社会舆论,Public Opinion
1)Public Opinion社会舆论
1.On Public Opinion Guidance upon Unexpected Public Event;论突发公共事件中社会舆论的引导
2.Local Official,Gentry and Public Opinion in the Song Dynasty:A Case Study of Local Public Welfare in Suzhou宋代的地方官、士人和社会舆论——对苏州地方事务的考察
3.The strong influence of public opinion in the community makes itself the basic means of moral punishment s realization.道德惩罚实现的前提是被惩罚的对象应该具有意志自由,只有意志自由的道德主体才能承担道德责任;社会舆论在社会中的强大影响力使其成为道德惩罚实现的基本手段;道德自觉促使惩罚的主体行使道德权利同时促使惩罚的客体承担相应的道德义务,因此道德自觉是道德惩罚实现的保障。

1.Case Study on the Interaction of the Public Opinion and Judicial Judgment;社会舆论与司法审判互动的个案研究
2.The Public Opinion about Twenty-one Treaties between China and Japan in 19151915年中日“二十一条”交涉的社会舆论
3.The interaction of Public Opinion and Judicial Judgement Is Positive-Sum Game in a Harmonious Society;和谐社会中社会舆论与司法的互动是正和博弈
4.On the Influence of Network Media on Chinese Structure of Social Opinion论网络媒体对中国社会舆论格局的影响
5.On the Formation and Development of the Civic Society in Early Times of Russia--from Perspectives of Society,State and Public Opinion俄罗斯早期市民社会的形成和发展——以社会、国家及社会舆论为视角
6.In recent years the public has generally been hostile to business.最近几年,社会舆论普遍对制造业有怨言。
7.Study on the Social Controlling by Public Opinion between the Party Organ and the Citied Press in the Newspaper Group;报业集团党报与都市报社会舆论控制的比较
8.Thinking about News Media s Correct Guidance of Social Opinion;对新闻媒体正确引导社会舆论导向的思考
9.Cultivate and guide social opinions and expand the spirit of gallantry rise to the occasion;培育和引导社会舆论弘扬见义勇为精神
10.Network Supervision of Public Opinions and the Construction of a Socialist Harmonious Society;论网络舆论监督与社会主义和谐社会构建
11.Popular opinion has tilted in favour of the Socialists.公众舆论已倒向社会党人一边.
12.Looking for Social Cooperative Partners Improving Supervision by Public Opinion;寻求社会合作伙伴 增强舆论监督效果
13.Social Responsibility of the Mass Media and the Acceptance of the Publics;新闻舆论的社会责任及受众接受规律
14.In modern western society,public-opinion poll commonly includes the investigation of public opinions,public feelings and consensus.在现代西方社会,“民意调查”一般包括对民意、舆情、舆论的调查。
15.Thinking About the Leading of Public Opinion of Media in the Process of Constructing the Harmonious Society;论构建和谐社会中的新闻媒体舆论引导
16.On the Transformation of Social News to Guide Bublic Opinion and Bublic Awareness-building Aesthetic论转型社会新闻舆论引导与大众审美意识培养
17.The socialists hoped for a turn of the tide, that public opinion might turn in their favour.社会党人希望舆论的趋势变得对他们有利。
18.We should do a good job with letters and visits from the people and intensify oversight by the media and the general public.做好信访工作,加强舆论监督和社会监督。

social public opinion社会舆论
1.The democratization openess questions within the CCP are based on the constant integrity and maturity of the democratic supervision and the democratic election question within the CCP,make the foundation on the democratic collective decision question and the social public opinion expresses well question within the CCP.执政时期党内民主公开问题主要是基于党内民主监督和党内民主选举制度的不断健全与完善,并以党内集体决策和社会舆论的充分表达为重要基础。
2.The community is a widespread form of individual existence as well as the corpus of social public opinion activity.社会舆论的精神内核是群体意识,而议论形态是其现象外观。
3.As a matter of fact, social public opinion occurs around us everywhere and all the time.社会舆论其实就在我们身边,它无时无处不在。
3)social opinions社会舆论
1.Cultivate and guide social opinions and expand the spirit of gallantry rise to the occasion;培育和引导社会舆论弘扬见义勇为精神
2.There existed three main periods of transformations about the social opinions in Chinese history.中国历史上 ,社会舆论经历了三次大的转型。
4)On Social Public Opinion论社会舆论
5)Social Public Feelings社会舆情
1.Analysis of Social Public Feelings Collection and Intervention Mechanism under Surrounding of Harmonious Society;论社会舆情的汇集与干预机制
6)society public opinion Intercommunion社会舆论互动传播

社会舆论  多数人对社会生活中有争议的事件发表的有一定倾向的议论、意见及看法。简称舆论。"舆论"一词在中国早已应用。"舆"的本意是车厢或轿子,赶车抬轿的人称为"舆人","论"是意见、议论。两个字合起来即指公众意见。    社会舆论的形成是一个复杂的过程,社会生活中经常发生一些新问题与新矛盾,人们对此会产生某种共同意见,这种意见尚未系统化,仅处于萌芽状态,经过大众传播或权威人士的汇集认可,并予以扩散,最后引起广泛的共鸣,成为一种共同信念,这就是社会舆论。具有一致利害关系的社会群体容易形成共同的舆论。现代社会中人们结成不同层次的群体,存在着民族、国家、阶级、阶层、地区、职业,以及年龄、性别等的差异,社会舆论也随之表现出复杂的形态。    社会舆论的接受、扩散与传播的主要原因是,客观上社会舆论代表了人们的倾向性意见与综合观点,舆论本身有其合理的一面;主观上人们心里早就潜伏着某种需要与愿望,只不过此种需要与愿望还不很清楚,不很明确,只是一种心理准备状态,一旦遇到某种信息,就被唤醒进入意识领域,最后接受这种信息并形成初步舆论,进而迅速地扩散与传播,成为社会舆论。舆论在传播过程中带有浓厚的情绪色彩。    社会舆论是蕴藏在人们思想深处的共同心理倾向,无形无体,但却是一种巨大的精神力量,对社会、群体、个人发生很大影响。舆论起着评论作用,可以成为一种社会心理压力,约束人们的言论与行为,从而使舆论在转变社会风气方面具有不可估量的道义影响。对于有一定社会地位、要求自己较严格的人尤其如此。正确的社会舆论可以鼓舞人心,打击歪风邪气,给人们以正确的引导。