交互问题,interaction problems
1)interaction problems交互问题

1.Research and Realization of Graphic Interaction in Production Scheduling System;生产调度系统图形交互问题的研究与实现
2.cross-cutting gender issue相互交织的性别问题
3.Supervision-based Multi-agent simulation;基于多Agent交互的监督问题仿真研究
4.Research on Key Problems of Agent Development and InteractionAgent系统构建与交互关键问题研究
5.Research on Relevance Recognition of Question for Interactive Question Answering中文交互式问答用户问题相关检测研究
6.so as to maximise opportunity to discuss matters of mutual exchange and cooperation.以便有更多的机会讨论相互交流与合作的问题。
7.Playfulness problems in computer interactions计算机交互中娱乐性问题的心理学研究
8.Security Research of Data Exchange in Online Game;网络游戏中的数据交互安全性问题研究
9.Research on Issues of Consistency Algorithm for Replicated Continuous Interactive Media;连续交互媒体一致性控制的若干问题研究
10.The Physics Experiment Teaching Pattern Exploration of "Question-operation";“问题—操作”交互式的物理实验教学模式初探
11.A Discussion on Problems of Information Interaction in Open Education of RTVU;浅析电大开放教育教学信息交互的相关问题
12.On Intercourse and Marriage Interaction Among Nationalities--Research on Problems of Hezhou Nationality;论族群交往与婚姻互动——贺州族群问题研究
13.Some Legal Problems on Taxation in Internet Trade;国际互联网络交易中税收法律问题之思考
14.A Pareto Optimal Solving Algorithm of Interactive Group Decision Making;交互式群组决策问题的一种Pareto最优求解算法
15.Fuzzy interactive decision method of multi -objective bilevel decision problem;两层多目标决策问题的模糊交互式决策方法
16.Inter-subjectivity in Practical Philosophy;交互主体性问题由理论向实践维度的转向
17.Research on Implicit Surface Interactive Modelling and Polygonal Mesh Processing隐式曲面交互造型及其网格化处理问题研究
18.Interactively solving the vehicle routing problem for petroleum delivery油品配送车辆路径问题的交互式求解方法

entropy of the density交互熵问题
3)feature interaction problem特征交互问题
4)vertical nonlinear complementarity problem直交非线性互补问题
1.An interval algorithm for vertical nonlinear complementarity problems;直交非线性互补问题的区间算法
5)Other drag-and-drop interaction issues其他拖放交互问题
6)Control-Structure Interaction Problem控制-结构交互问题
