人与自然的和谐,harmony between man and nature
1)harmony between man and nature人与自然的和谐
1.The author,looking at the harmony between man and nature from an .从生态视角透观人与自然的和谐,文章认为这只是人性完善的逻辑起点与基本方式,要完成人之为人,尚有许多路要走。

1.Harmony between Human and Nature:Foundation for Constructing Harmonious Society人与自然的和谐:构建和谐社会的基础
2.Nature-human Integration and Harmonious Society:Mankind s Harmonious Existence with Nature;“天人合一”与和谐社会——兼论人与自然的和谐相处
3.Taking Human Orientation to Promote Harmonious Development between Man and Nature;以人为本,促进人与自然的和谐发展
4.Harmony Between Man and Nature:Research Development in Eco-harmony of Harmonious Society人与自然的和谐:生态和谐关系研究进展
5.Seeking a Harmonious Human-Nature Relationship: An Analysis on Thoreau s Ambivalent Natural View;寻求人与自然的和谐—试析梭罗矛盾的自然观
6.Human and Nature in Harmony--Suggestions from the Bai Embroidery Pattern;人与自然的和谐——白族刺绣纹样的启示
7.Carefully Examine the Harmonious Development of Human and Nature under the Function of Science and Technology;审视科技作用下人与自然的和谐发展
8.The Basis of Establishing a Harmonious Society:Harmony between Human and Nature;构建和谐社会的基础:人与自然和谐
10.The Model of Natural Power--the Mathematical Demonstration of HarmoniousRelation between Human and Nature;自然能模型——人与自然和谐的数理证译
11.Harmonious relationship between man and nature;民胞物与——论人与自然、人与人的和谐
12.The Relation of Human Beings in Harmony with Nature and Society;论人与自然和谐以及人与社会和谐的关系
13.Man is an integral part of nature:the cultural connotation of harmony between man and nature;天人合一:人与自然和谐的文化意涵
14.The human and the natural harmony is together:Constructs harmonious social the foundation;人与自然和谐相处是构建和谐社会的基础
15.A Harmonious Society Requires Construction of Harmony Between Human and Nature;和谐社会呼唤构建和谐的人与自然关系
16.The Harmonious Development of Man and Nature Is the Foundation Stone of Building a Harmonious Society;人与自然和谐发展是构建和谐社会的基石
17.A harmonious relation between human and nature and a concordant coexistence with nature is required to build up a concordant basin.建设和谐流域,就是要处理好人与自然的关系,与自然和谐相处。
18.On the Evolution of Views of Nature and the Strategy of Harmonious Coexistence between Humans and Nature;论自然观的嬗变及人与自然和谐相处的方略

harmony between human and nature人与自然的和谐
1.The aesthetic spirit in Chinese landscape paintings is harmony between human and nature,with philosophical basis of "integration of man and nature".中国山水画的美学精神是人与自然的和谐,它的思维模式和哲学基础是"天人合一"。
3)harmonious development between human and nature人与自然的和谐发展
1.The harmonious development between human and nature is one of the basic viewpoints of scientific development.人与自然的和谐发展是科学发展观的重要体现之一。
4)original harmony between man and nature人与自然的本原性和谐
1.Various theories on Beauty of Nature, especially the theory of "humanized nature", have more or less ignored an important reason why nature is beautiful: the original harmony between man and nature.以往的种种自然美理论 ,特别是“自然人化”说都程度不同地忽略了自然之所以美的一个重要原因 :人与自然的本原性和谐。
5)Theoretical Analysis on the Relation between Human and Nature论人与自然的和谐
6)harmony between human and nature人与自然和谐
1.The essence of harmony between human and nature is the full development of human,and the aim of environmental law of harmony between human and nature is the balance of environmental benefits.人与自然和谐的哲学本质是人的全面发展,其法制目标是人的环境利益平衡。

国际自然与自然资源保护联盟  由有志于自然保护的各国家成员、其他合作机构和有关的科学工作者组成。建于1948年。多年来,它与世界野生生物基金会、联合国各机构、各区域性组织和其他重要团体密切合作,开展全球性自然资源保护活动,属下有包括116个国家的537个会员组织。联盟大会、理事会和各专业委员会是其管理机构。执行机构为秘书处,总部设在瑞士的格兰德。下设由150多名专家组成的6个专业委员会,即:生态委员会,教育委员会,环境规划委员会,环境政策、法律、行政管理委员会,国家公园及保护区委员会;另外还有各种特设小组或由著名专家为审议重大问题而组成的顾问小组。联盟在非洲、中南美洲、北美洲与加勒比海、东亚、西亚、澳大利亚及大西洋、东欧、西欧等 8个地区还设区域顾问。联盟秘书处负责指导、督促各委员会及各区顾问的工作;推动各项计划的实施;支持各种项目的实施;组织制订保护法规等。全体会员代表大会每3年召开一次,选举新的主席和执行主席,研讨各种有关自然保护的技术问题。1979年,中国以国务院环境保护办公室的名义参加这个国际组织。1984年10月 5日联盟理事会第15次会议,通过决议接纳中国野生动物保护协会为联盟非政符团体会员。