evaluation criterion of Wushu education,forming aprofessional mode of Da and training,exploring the educational model of Wushu Sanda with national characteristics.为了提升武术散打教育的文化自信力,应树立发展性的武德文化传承理念,建立本土化的武术散打评价标准,建构专业化的"打练一体"活动样式,探索具有民族文化个性的武术散打教育模式。

1.Men nowadays must build up self-confidence and proper pride of national culture, mainly advocating our own nationalism.当代人要树立文化自信心和自尊心,全力提倡文化的民族主义。
2.The Research On Traditional Wushu Development from The Angle of Wushu Cultural Confidence and Consciousness;从武术文化自信与自觉的角度谈传统武术的发展
3.Rebuild Cultural confidence Stick to Artistic Noumenon重建文化自信 坚守艺术本体——国家舞台艺术精品工程评选感悟
4.Cultural Challenge and Cultural Self-Confidence in the Context of Globalization;全球化语境下文化的挑战与文化的自信
5.Cultural development of Wushu: from self-counsiousness to modernization中国武术文化发展视阈:从自知自信走向现代化
6.“Overconfidence” and Its Cross-Cultural Variation;“过分自信”的研究及其跨文化差异
7.Margin and Self-Confidence--On the cultural phenomena of Zhaotong down the ages;边缘与自信——历史上的昭通文化现象
8.And knowledge of your own culture allows you to learn about other cultures with confidence.对自身文化有了透彻了解,我们才能充满自信地接触其他文化。
9.This is because I have absolute confidence and I value Chinese culture.因为我有自信,我更珍视中华文化的价值。
10.Culture Factors Influencing Voluntary Disclosure by Listed Companies;上市公司自愿信息披露的文化因素影响分析
11.On Regional Cross-Cultural Psychology of Self-consistency and Interpersonal Trust自我和谐与人际信任的区域跨文化心理学研究
12.Current Situations of Librarian Services and Its Automation Construction in the New Period论图书馆文献信息服务现状与自动化建设
13.They are a superstitious and devout people, seeing their culture and beliefs as both infallible and inseparable.他们是迷信而虔诚的,认为自己的文化和信仰从无谬误密不可分。
14.Nature,Culture,and Natural Heritage:Toward a Culture of Nature自然、文化和自然遗产:走向自然之文化
15.On the Relationship between the Cultivation of Honesty Civilization in Universities and Construction of Harmonious Campus;诚信文化与高校诚信文化建设的路径
16.Cultural identity,cultural awareness and construction of harmonious cultures;文化认同、文化自觉与和谐文化的构建
17.Our Chinese is sure of ourselves that we can use our profound traditional culture and never stopped and aggressive spirit to create the reborn civilization.我们中国人自信,用我们自己深厚的传统文化,锐意进取的开拓精神,一定会创造出更新的文明。
18.Electronic mail and filing permit a user to compose and transmit a message on an office automation system.电子邮件和文件允许用户在办公自动化系统上编写和传送信息。

cultural self-confidence文化的自信
3)Credibility culture诚信文化
1.The credibility culture is the mor- al basis of harmonious culture,and even becomes the moral basis in constructing harmonious society.和谐社会的建立需要文化的支撑,诚信文化是和谐文化的道德基础,更是构建和谐社会的道德基础,对于建立和谐人际关系,维护市场秩序,提升政府公信力等具有重要作用,是保证我国政治、经济、文化和社会建设协调发展的精神支撑。
2.Although its connotation differs in different times and financial conditions, credibility culture has its own inheritance and continuity.诚信文化是一个不断发展的动态概念,在不同时代不同的经济条件下,诚信文化的内涵虽然不尽相同,但本身有它的继承性和连续性。
4)Credit culture诚信文化
1.Through the analysis of engineering projects traits and the parties responsibilities on the projects safety, it is considered that the defects of the institution and the lack of credit culture are the root causes for the safety accidents.通过对工程项目特点的分析和对参与项目建设当事人对工程质量安全的影响归因分析,认为,制度安排的缺陷及诚信文化缺失是我国建设工程质量安全事故频繁发生的根本原因。
5)Cultural information文化信息
1.Thoughts on the Development of "Cultural Information Resources Sharing Engineering";关于“共享工程”文化信息资源建设的若干构想
2.By analyzing a lot of translation examples, it proves that it is inevitable to lose some cultural information in Chinese English translation of social deixical items.通过大量译例分析 ,论证了社交指示语在汉英翻译过程中所含文化信息丢失的必然性。
3.Like literature works,EST discourses carry a large amount of cultural information.与文学作品一样,科技语篇同样负载着大量的文化信息。
6)Information culture信息文化
1.On the college information culture construction in the era of digitization;论数字化时代高校信息文化的构建
2.On the Management Information Culture System of Enterprises in Liangshan Prefecture;凉山州企业信息文化系统探析
3.Information Culture on the Ideological and Political Education and Countermeasures信息文化对高校思想政治教育的影响及对策
