伦理困境,ethical dilemma
1)ethical dilemma伦理困境
1.Transformation of Political Elite in the Countryside of the South of Jiangsu and the Ethical Dilemma;苏南农村政治精英的转型及其伦理困境
2.The media workers are often confronted with the ethical dilemmas,and they have to make a choice be- tween the press responsibility and the ethics of social morality,between the informed and privacy,between sprea- ding advanced culture and commercial operation,and between the principle of objectivity and justice and the paid false news.传媒工作者经常会面临这样的伦理困境,得在新闻职责和作为公共伦理的社会道德之间、知情与隐私之间、传播先进文化与商业化运作之间、遵循客观公正原则与有偿虚假新闻之间作出选择。

1.Autonomy and Compromise: Chinese Administrators Ethical Dilemmas and Ethical Choices;自主与妥协:中国行政人的伦理困境与伦理选择
2.The Ethical Diffusion of the Network Technique and the Ethical Architecture;网络技术引发的伦理困境及其伦理构建
3.The Ethical Dilemmas and Ethical Autonomy of Judicial Discretion法官自由裁量权的伦理困境与伦理自主
4.The Ethics Conflicts in Chasing the Truth in the Journalism and the Solution;追求新闻真实性的伦理困境及其出路
5.The Rescue of Administrative Ethical Dilemmas under the Administrative Responsibility Sight s;行政责任视域下的行政伦理困境解救
6.The Ethic Dilemma of the Modern Bureaucracy and the Human Healing;现代官僚制的伦理困境及其人文救治
7.On Ethics Crises and Value Realization of Education Financial Support Policies;教育资助政策的伦理困境与价值实现
8.The Non-controlling Solutions to the Administrative Ethical Dilemmas;行政伦理困境化解的“非控制”方法探究
9.On Administrative Ethical Dilemmas of Public Officials under Favor-Politics Environment;人情政治中的行政个体伦理困境初探
10.The Ethical Dilemma in "School-Enterprise Cooperation" of Higher Vocational Education Institutions高职院校“校企合作”中的伦理困境
11.Chinese NGO’s Ethical Dilemma in Provision of Public Service and the Possible Solutions我国NGO公共服务的伦理困境及其矫治
12.Ethical dilemma of the localization on hospice care and its construction临终关怀本土化的伦理困境及其建构
13.Analysis on the College Students' Ethical Dilemma in Network Interpersonal Communication大学生网络人际交往的伦理困境探析
14.The Ethical Dilemmas of International Environmental Justice and its’Resolution国际环境正义实践的伦理困境及其化解
15.Research on Ethical Dilemmas of Foreign Human Resource Management and its Enlightenment;国外人力资源管理伦理困境研究及其启示
16.Post-Modernization,Significance and Troubles of Environmental Ethics;环境伦理学的后现代性、意义及困境
17.Public Governments Trouble in Requirements of Ethical Improvement and Their Explorations;公共政府伦理治理要求的困境与探索
18.The Difficult Position and Real Selection on the "Justness In the Era" of Ecological Ethics;生态伦理“代内公正”的困境与现实选择

ethical dilemmas伦理困境
1.The Ethical Dilemmas of Social Work and the Solutions社会工作伦理困境及其解决方式
2.Because of the serious of ethical dilemmas in HRM,this paper discusses an existing taxonomy of classifying HRM ethical dilemmas,presents the role episodic model of HRM ethical dilemmas and does the causal analysis of the ethical dilemmas of HRM.在企业人力资源管理中融入一种伦理取向是当前提升企业竞争力、促使企业良性发展的有效途径,针对当前人力资源管理中伦理问题日益突出的情况,文章讨论了人力资源管理伦理困境的分类,阐述了国外人力资源管理伦理困境的角色情景模型,对人力资源管理伦理困境的产生进行了因果分析,最后指出了对我国人力资源伦理困境研究的启示。
3.As for the solutions to administrative ethical dilemmas,scholars always study it from the angles of environment,principle and methods such as the external controlling-the laws and the internal controlling-the ethics.在行政管理领域,对行政伦理困境化解方法的研究,学术界多半是从"环境"、"原则"和"手段"等诸多维度来进行探讨的。
3)ethical predicament伦理困境
1.It is unavoidable that every public administrative organization and its members have to encounter various ethical predicaments in practice.本文从针对行政人员日常工作中的各种冲突,运用伦理困境相关理论分析了当前行政人员的伦理现状和冲突困境的表现并提出对应措施,籍以帮助行政组织及其人员走出冲突困境,维护公共利益。
2.To a large extent, these problems result from the displacement of governmental function and the un-standard of governmental behavior which were produced logically by the ethical predicament with which bureaucracy government confronted.政府职能错位和行为不规范又是官僚制政府所面临的伦理困境的必然产物。
3.And at the same time arouse much social discussion and ethical predicament.本文从社会学的角度,运用定性分析和定量分析相结合的研究方法,从辅助生殖所涉及的两个层面——价值层面和现实层面进行考察,揭示出辅助生殖技术在不同层次上的面临的伦理困境——包括伦理冲突和伦理空白。
4)ethic dilemma伦理困境
1.Virtual specialities showed by symbolic and digital network screen people s real condition, make interpersonal communication falling into ethic dilemma.网络数字化、符号化、虚拟化特质遮蔽了人们的真实面目,使人际交往陷入伦理困境
5)Ethical Dilemmas of Nursing Care护理伦理困境
6)ethic predicament with science and technology科技伦理困境
