生态思维,ecological thinking
1)ecological thinking生态思维
1.The scientific developing viewpoint,that principle to secure an all-around,coordinated and sustainable development on the basis of people,contain the transform of ecological thinking fashion.以人为本 ,全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观包含了生态思维方式的重大变革。
2.The essay analyzes the concept and features of ecological thinking and the peculiarities of natural and humane ecological environment in west China,and puts forward that ecological thinking should become the major thinking model in the tourism development of west China.文章分析了生态思维的概念、特征和西部地区自然人文生态环境的特殊性,提出生态思维应成为西部旅游开发的主体思维模式,并从效益权衡、开发评估、绿色GDP、绿色技术、生态管理、文化保护和生态教育等方面,对生态思维在西部旅游开发中的应用进行了探讨。
3.The main purposes of practising this theory include,first enlarging the ecological ration and fostering the ecological thinking,and secondly improving the ecological environment and enhancing the life quality.实践它的主要目的,一是张扬生态理性,培养生态思维;二是改善生态环境,提高生活质量。

1.Ecological thought pattern--The return of dialectic thought;生态思维方式——对辩证思维的回归
2.Idea of City Ecology--New Thought for Promoting City Sustainble Development;城市生态思维——推动城市可持续发展的新思维
3.The Ecological Ideology of Literature From The Speech by MAO Ze-dong;人民·生活·生态——从《讲话》出发的文艺生态思维
4.Modern Ecological Thinking Mode and View of City;论现代生态思维方式与城市观的更新
5.Discussion on the New Idea of Urban Ecology --promoting the new idea of sustainable development of urban ecology;论城市创新的生态思维——推动城市可持续发展的新思维
6.The Source of Ecological Thinking Mode of Theoretical Basis and Practical Meaning;生态思维方式产生的理论动因和实践旨趣
7.Establishment of Harmonious Society under the Perspective of Modern Ecological Thought;论现代生态思维视域下的和谐社会建构
8.Rational and Irrational Thinking in Ecological Ethics;生态伦理学的理性思维与非理性思维
9.Personified Thinking:the Thinking Mode for Eco-ethics拟人化思维:生态伦理学的致思模式
10.Dimensions of Ecological Innovation: Research Review of Deep Ecology Thinking;生态创新之维:深层生态学思想研究述评
11.Discussing for the Development of the Innovation Thinking in Eco-Design Education;浅谈生态设计教育中创新思维的培养
12.Discussion on the Complexity Thinking Characteristics of the Eco-technology Innovation;论生态化技术创新的复杂性思维特征
13.ON the Eco-tourism Development and its Appliance on the Converse Thinking;论生态旅游开发及其逆向思维的运用
14.New Strategic Theory: Ecological Strategic Management;战略管理理论新思维——战略生态管理
16.ON TRAINING STUDENTS THINKING ATTITUDE OF EXPLORATION --The enlightenment of J.Dewey s teaching thought on "thinking training;谈培养学生探究的思维态度——杜威“思维训练”教学思想的启示
17.The Value Perspective and Practical Significance of Marx' Environmental Thought;马克思生态思想的价值维度及当代意义
18.Training of Students Synthetic Thinking and Dynamic Thinking in Physics Teaching;物理教学中学生综合思维和动态思维能力的培养

Ecological thought生态思维
1.Based on the introduction on ecological thought and the ecological environment of the west,this paper mainly discusses the application of ecological thought on the revamping-the-west from ecological consciousness,ecological environment and ecological economy.在介绍生态思维和西部生态环境的基础上 ,重点从生态意识、生态环境、生产经济三个方面讨论了生态思维在西部大开发中的应用 ,指出生态思维的应用前景广阔。
2.Ecological thought is a think-ing mode,which contains advancedsense,modern connotation and hu-manistic meaning.生态思维是一种富含先进意识、现代内涵及人文色彩的思维模式。
3.This paper expounds the meaning of ecological thought, the necessity and the characteristics of ecological thought in urban planning.作者阐述了城市规划生态思维的含义、城市规划生态思维的必要性和迫切性、城市规划生态思维的特征。
3)ecology thought生态思维
1.Confucian s thoughts such as "integration of nature and man","everything being equal",and "seeing the substance as brethren"etc,contained the content of ecology thoughts,and was of great modern value.儒家从辩证思维的维度自觉审视和思考人与自然界,特别是与生态环境之间的复杂关系,其天人合一、万物平等和“民胞物与”等思想蕴含的丰富生态思维内涵,具有重要的现代价值。
4)On Ecological Thinking论生态思维
1.Writing needs the writer to have good thinking abilities such as abstract thinking, image thing, complex thinking and eco-thinking.社会写作要求写作主体具备优秀的思维能力,诸如要具备抽象思维、形象思维、复合思维、生态学思维能力等,指出提高思维能力的方法和途径。
6)the idea of city ecology城市生态思维

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