人化自然观,view of humanized nature
1)view of humanized nature人化自然观
1.On the basis of criticizing the old View of Nature,and with the main thread of mankind social practice,Marx surveyed the content and form of humanized nature,the relationship between history and humanized nature and the metabolism between mankind and nature by dialectical method,so his view of humanized nature was dialectic.马克思在批判旧自然观的基础上,以人的社会实践活动为主线,运用辩证法考察并阐述了人化自然的内容和形式、历史与人化自然的关系、人与自然之间的物质变换等问题,从而使他的人化自然观具有了辩证性特征。
2.Practicality is the basic feature of Marxism philosophy and significant theoretic characteristic of Marx s view of humanized nature.实践性是马克思主义哲学的根本特点,也是马克思人化自然观的重要理论特征。

1.Oneness of Heaven and Men: New Research on the View of Humanized Nature;“天人合一”:马克思人化自然观新探
2.On the Significance of Marx s View of Humanized Nature to China s Modernization;论马克思人化自然观对我国现代化建设的意义
3.On Marxian Humane Nature Theory;马克思“人化自然观”初探——以《德意志意识形态》为例
4.Multidimensional explanation of Marxs “practical human viewpoint of nature”;马克思“实践的人化自然观”的多维度界说
5.On the Implication of Ecological Civilization of Marxist Human-Nature Concept;试论马克思人化自然观的生态文明意蕴
6.The Construction of Contemporary Chinese Harmonious Ecological Civilization under Marx's Humanization Natural View马克思人化自然观视阈下当代中国和谐生态文明的构建
7.On the Concept of Harmony Between Man and Nature in Ancient Chang an Culture from the View of Dao Fa Zi Ran;从“道法自然”看长安文化的天人和谐观
8.Scientific Value of Outlook on Artificial Nature for Cultural Development;人工自然观对于文化发展的科学价值
9.Developing Countries’ Views on the Liberalization of Presence of Natural Person under GATS FrameworkGATS框架下自然人流动自由化:发展中国家观点
10.The Standpoint of Developing Country on the Liberalization of the Movement of Natural Persons Within the GATS;GATS框架下的自然人流动自由化:发展中国家观点
11."To Make the Nature Humanized"-the objective element of developing Chinese rural area sport;“自然的人化”——发展我国农村体育的客观性因素
12.A Survey of Marx s Concept on "Human and Nature"from the Development of Western Concept on Nature;从西方自然观的发展看马克思的“人与自然”观
13.Compound Outlook on Nature A Viewpoint towards Nature from the Perspective of Human Life;复合自然观人类生活实践视野下的自然观
14.The Economic Impacts of the Movement of Natural Persons under the GATS and Its Liberalization: Micro-perspectiveGATS下自然人流动及其自由化的经济影响:微观视角
15.Nature: Intermedia of Reflection and Mirror on Man Himself--Exploration on New Value of Nature;自然界:人类反观自照的中介——自然界价值新探
16.Historical view of the development of the "primordial Qi" A study of the natural historical view manifested in Yi Wei;“元气”演化史观——《易纬》的自然史观研究
17.Longnan has unique natural and man-made landscape.陇南有独特的自然景观和人文景观。
18.On Shijing: Two Types of Cultural Spirit Soaking Nature;论《诗经》中自然的主观化和客观化的文化意义

human viewpoint of nature实践的人化自然观
1.Multidimensional explanation of Marxs “practical human viewpoint of nature”;马克思“实践的人化自然观”的多维度界说
3)natural humanism自然人性观
1.The historical development of constitutional philosophy depends on the basic effect on constitution of humanism, of which natural humanism breeds the bud of ancient constitution with "priority of rule by law", rational humanism conduces to the formation of modern constitution with "limited government", and social humanism sets off the development of modern constitution.宪法价值哲学的历史形成和发展,离不开人性之于宪法的基础作用:自然人性观通过"法治优先论"孕育了古代宪法的萌芽;理性人性观以"有限政府论"促成了近代宪法的形成;社会人性观则以"社群主义论"激发了现代宪法的发展。
4)natural outlook on life自然人生观
5)natural outlook on nature and man自然天人观
1.The sprouts of natural outlook on nature and man in the primitive society are based on the awareness of climates and geography.原始社会时期自然天人观的萌芽,其主要表现为一种基于农耕和居住活动的原始的天时、地宜意识。
6)humanized nature人化自然
1.Protecting a harmonious nature should be the basic standpoint for modern philosophy as the traditional opinion of "humanized nature"and its maximum are fully reviewed.因此,重新审视西方近代人文主义传统意义上的"人化自然"观点,重新考虑自然的人化的限度,从而保有自然本身的和谐之美是当代哲学必须持有的立场。
2.Firstly, Marx advanced humanized nature concept that removed from the opposition between human and nature.马克思提出了人化自然概念,消除了人与自然的对立。
3.Through studying "humanized nature," Marx reveals the essence of the relation between man and nature, one of the fundamental problems in the world, laying a solid basis for historical materialism.人与自然的关系是世界最根本的问题之一,马克思通过对"人化自然"的研究,揭示了人与自然关系的本质,为唯物史观的确立奠定了坚实的基础。

人化自然  马克思在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中使用的术语,指由人的本质力量所创造并为社会的人所占有的对象世界。    人化自然概念是同马克思异化劳动的思想相联系的。马克思认为,自由自觉的活动(劳动)是人的类的特性,它通过实践创造一个对象世界而确证了人的类本质。但是异化劳动从人那里夺去了他所创造的对象,从而使人同自己的类本质相异化。通过异化劳动的扬弃,废除了私有财产,人的本质力量的对象化所创造的对象世界才真正成为人化的自然界,人也成为实现了自己类本质的人。    人化自然概念是马克思对L.费尔巴哈关于人和自然界相统一的原则的进一步发挥。虽然它和自由自觉的活动一样,也是从高度理想化的状况出发的,因而是非历史的概念。但是,马克思在论证这种统一时把劳动当作基础因而引进了能动的原则,克服了费尔巴哈唯物主义的直观性。马克思在后来的著作中不再使用"人化自然"这个术语,但它所包含的能动地改造客观世界的思想则得到保留和进一步发挥,成为马克思主义实践观的一个重要内容。