动物伦理,animal ethics
1)animal ethics动物伦理
1.This paper studied on the relation between person and the marine animal from ethics visual angle,carried out analysis on the marine animal\'s current situation and the possibility of marine animal ethics.文章从伦理视角分析了人与海洋动物的关系,并对海洋动物当前的生存状况、海洋动物伦理成立的可能性及其规范、原则等问题进行了探讨,引导公众培养海洋动物伦理意识,表明了当今海洋生态环境的日益恶化给海洋动物带来的种种威胁,而海洋动物生存及权利问题的解决,不能仅仅依赖经济和法律手段,同时还应该诉诸伦理信念。

1.The Four Fundamental Principles in the Animal Ethics of Song and Ming Confucianism宋明儒学动物伦理四项基本原则之研究
2.American Ethical Review System of Laboratory Animal and Its Implication for China美国实验动物伦理审查制度及其对中国的启示
3.What the Moral Principle Means to Modern Readers -- from the theory of animals' right to the concept of moral principle and ecology天台宗伦理思想的现代阐释——从动物权利论伦理到生态伦理
4.On the Establishment of China s Animal Welfare Foundation for the Ecological Ethics;论我国建立动物福利的生态伦理基础
5.Study on Ethical Issues and Public Policy of Genetically Modified Animals;转基因动物的伦理问题和公共政策研究
6.The Sublimation of Life Value--to Explore the Moral Relationship between the Right of Health of Human Beings and Right of Existence of Animals;动物生存权与人类健康权伦理关系探析
7.On the Moral Proposal and Strategy of Aimal Protection on the Ecological Centralism;简论生态中心主义动物保护的伦理主张及策略
8.Analysis and Consideration on the Feasibility of Research on Chimera人与非人动物“嵌合体”研究的伦理学分析与思考
9.Social Life of Objects: Emotional Ethics And Hierarchical Order--On The Mobility of Gifts;物的社会生命:人情伦理与等级秩序——兼论《礼物的流动》
10.The Double Ethical Insides of The Justice Between Human-being And Nature-----Under The Viewpoint of--The Animal Rights Theories;人与自然公正的双重伦理底蕴——以动物权利理论为视角
11.An Interpretation of Cormac McCarthy s Environmental Ethical Stance Through Animal and Wilderness Images in all the Pretty Horses and the Crossing;从《骏马》和《穿越》中的动物及荒野形象看科马克·麦卡锡的环境伦理观
12.“The Identity about the Matter and Me”and Ecological Ethics--Zhuangzhous Ideas of Ecological Ethics;“物我同一”与生态伦理——庄子的生态伦理思想新探
13.The Motivation of Kant s Transcendental Ethics : In Perspective of Enlightenment;从启蒙运动看康德先验伦理学的动机
14.A Study of Ethical Issues Concerning Floating Population Administration in Contemporary China当代中国流动人口管理伦理问题研究
15.On Life-consciousness of Robert Penn Warren s Animal Poems;论罗伯特·潘·沃伦动物诗歌的生命意识
16.3, erect the worldwide ethic of "people are our brethren and every things on earth are our fellowmen";(3 )要建构“民胞物与”的全球伦理 ;
17.Albert Schweitzer as a Pioneer of Bioethics生物伦理学先驱——阿尔贝特·施韦泽
18.The ethics of recognition as a materialist project;作为一种唯物主义方案的承认伦理学

animal welfare ethics动物福利伦理学
3)The Limits of Animal Ethics动物伦理的限度
5)physical homotopy物理同伦
6)ethical motives伦理动因
1.From the perspective of ethics, the ethical motives of family enterprise have certain elements and mechanism.家族企业的成长是个动因系统,以伦理学的视角来讲,家族企业伦理动因具有一定的要素和机制,一般性伦理动因和特定性伦理动因共同推动家族企业的成长。
2.Familization of enterprise has its own ethical motives,which can be recognized and concluded in terms of the evolution of Confucian culture itself and the limitation of familization of enterprises with"Protestant Ethics"and Confucian culture as its choice and with financial storm of Asia and the coming of .而作为这一原因的企业家族化 ,有其伦理动因。
