消费观,consumption concept
1)consumption concept消费观
1.We should guide the college students from the aspects of consumption culture and consumption concept,making them acquire a correct consumption concept.大学生消费具有理念新、实用性和时尚,行为个性化和模仿性,结构多样性和多层次性的特点,需要从消费文化、消费观方面进行引导,使其树立正确的消费观
2.With the rapid development of the economy, people s living standards improve constantly; people s consumption concepts and psychology change greatly on the impact of external culture.在中国随着国民经济的快速发展,人民生活水平不断提高;同时也受到一些外来文化等因素的影响,人们的消费观念及心理发生着日新月异的变化。

1.Critical of Consumerism--Promote Green Consumption消费主义价值观批判——提倡绿色消费观
2.On green consuming,sustainable consuming and biological consuming concept;刍议绿色消费、可持续消费及生态消费观
3.Its main feature is consumption conception.消费文化的主要形态为消费观念。
4.Research on the attitude and tendency of buyers on the Internet;网络购买者消费观念与消费倾向研究
5.Construction the Harmonious Consumption Concept-the Way of Discarding the Consumption Dissimilation构建和谐消费观——消费异化的扬弃之路
6.A Research about the Evolution of the Residents Housing Consuming Concept and Consuming Behavior;居民住宅消费观念与消费行为演变研究
7.On the Characteristics and Changes of the Consumption Ideas in the Mid-late Ming Dynasty;明代中后期消费的特点及消费观的变化
8.Explain Modern West Expense Idea in Mozi s Expense Idea;墨子消费观蕴涵的现代西方消费思想诠释
9.On Current Conditions and Solutions for Consumption Behavior and Consumption Viewpoint of Poor Students of Universities;高校贫困生消费行为和消费观念的现状与对策
10.Consumption Features of College Students and Education for Right Consumption Conception;大学生的消费特点与正确的消费观教育
11.Consumption Alienation and Ethics Imbalance;消费异化与伦理失衡——现代西方消费观释义
12.On the Industrialization of Education;从教育消费观的消极影响论教育应该产业化
13.Sports related consumption still in a stage of sprouting体育消费观念尚属萌芽阶段
14.Anylysising of the Randon Investigation on Consumption Ideas of the Aged in Dandong丹东市老年人消费观念的调查分析
16.On Culture Consumption and Consumption Culture of China;我国文化消费与消费文化研究之概观
17.Analysis of specific consumption values among youth consumers青年消费群体的特殊消费价值观解析
18.Promoting the responsible consumption of our products推广“负责任消费” 观念。

Consumption view消费观
1.The Thought of "Advocating Consumption & Opposing Thrift" is a kind of consumption view developed in the transformational period of consumption view in modern China."崇奢黜俭"思想是近代中国消费观转型时期出现的一种消费观,它不仅鼓励积极消费以扩大市场,为生产发展创造市场前提;而且反对壅积财富,主张投资兴办实业以强国富民。
3)consumption concepts消费观
1.To enhance the education of university students consumption ethics is greatly significant for the development of the right consumption concepts and ways of behavior, for the improvement of ideological and moral education system and for the construction of an advanced culture.加强大学生消费道德教育,对于帮助大学生形成正确的消费观念和行为方式、完善大学生思想道德教育体系、建设先进文化都具有十分重要的意义。
2.As students in the new century, most of them come from one-child families, they can be effected easily by various consumption concepts in the society, especially some wrong conceptions.随着改革的进一步深化,经济的持续增长,商品的日益丰富,新科技的广泛应用,公民的消费观也发生了很大变化。
4)attitude toward consumption消费观
1.Based on a project(2003-2006) "The Chinese citizen humanities quality investigation and the countermeasure study" by the Education Ministry of China,the paper has analyzed about 1102 college teachers\' attitude toward consumption from 31 provinces and cities.通过对高校教师审美需要与消费观的调查分析,对所得数据运用SPSS11。
5)view of consumption消费观
1.We should educate them from the condition of China and view of life so that we can lead them to form scientific view of life and view of consumption.应通过国情教育、人生观教育,引导大学生树立科学的人生观、消费观,进行合理消费。
6)consuming philosophy消费观
1.With the construction of the socialistic market economy system, there exist a great variety of problems on the consuming philosophy among the university students who have achieved a special consuming group, such as the advanced consumption, the show-off consumption, the human-relationship consumption, the extravagant consumption and the aggravating of the polarizing tendency, and so on.随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立,大学生做为一个特殊的消费群体,其消费有自己的特点,消费观的现状存在着许多的问题,超前消费、炫耀消费、人情消费、浪费消费、两极分化趋势增强等。

生产性消费和非生产性消费生产性和非生产性的区别不仅适用于劳动,而且也适用于消费。虽然并非所有社会成员都是生产者,但所有社会成员却都是消费者,而消费或是非生产性的或是生产性的。谁对生产既没有直接贡献也没有间接贡献,谁就是非生产性消费者。只有生产性劳动者才是生产性消费者,所谓生产性劳动,当然既包括执行的劳动,也包括指挥的劳动。但即令是生产性劳动者的消费也不全是生产性消费。生产性消费者也有非生产性的消费。他们在保持或改善健康、体力和工作能力,或抚养下一代生产性劳动者方面的消费,乃是生产性消费。但是娱乐或奢侈方面的消费,不论是懒惰者所为,还是勤劳者所为,因为生产既不是其目的,也不会因此而有任何进步,所以必须看作是非生产性的。不过,也许一定数量的享乐可以认为是必需的,因为缺了它,会使劳动达不到最高效率。只有用于保持和提高社会生产力的消费,才是生产性消费,而社会生产力或蕴藏在土壤、原料、生产工具的数量和效率中,或蕴藏在人民中。 有很多产品,可以说除作非生产性消费外别无他用。每年在金线带、菠萝形装饰品,或香槟酒方面的消费必须看作是非生产性的,因为这些东西既对生产毫无帮助,又不是用于维持生命或体力,而可以用便宜得多的东西来替代。因此可以说,用于制造这些东西的劳动,不应当看作是政治经济学家所说的生产性劳动。我承认,为非生产性消费者生产物品所耗费的劳动,无助于社会的持久富裕。为非生产人员做上衣的裁缝是生产性劳动者;但几周或几个月后,衣服破损了,而穿上衣的人并未生产任何东西代替它。社会财富没有因这个裁缝的劳动而有所增加,其结果和用这笔钱到歌剧院去看戏一样。不过,在上衣未被穿坏以前,社会财富却因这个裁缝的劳动而有所增加,也就是说,在该劳动产品被某一非生产性社会成员拿去消费以前财富有所增加。金线带或菠萝形装饰品的情形与此没有什么不同,只不过同上衣相比,它们距离必需品更远。这些东西在被消费掉以前也是财富。