能源足迹,energy footprint
1)energy footprint能源足迹
1.This paper introduced the calculation methods of ecological footprint,and reviewed the research advances in ecological footprint at home and abroad,with the focus on energy footprint calculation.本文介绍了生态足迹的计算方法,回顾了国内外的研究进展,重点介绍了生态足迹计算中能源足迹算法的研究进展。

1.Driving forces analysis of energy ecological footprint growth fluctuation in China中国能源足迹增长波动的驱动因子分析
2.Urban energy system analysis based on ecological footprint theory基于生态足迹法的城市能源系统分析
3.Dynamic Changes and Effect Analysis of Energy Ecological Footprint in Xi′an City西安市能源生态足迹动态变化及效应分析
4.Study on the Principle of Water Resources Ecological Footprint in Xi an;基于生态足迹法的西安市水资源生态足迹研究
5.Analysis on the ecological footprint of energy and effects on the fixed carbon and reducing discharge of forest in Xiangtan City湘潭市能源的生态足迹及森林固碳减排效应的分析
6.Dynamic Measurement of Ecological Footprint of Energy Resources and Its Economic Efficiency in Last Ten Years,China;中国1996年~2005年能源生态足迹与效率动态测度与分析
7.Comprehensive Assessment of Water Resource Carrying Capacity in Karst Area Based on Ecological Footprint Analysis基于生态足迹法的喀斯特地区水资源承载能力综合评价研究
8.The Study of Resource Efficiency Based on Liaoning Province Ecological Footprint;基于生态足迹的辽宁省资源效率研究
9.Dynamics of ecological footprint of Guyuan County from 1997~20061997~2006年沽源县生态足迹动态变化分析
10.Study on Sustainable Utilization Ability Appraisal of Land Resource in North-piedmont Economic Zone of the Tianshan Mountains Base on the Ecological Footprint;基于生态足迹理论的新疆天山北坡经济带土地资源可持续利用能力的评价
11.Analysis of ecological footprint and development capacity of Guoluo prefecture in 2002;果洛州2002年生态足迹与发展能力分析
12.Ecological Footprint of Fuzhou Based on the Emergy Theory基于能值理论的福州市生态足迹分析
13.Ecological footprint calculation of Xuzhou based on energy theory基于能值分析的徐州市生态足迹计算
14.The Ecological Footprint of cities and regions: comparing resource availability with resource demand.城市和社区的生态足迹:比较资源的效用和供给。
15.Water Resource Sustainable Utilization Based on Water Footprint Theory;基于水足迹理论的水资源可持续利用研究
16.Analysis of Ecological Footprint of Sustainable Use of Land Resource in Jiangxi Province;江西省土地资源可持续利用的生态足迹分析
17.The Research on City Land Resource Sustainable Utilization Based on Ecological FootPrint Theory基于生态足迹的城市土地资源可持续利用研究
18.Study on Calculation Model of Water Resource Footprint--A Case of Nanjing City水资源足迹计算模型研究——以南京市为例

ecological footprint of energy能源生态足迹
1.The ecological footprint of energy was counted by ecological footprint composition method,and CO_2 discharge volume and effects on the fixed carbon and reducing discharge of forest in Xiangtan city in 2003 were analyzed.结果表明:2003年湘潭市人均能源生态足迹为0。
3)Value of energy footprint能源足迹产值
4)emergy footprint能值足迹
1.Time series of national average emergy footprint and emergy carrying capacity in China and Korea between 1980 and 2006中国、韩国1980~2006年能值足迹与能值承载力
5)water footprint水资源足迹
1.Analysis of water footprint and consumption pattern in Gansu Province;甘肃省水资源足迹与消费模式分析
2.In this paper, the concept of water footprint is put forward, together with its calculation methodologies.水资源足迹是如实反映人类对水资源消费利用的新概念,能深刻揭示社会经济系统对水资源的消费,为干旱缺水地区水资源科学管理提供了一个新视角。
6)energy self-sufficiency能源自足

发电能源在一次能源消费中的比重发电能源在一次能源消费中的比重the share of energy for electricity generation in total primary energy  fad旧n nengyuan za一y一ei nengyuan x.oofe一zhong由b lzhong发电能源在一次能派消费中的比,(theshare of energy for eleetrieity罗neratinn in totalprimary energy)是表征一个国家国民经济电气化程度的一个指标。在一次能源总消费中,发电用能源的比例越大,电力在能源系统中的地位越重要,国民经济电气化的程度就越高。由于使用电力比直接使用石油、天然气和煤炭等一次能源的效率高,且电力用途广泛,使用灵活方便,不污染环境,可靠性高,因此.世界各国的电力生产和消费以高于能源的速度增长,发电用能源在一次能源总消费t中的比例日益增大。下表列出了一些国家发电用能源占一次能源总消费的比例变化情况。一些日家发电能一占一次能派总消.一的比,(%)┌──┬───┬───┬──┬───┬──┬───┬───┐│年份│美国 │日本 │德国│加章大│法国│英国 │中国 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1970│28.4 │31。1 │ │43.3 │23.8│ │ │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1980│37。65│44.9 │30.7│57.1 │36.1│39.7 │20.60 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1990│41.79 │50.30 │33.7│58.9 │46.0│37。6 │24.68 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1995│40.50 │51.50 │35.8│63.7 │57.0│36.7 │29.58 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1996│41。0 │50.7 │34.9│64。3 │54.2│35.4 │30.76 │└──┴───┴───┴──┴───┴──┴───┴───┘ 注:1.资料来浑日本海外电力调查会《海外电气事业统 计》和《中国电力统计资料》. 2.说明:(l)电力消费t系按电厂的发电t或净发电 t计算;(2)美国、日本、法国、英国系按供电热 效率计算煤耗,铭国、加幸大系按发电热效率计算 煤耗,中国则立接按发电煤耗计算;(3)发电能浑 消费(含火电、水电、核电等)均用上述计算的煤 耗乘以各自的总发电t。