控制自然,dominating nature
1)dominating nature控制自然
1.The Lack of Ethics or the Philosophical World View of "Dominating Nature"——Reflecting the Origin of the Modern Ecological Crisis through the Dominating of Nature;是伦理的缺失还是“控制自然”的哲学世界观——透过《自然的控制》反思当代生态危机的根源
2.This paper,to begin with,reveales complex ethical relations and ethical connotations in which Leiss explained the relation between science and dominating nature,and second expounds the ethical essence of domination.本文首先从莱斯阐释的科学与控制自然的关系中揭示了其中蕴涵的多重复杂的伦理关系与伦理内涵 ;其次 ,阐述了控制的伦理本性 ;再者 ,从分析科学和控制自然内在悖论的伦理关系入手 ,阐述了莱斯关于人的活动的两个领域 :生活世界和科学世界 ;进而揭示了科学对控制自然的伦理意义。
3.It calls for an ethical transformation to surpass the intrinsic contradiction of dominating nature.控制自然这一概念是自相矛盾的,它既是其进步性也是其退步性的根源。

1.On the historical evolution and ethical implication of the internal contradiction of the idea of“Dominating Nature” ──Review of William Leiss The Domintion of Nature;“控制自然”观念内在悖论的历史演进及伦理意蕴──莱斯《自然的控制》解读
2.He was making a visible effort to control himself.他显然在努力控制自己。
3.I burst into a laugh, then checked myself.我突然大笑起来,然后又控制住了自己。
4.--Natural population growth rate should be no more than 10.6 per thousand;——人口自然增长率控制在1.06%以内;
5.being controlled by passion or the supernatural.被情感或超自然力所控制。
6.Fungal pathogens are important natural biological control agents of aphids.病原真菌是蚜虫的重要自然控制因子。
7.Control those desires to cast your fate to the wind.天秤座:控制那些需求,运气顺其自然。
8.I had a fit of rage--I could hardly control myself.我勃然大怒, 简直控制不住自己。
9.and Keeping the natural growth rate of population under 8 per thousand.人口自然增长率控制在8‰以内。
10.State Committee for Hydrometeorology and Control of Natural Environment水文气象和自然环境控制国家委员会
11.Does this mean, however, that self-control is lost?然而,这是否意味着自我控制不复存在?
13.The Natural Light Use and Contorl in Human Interior;人居室内空间中自然光的利用与控制
14.The Legislative Cost and Control of Natural Monopoly Industries in China;我国自然垄断产业的立法成本与控制
15.The City: the Controlled Problem of the Natural Resources in the Xia-Shang Period;城:夏商时期对自然资源的控制问题
16.The Compensation Mechanism of Restriction the Tourism Construction Land in Nature & Culture Heritage Sites;自然文化遗产地控制旅游建设用地的补偿机制
17.Control Effect of Biological Agents on the Diamondback Moth,Plutella xylostlla(L.);生物制剂对小菜蛾自然种群的控制作用
18.Dialectical Natural Laws in Physics--Control、Information、System and Dialectical Natural Laws;物理学中的辩证自然观——控制、信息、系统与辩证自然观

domination of nature控制自然
1.The renaissance of human being lies in the cognition and domination of nature, which is planned by God.利用科学认识自然、控制自然是人类的复兴之路,这一复兴是出于上帝的计划。
3)natural control自然控制
1.Dynamics of predators in rice canopy and capacity of natural control on insect pests in paddy fields with different nitrogen regimes;氮肥对水稻叶冠层捕食性天敌种群及其自然控制能力的影响
2.Impact of nitrogen fertilizer on natural control capacities of invertebrate predators and parasitoids and its demonstration in rice-based ecosystem;氮肥对天敌自然控制作用的影响及其在稻田生态系统中的例证
3.So the pines in the mixed forest grew better and had high tolerance towords the attack of Dendrolimus spectabilis,and thus had better natural control against the pest.通过对比油松刺槐混交林与油松纯林内相关因素,研究其对赤松毛虫的自然控制。
4)natural cybernetics自然控制论
1.The development of natural cybernetics will facilitate the solution of the problems "environment and development" and lead to the harmonic consistence of the mankind and the environment and the sustainable development of the mankind society.自然控制论是一门正在兴起的兼具基础性和应用性的学科分支,它研究自然环境的自控行为与人工调控的机理以及人工调控的理论、方法和技术,以解决人类面临的环境和发展问题,达到人类与自然环境的协调和持续发展。
5)control over nature自然的控制
6)natural control action自然控制作用

反馈控制(见控制系统)反馈控制(见控制系统)feedback control  于。。伙。]伙ongZ片}反馈控制(几edbaekcontrol)见拉制系统。