生态人,ecological man
1)ecological man生态人
1.Man's dream of "poetically ideal inhabitation" may come true only when,above all,the prevalent "economical man" is converted into the "ecological man.人类要实现"诗意栖居"的生存理想,应当首先将社会普遍存在的"经济人"转变为"生态人"。
2.In the human ecological system ecological man may be either an actor or a recipient.生态人是处于生态系统之中的人,是日常人,是人的社会性和自然性的统一体现。
3.Only ecological man in environment and resources law can help mankind realize harmonious between of man and nature,so,the man model in environment and resources law is ecological man.生态人假设旨在克服经济人与社会人假设本身无法弥补的缺陷,建立一种既有利于人的全面发展,又有利于人与自然和谐发展的全新的价值判断标准,并以此作为环境资源法人性观的逻辑起点。

1.An Analysis of Ecological Person as Ideal Personality in Eco-criticism of Literature;生态学批评中的理想人格——“生态人”之分析
2.The Reflection on Human Ecological Security from the Perspective of Ecological Anthropology生态人类学视野下的人类生态安全思考
3.An Eco-anthropological and Restoration-Ecological Study on Wild Horses Restoration at Home of Zhunggar Basin;野马野放的生态人类学与恢复生态学研究
4.Ecological Concept of Value and "Ecological Transformation" of Contemporary Outlook on Life;生态价值理念与当代人生观的“生态化”
5.The Biological Prospect of Human Civilization and the Construction of Biological Civilization;人类文明的生态走向及生态文明构建
6.The Man s Niche Determination in Enterprise Ecology System;商业企业生态系统中人的生态位界定
7.On the Nature of Human Ecological Existence and Zhuangzi s Ecological Intelligence;人的生态存在本性与庄子的生态智慧
8.The Reproduction of Ecological Productivity and the Compensation of Artificial Ecology and Green GNP;生态生产力再生产与人工生态补偿及绿色GNP
9.a morbid fear of men.对男人产生病态恐惧。
10.The Ecological Ideology of Literature From The Speech by MAO Ze-dong;人民·生活·生态——从《讲话》出发的文艺生态思维
11.Weak Ecology of Villages--On Shen Congwen s Ecological Thinking of the Negative Side of Life in West Hunan;乡村弱生态——沈从文对湘西人生负面的生态思考
13.3D Dynamic Simulation of Motion Morphology of Bionic Robot;仿生机器人运动形态的三维动态仿真
14.Another Form of Environmental Philosophy: Human Ecology(the first half);环境哲学的另类形态:人文生态学(下)
15.Educational Form of "Humanistic Competence" and Its Knowledge Ecology;“人文素质”的教育形态及其知识生态
16.Another Form of Environmental Philosophy: Human Ecology (the first half);环境哲学的另类形态:人文生态学(上)
17.The Historical Evolution of Men s Attitude to the Nature and the Ecological Environment;人对自然态度的历史嬗变与生态环境
18.Highlighting Natural Ecology and Spiritual Ecology--An Analysis of Sons and Lovers from the Perspective of Ecocriticism关注自然生态与精神生态——《儿子与情人》的生态批评

ecological person生态人
1.With ideal personality,an ecological person should have the awareness of finity,death,awe and deformity.与此相适应,作为一种理想人格而出现的"生态人",具有有限性意识、死亡意识、敬畏意识和不完整意识等基本限定,它也是人类自我认识过程中的一个阶段但非最后形态。
2.The paper analyzes the limitation of the theory about economic person in environment protection,and points out the realistic possibility of ecological person.本文分析了"经济人"在环境保护方面的思维缺陷,论述了"生态人"产生的现实可能性,界定了"生态人"概念的内涵与特征,阐述了"生态人"理论提出的理论意义和现实意义。
3.Therefore,the article holds that "ecological person" ought not to be taken as pre-set of human nature of environment law for the time being.以这样的基本要求为工具审视环境法理论界的"生态人"理论,就能看出学者们共同采用了"应然模式",没有注意区分"环境法的人性预设"与"环境伦理的人性要求",且普遍存在不忠实于现实人性,不符合环境法人性预设的基本要求。
3)human ecology人文生态
1.Re-establishing human ecology has double effects: providing cultural basis for harmony between human and nature and realistic basis of hu- man h.环境哲学的人文生态学转向乃是人类在解决自然生态的进程中求助于人性化的生产方式、交往方式和生活方式的必然结果,人类正确对待自然的观念方式、政治方式、制度方式和行为方式是解决自然生态的根本出路,也是试图拥有真正人的生活的一种努力。
2.While paying attention to the development and protection of natural ecology, care must be taken to the development and protection of human ecology, which is of great significance to the development of the western area.西部大开发中 ,一方面应注意自然生态的建设与保护 ,同时也应注意人文生态的建设与保护 ,人文生态的建设与保护对西部地区的发展意义重大 ,因此应加强人文生态建设与保护的对策研究。
4)humanistic ecology人文生态
1.The purpose of this thesis is to examine the construction of harmonious society from the perspective of the integration of nature ecology and humanistic ecology, which a new notion about the development of harmonious society, posed by Central Committee of C.本文的主旨是从自然生态与人文生态和谐统一的角度出发,探讨和分析最近党中央提出的构建和谐社会这一关于人类社会发展的新理念。
5)ecology personality生态人格
1.The solution ecology crisis basic outlet lies in the cultivation of ecology personality.生态人格是道德人格的一种新型要求,是环境道德素养内化为人的道德良知后形成的一种道德人格样态,是一个人对待人与自然之间的道德关系、生活方式所持的具有个性特征的确定的态度和立场。
6)ecologic population生态人口

生态人生态人生态人是指具备生态意识,并在经济与社会活动中能够做到尊重自然生态规律,约束个人与集体行为,实现经济与社会持续发展、人与自然和谐相处的个人或群体。 生态人是与%26#8220;经济人%26#8221;和%26#8220;理性人%26#8221;相对应的,它是循环经济学、可持续发展经济学、生态文化学对其研究对象的称谓。与理性人和经济人相比,它是一种更加符合人类本质的理论设定。从人类社会%26#8212;经济%26#8212;自然复合生态系统的角度看,经济学的研究对象是短期的生态行为,而生态学的研究对象则是长期的经济行为。生态学是经济学向整个世界的延伸,而经济学只是人类的生态学(H G Wells)。人们的任何经济与社会行为都必然附带相应的生态后果,不具备生态意识的人类个体或群体,其行为有可能导致破坏生态环境,威胁人类可持续发展的后果。在全球生态环境日益恶化,资源和环境日益成为经济与社会发展、甚至制约人类生存与发展关键制约因素的大背景下,生态人概念的提出对于完善经济学等相关学科的理论具有十分重要的意义。