代内正义,intra-generational justice
1)intra-generational justice代内正义
1.In the light of the environmental justice movement’ trajectory, the expansion of the community of environmental justice and the theoretical significance of environmental justice, the extension of environmental justice as the ethical norms includes intra-generational justice, intergenerational justice and inter-species justice.从环境正义运动的发展轨迹、正义共同体的扩展和环境正义思想的理论意义等三个方面看,作为伦理规范的环境正义,其外延既包括代内正义、代际正义,也包括种际正义。
2)Intra-national justice国内正义
3)inter-generational justice代际正义
1.According to the difference of the subject of environmental justice, we can divide the environmental justice into three essential types: intra - national justice, international justice and inter-generational justice.根据环境正义所指称的主体的差异性,环境正义可以分为三 个基本层次,即国内正义、国际正义和代际正义。
2.The principle of inter-generational justice means the existing generations should abide by several principles of justice when arranging matters related to future generations instead of do what they want.代际正义关系作为整体的人类的延续以及社会的和谐发展,具有重要的理论和现实意义。

1.Justice, Succession of Civilization and Future Generations: "The Possibility and Limit of Inter - Generational Justice";正义、文明传承与后代人:“代际正义的可能与限度”
2.On the Realization of Environmental Inter-generational Justice--On the Construction of Three Ethical Subjects环境代际正义的实现——论三种伦理主体的道德建构
3.On the Theory of Just War and Its Impacts on Modern International Law;正义战争论对现代国际法及国际实践的影响
4.The Study on the Justice of Generation Economy in Socialist Market Economy;社会主义市场经济条件下的代际经济公正研究
5.Analysis of Main body of reason and the Counter-measures of Environment for Inter-generational Injustice环境代际非正义之主体原因及其对策探析
6.The Distinction between Ancient and Modern Justice Seen from the Perspective of its Reference;从正义的参照管窥古代正义和近代正义的分野
7.International Centre for Peace and Justice国际和平与正义中心
8.One must be different from international, before one can have genuine, significant internationalism.不同于国际,才有真正意义上的国际性.
9.On Social Justice in a "Post-Socialist" Age--On Nancy Fraser s Conception of Social Justice;“后社会主义时代”的正义——Nancy Fraser社会正义概念研究
10.In Vision of Postmodern of Substantive Justice and Procedural Justice;“实体正义”和“程序正义”的一种后现代主义视角
11.Neo-internationalism is a product of the times for peace and development.新国际主义是和平与发展时代的国际主义。
12.Definition and Analysis of Modern International Humanitarianist Law;现代国际人道主义法的定义及其分析
13.- To strengthen the International Court of Justice, in order to ensure justice and the rule of law in international affairs.- 加强国际法院,在国际事务中确保正义与法制。
14.International Environmental Justice and International Environmental Re gimes;国际环境正义与国际环境机制:问题、理论和个案
15.Global Justice and International Institutional Design:The Case of International Criminal Court全球正义与国际制度设计——以国际刑事法院为例
16.International Commission of the Justice and Peace Committee of Guatemala危地马拉正义和平委员会国际委员会
17.revisionist economic thoughts in the Second International第二国际修正主义经济思想
18.Thoughts on “The Death of Saddam” --international order and global justice;从“萨达姆之死”看国际秩序与全球正义

Intra-national justice国内正义
3)inter-generational justice代际正义
1.According to the difference of the subject of environmental justice, we can divide the environmental justice into three essential types: intra - national justice, international justice and inter-generational justice.根据环境正义所指称的主体的差异性,环境正义可以分为三 个基本层次,即国内正义、国际正义和代际正义。
2.The principle of inter-generational justice means the existing generations should abide by several principles of justice when arranging matters related to future generations instead of do what they want.代际正义关系作为整体的人类的延续以及社会的和谐发展,具有重要的理论和现实意义。
4)modern justice近代正义
1.However, ancient justice and modern justice have given such different interpretations to this reference that the former confers divinity on nature and the latter accords brutish nature to it.正义必有其参照,这一参照就是自然,但古代正义和近代正义却给这一参照赋予了不同的内涵,古代正义给自然赋予神性,而近代正义却给自然赋予兽性。
5)ancient justice古代正义
1.However, ancient justice and modern justice have given such different interpretations to this reference that the former confers divinity on nature and the latter accords brutish nature to it.正义必有其参照,这一参照就是自然,但古代正义和近代正义却给这一参照赋予了不同的内涵,古代正义给自然赋予神性,而近代正义却给自然赋予兽性。
6)justness in the era代内公正
1.In reality,with the aim of performing the "justness in the era " of ecological ethics and solving the global environment problem,we should not only use the factors of non-capital and non-market,but also,we should abolish private ownership,persist to be guided by the scientific developing view of "people-oriented",and go with the socialist humanism.资本主义生产方式使生态伦理倡导的“代内公正”在实践中陷入困境。

-戊内酯、3-甲基丁内酯、咖吗-戊内酯CAS: 108-29-2 分子式: C5H8O2 分子质量: 100.12 沸点: 207-208℃ 熔点: -31-208℃ 中文名称: 4-戊内酯、γ-戊内酯、3-甲基丁内酯、咖吗-戊内酯 英文名称: dihydro-5-methyl-2(3H)-Furanone、dihydro-5-methyl-2(3h)-furanon、4-hydroxypentanoic acid lactone、4-hydroxyvaleric acid lactone、4-methyl-gamma-butyrolactone、gamma-methyl-gamma-butyrolactone、gamma-valerolakton 性质描述: 无色至微黄色液体。凝固点-31℃,沸点205-206.5℃,83-84℃(1.73kPa),相对密度(25/25℃)1.0578,折光率(nD25)1.4301。能与水、许多有机溶剂、树脂和蜡等混溶。10%水溶液的pH为4.2。 生产方法: 由不饱和羧酸通过闭环反应来合成,例如乙酰乙酸与硫酸共热,或乙酰丙酸在镍、铜等催化剂存在下加氢。 用途: γ-戊内酯有较强的反应能力,可用作树脂溶剂及各种有关化合物的中间体。也用作润滑剂、增塑剂、非离子型表面活性剂的胶凝剂、加铅汽油的内酯类添加剂,用于纤维素酯和合成纤维的染色。γ-戊内酯具有香兰素和椰子香味。我国GB2760-86规定为允许使用的食用香料。主要用以配制桃、椰子、香草等型香精。