环境制度,environmental system
1)environmental system环境制度
1.Analysis and research of it,and establishment of its environmental system,hardware and software environmental system are guarantees for complex library to gain sustained development.复合图书馆是近期发展和存在的基本形态,对其分析和研究,建构复合图书馆的环境体系结构及硬件环境和软件环境制度,是复合图书馆获得可持续发展的保障。

1.Research on Environmental Institution Design under the Model of Circular Economy;循环经济模式下的环境制度设计研究
2.Harmonization of Environmental Measurement环境度量制度的统一
3.The System Innovation of Environmental Regulation:Voluntary Environmental Agreements;环境规制的制度创新:自愿性环境协议
4.Establishment of China s environment resource property right system and the environmental protection;环境资源产权制度的构建与环境保护
5.Environmental Petition System to Resolve Environmental Disputes in the Case Study环境信访制度解决环境纠纷情况调研
6.Workshop on Environment Management System环境管理制度讲习班
7.vi.The External Policy and Institutional Environments(六)外部政策和制度环境
9.The Affect of Vicissitude of Enterprise Institution in China by Institution Surroundings;制度环境对我国企业制度变迁的影响
10.On Differentials of Independent Director System Between China and America in the System Environment;论中美独立董事制度的制度环境差异
11.Environmental Legal System Innovation with the perspective of Circular Economy;循环经济视野下的环境法律制度创新
12.On Perfecting the Environmental Tax System;突出保护环境功能 完善环保税收制度
13.System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting综合环境与经济会计制度(环经会计制度)
14.Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Accounting综合自然资源和环境会计(制度)(环境会计)
15.Discussion on the Establishment of the Environmental Administrative Litigation System: From the Aspect of the Public Environmental Right;从公众环境权视角论环境行政诉讼制度构建
17.A Comparative Study of Environmental Management Systems and Policies between China and Japan;中日环境政策及环境管理制度比较研究
18.Introducing Liability Insurance System of Mining Environment into Mining Environment Management;矿山环境管理引入矿山环境责任保险制度研究

environmental institution环境制度
1.Based on the theory of institutional economics, this paper analyzes the deference of environmental institutions design through the comparative study on the operation mode of both circular economy and traditional economy.以制度经济学理论为基点,通过对循环经济与传统经济运行模式的对比研究,分析环境制度设计的差异性。
3)institutional environment制度环境
1.Emprical Study of the Institutional Environment of Venture Capital Industry;风险投资业发展的制度环境与实证研究
2.On the Strategic Trade Policy and the Stability of Institutional Environment;论战略性贸易政策与制度环境的稳定性
3.Research on Evaluating Index System about Institutional Environment;制度环境评估指标体系研究——兼评湖北省的制度环境
4)systematic environment制度环境
1.Influence Evaluation of Systematic Environment for the Development of Chinese Citizen Society;中国公民社会发展的制度环境影响评估
2.The systematic environment of university independence is that all rules and systems control activities of university independence.大学自主性的制度环境是指决定、约束大学自主性活动的制度规则的总和。
3.From the perspective of the systematic environment, systematic arrangements and systematic changes of the new systematic economics, we can probe into the way to improve a country s industrial competitive ability through specific systematic environment and rational industrial systematic arrangement.从新制度经济学的制度环境、制度安排和制度变迁的角度出发,探求出如何在特定的制度环境下,通过合理的产业制度安排来提高一国产业的竞争力。
5)system environment制度环境
1.The analysis and answer about urban and country space ecological planning s practical system environment;城乡空间生态规划实施制度环境分析及应对
2.A Comparative Analysis of Moving System Environment of Rural Surplus Labor Between China And Japan;中日农业剩余劳动力转移制度环境比较分析
3.Staring from the particularity of the branch libraries,this paper introduces the connotation of the human resource of university library,and probes into the system of human resource management of branch libraries from aspects of the management concept,and system environment,etc.从图书分馆的特殊性出发,介绍了高校图书馆人力资源的内涵,并从管理理念、制度环境等方面探讨了图书分馆人力资源管理的体制问题。
6)institution environment制度环境
1.It also puts forward the institution environments that must be provided to make a lot of modern entrepreneurs.选择机制、激励机制、约束机制、保障机制四个方面是现代企业家形 成的外部环境,要造就一大批现代企业家应该创造相适应的制度环境。
2.Based on the events institution environment analysis of unreal accounting information of Yen Guangxia, Mai Kete, Enron and WorldCom, the paper indicates the institution environment reasons of unreal accounting information, such as incomplete administrative structure of legal persons, enforcing the law not\|strictly, careless punishment, and loss of credit.为此,本文提出构建真实的会计信息的制度环境:进一步明晰产权、完善董事会制度、严肃法制、建立民事赔偿制度,完善公司治理结构等。
3.History makes us have clear cognizance of the corresponding change of the institution environment in the progress of teachers appo.历史的发展使我们更清楚地看见在教师任命制向教师聘任制转变的过程中,相应制度环境的变化。

制度环境和制度安排制度通常被定义为一组行事规则的集合,这些规则与社会、政治和经济活动有关,支配和约束社会各阶层的行为(Schultz,1968;Ruttan,1978;North,1990)。由于人们在考虑问题时,总是把一部分因素作为外生变量或参数给定,另外一部分则作为内生变量或因变量,这些内生变量是由外生变量所导致的,从而是这些外生变量的函数。于是,按照Davis-North( 1971,pp6-7) 的划分方法,根据所要研究的问题,又可以将制度划分成两个范畴:制度环境(institutional environment)和制度安排(institutional arrangement)。制度环境是一系列基本的经济、政治、社会及法律规则的集合,它是制定生产、交换以及分配规则的基础。在这些规则中,支配经济活动、产权和合约权利的基本法则和政策构成了经济制度环境。制度安排是支配经济单位之间可能合作和竞争的规则的集合。制度安排可以理解为人们通常所说的游戏规则,不同的游戏规则导致人们不同的激励反应。尽管从长远看,制度环境和制度安排会互相影响和发生变化,但如Davis-North明确指出的那样,在大多数情况下,人们通常将经济制度环境作为外生变量给定,而经济制度安排(如市场制度安排) 则根据所要研究或讨论的问题,可以看成外生给定也可内生决定。