生态智慧T,Ecosophy T
1)Ecosophy T生态智慧T
1.A Study on Arne Naess Ecosophy T;阿伦·奈斯“生态智慧T”思想研究

1.A Study on Arne Naess Ecosophy T;阿伦·奈斯“生态智慧T”思想研究
2.On the Nature of Human Ecological Existence and Zhuangzi s Ecological Intelligence;人的生态存在本性与庄子的生态智慧
3.On ZHUANG Zi s Orientation of Value about Ecological Wisdom and Ecological Tourism;论老庄生态智慧与生态旅游价值取向
4.A Discussion on “Ecological and Ethical Wisdom of Confucius " and Its Modern Significance试论孔子的“生态伦理智慧”及现代意义
5.The Wisdom of Balance: Revealing Taoist Principles Through "House Made of Dawn";《黎明之宅》中寻找道教生态智慧之光
6.Ecology Wisdom and Contemporary Value of Chinese Genesis Mythology;中国创世神话的生态智慧与当代价值
7.Dong Minority s Ecological Wisdom and Skills on Planting Forests;侗族传统人工营林的生态智慧与技能
8.The Esthetic Wisdom and Ecology Implication of "Harmony" to "Making Harmony";“中和”到“致中和”的审美智慧及生态意蕴
9.Interpretation of Teaching Wisdom--A Study from Educational Ecology Perspective;解读教学智慧——教育生态学的视角
10.On Ecological Wisdom of Dwelling Houses of Wulingshan Miao Nationality;试论武陵山区苗族民居中的生态智慧
11.Western Ecological Philosophy and "LaoTzu" s Ecological Intelligence are Relatively Studied;西方生态哲学与《老子》生态智慧比较研究
12.From Grass Roots Democracy to Citizenship of World--Arendt’s Solution of Deep Ecological Movement生态运动的实践智慧——深生态运动的阿伦特方案
13.An Analysis of the Ecological Wisdom in the Miao People's Traditional Agriculture and Forestry in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture黔东南苗族传统农林生产中的生态智慧浅析
14.A Profile on the Eco-wisdom of Miao Ethnic Group in Traditional Agri-forestry Production in the South-east of Guizhou Province略述黔东南苗族传统农林生产中的生态智慧
15.Ecological Philosophy: The Harmonious Development of Human Beings and Nature is the Gleam of Marx’s Wisdom;生态哲学:马克思人与自然和谐发展的智慧之光
16.A Study of the Ecological Wisdom in Robert Frost s Nature Poetry;解读罗伯特·弗罗斯特自然诗中的生态智慧
17.Ecosystem Wisdom and Practical Meaning:On the Esthetics of China s Classical Harmony Theory;中国古典和谐论美学的生态智慧及现实意义
18.Su Shi s Ecological Wisdom As Viewed in Terms of "Embodying Moral in Matters or Events";从“寓意于物”看苏轼美学思想的生态学智慧

1.As Taoist pioneer and representative,Lao Zi s overall eco-wisdom in his thought is studied and put into use.老子作为道家的开拓者及代表,其思想中所蕴涵的整体生态智慧正在被人们所挖掘和弘扬。
2.In this paper the author discusses its unreasonable factors,such as the extreme individualism,the values of rejecting utility and over-advocation of the nature,This paper emphatically expounds the reasonable factors,such as the emphasis on individual life,the ethics wisdom of golden mean and the eco-wisdom of combining Heaven and man,which illustrate the significance of our age.阐述道家轻物重生、全生避害的思想,简单分析了其中的不合理因素,如极端个人主义,拒绝功利的价值观以及对自然的过分崇尚等,着重阐述了其中所蕴涵的合理因素,如对个体生命的重视、中道的伦理智慧和天人合一的生态智慧,揭示了全生避害思想的时代意义。
3.The harmony between human and nature is the most brilliant eco-wisdom in Laotsu and Chungtsu\'s philosophical ideas.人与自然的和谐是老庄哲学中最精彩的生态智慧。
3)ecological wisdom生态智慧
1.A Study of the Ecological Wisdom in Robert Frost s Nature Poetry;解读罗伯特·弗罗斯特自然诗中的生态智慧
2.On the Ecological Wisdom in "Shi Shuo Xin Yu";论《世说新语》中的生态智慧
4)ecological intelligence生态智慧
1.This kind of initiative and purpose are shown as a sort of“ ecological intelligence” .鲁枢元答余谋昌的信里同意余谋昌信中的论述:地球是一个活物,世界有自己的主动性、目的性;这种主动性、目的性表现为一种“生态智慧”;这种“生态智慧”的存在,印证了“生态精神”的存在。
2.It reveals that Zhuangzi s close concern over the issue under discussion is a true reflection of his profound ecological intelligence embedded in his viewpoints concerning ecological world,ecological ethics and ecological freedom.庄子所关注的人的生态存在之本性意义,体现在他深刻而系统的生态宇宙观、生态价值观和生态自由观等深层生态智慧中。
1.Ecosophy and Local Aesthetic Experience;生态智慧与地方性审美经验
2.Aiming at this trend,Cheng Xiangzhan put forwards that natural environmental knowing plays an very important role in traditional Chinese thought including Confucianism,and that is why the traditional Confucianism has a close and intrinsic connection with today s ecosophy.针对这一学术动向,程相占提出,自然环境感知对于包括儒学在内的中国传统思想影响巨大;传统儒学思想与当代生态智慧之所以具有内在关联,环境感知是值得重视的原因。
6)traditional wisdom in ecology传统生态智慧

智慧鸟【智慧鸟】 (传说)若为财物说法者,死,生天上为智慧鸟,能说法云。正法念经三十一曰:“若为财物故,与人说法。不以悲心利益众生而取财物,是名下品之法施也。(中略)如是等法施之人,生于天上,作智慧鸟,能说偈颂,是则曰下法施也。”