价值本质,value nature
1)value nature价值本质
1.The kernel values of socialism have manifested profoundly the essence of socialism in the aspect of theoretical characteristics,which has laid foundation inevitably in the value relation for understanding the value nature of kernel values of socialism.社会主义核心价值体系在理论特征上深刻体现了社会主义本质,这必然在价值关系中为理解社会主义核心价值体系的价值本质奠定了基础。

1.The Shift of Value Foundation to Empiricism--Review of R.B.Berry s Value Essence Theory;价值基础的经验论转换——培里价值本质论评析
2.On Marx s Theory of Value: From the Theory of Labor Value to the Theory of Value Nature;从劳动价值论到价值本质论——析马克思的价值理论
4."Man as foundation":The essence of value of quality education;“以人为本”:素质教育的价值实质
5.The Essence of the Choic of Value IS the Choice of Human Nature;价值选择的实质是对人的本质之选择
6.On the Essence of Value--Concurrently on the decision of commodity value amount论价值的本质——兼论商品价值量的决定因素
7.On the Essence of Values of Life and Its Difference from General Values;论“人生价值论”的本质及其与一般价值论的区别
8.Nature of Goods:Unity of Social Use Value and Value;商品的本质:社会使用价值与价值的统一
9.The Contemporary Labor Theory of Value──the Essence and Realization of the Labor Value;当代劳动价值论——劳动价值的本质及其实现
10.Analysis on essence,function and value of physical education from view of value theory价值论视阈下体育的本质、功能及价值分析
11.The Essential Attribute of Vocational Education: History, Facts and Values;职业教育的本质属性:历史、事实与价值
12.The Nature,Value and Systematic Frameworks of the Right to Ask for Judgment;本质与价值:裁判请求权的制度化原则
13.The Theory of Human Nature by Marx and its Value for Modern Times;试论马克思人的本质思想的当代价值
14."People are the People s Supreme Essence" and Its Value;“人是人的最高本质”及其价值意蕴
15.Talking about the Essence, Intrinsic Contradiction and Efficient Value of the Fairness;论公平的本质、内在矛盾及其效率价值
16.Research on the Nature of the Entrepreneur by Using the Worth Theories in Labor;运用劳动价值论对企业家本质的研究
17.The practical value of Deng Xiaoping socialism essence theory;邓小平社会主义本质理论的实践价值
18.The Practical Exploring of Mankind Essence and Its Contemporary Value;人的类本质的实践探解及其当代价值

value essence价值本质
1.It is held that Deng s theory is a dialectical unity not only of the socialist productive force and productive relations, but also of basic essence and value essence.通过对邓小平关于社会主义本质的概括的哲学内涵的阐释,指出其理论是在"解放思想,实事求是"的科学世界观和方法论基础上将社会主义生产力与生产关系、基础本质与价值本质两个彻底的唯物观辨证地统一了起来,深刘地揭示了社会主义本质是一个由过程到必然的辨证发展过程。
3)the essence of value价值本质
1.The unity between objectivity of the subject s intrinsic strength and function of the object to enhancing the subject is the essence of value.主体本质力量对象化是在能动性作用下的主体在实践关系中认识价值本质的过程。
4)value ontology价值本质论
1.This book studies value ontology,value evaluation and the value philosophy theory of German ideology,which is of great significance to contemporary Chinese value theory research.价值本质论、价值评价论等哲学价值论思想在《德意志意识形态》中都有所研究。
5)the essence of evaluation of value价值评价的本质
6)essence and value opinion本质与价值阐释

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分