担责任,Dan zeren
1)Dan zeren担责任
1.In the basis of the dialogue with the previous paradigm for the study of the Guanxi neworks of enterprises, we developed the paradigm of "La guanxi " and "Dan zeren" to explain.在与以往采用关系网络的解释框架对话的基础上,本文提出“拉关系”与“担责任”的解释框架,着重强调企业承担社会责任与企业建构关系网络同样重要。

1.The guarantor shall be held liable within the agreed scope of guaranty.担保人在约定的担保范围内承担责任
2.I don't want to lay a burden on you.我不想让你承担责任
3.You'll have to answer for that.你得为此承担责任
4.you have to face the music; take your medicine.你必须勇于承担责任
5.In id quod facere potest在能力限度内承担责任
6.The person performing such act is liable.由行为人承担责任
7.Are you willing to accept responsibility?你愿意承担责任吗?
8.She demands that he assume the responsibility.她要求他承担责任
9.They bludgeoned him into accepting responsibility.他们迫使他承担责任
10.Considerate products take responsibility体贴的软件承担责任
11.take(guilt, responsibility,etc)upon oneself承担(罪责、责任等)
12.assume an office, duty, or title.担任职责、责任或头衔。
13."To impose a duty, responsibility, or obligation on."使承担任务、责任或义务.
14.the trait of being without worry or responsibility.没有烦恼担心的事情,不承担任何责任。
15.Assuming duty form should be joiut liability, not duty by shares.承担的责任形式应当是连带责任而非按份责任。
16.put into an office or a position.使担任一种职责或职位。
17.He's take on too many responsibility.他承担太多的工作(责任)。
18.I'm taking on more responsibility.我将承担更多的责任。

shared responsibility责任分担
1.On the basis of victim s fault influencing conviction and sentencing,scholars in the West counties proposed two theories,the shared responsibility doctrine and the offender s culpability mitigated.被害人过错影响定罪量刑的根据,西方有责任分担说和谴责性降低说两种学说。
1.Based upon China s relevant provisions of the law,this paper analyzes legal basis,components and responsibility,and clarifies the basic principles needed to resolve related issues.本文依据我国法律有关规定,就土地征收中的民事侵权行为的法律依据、构成要件和责任承担进行了分析,明确了解决相关问题的基本原则。
2.This dissertation, focusing on the present situation in rural areas, facing the characteristics of some cases, and drawing lessons from some foreign countries, expounds and proves the government\'s responsibility to provide for the aged.本文立足我国农村养老现状,直面赡养案件的特点、司法救济的难点,探询政府在农村养老保障中的责任缺失,借鉴古代及域外养老保障建设的经验,论证政府在农村养老保障中责任承担的必要性、可行性,进而提出政府在政策制定、体系构建、理念培养、社会导向、资金保障上的责任架构,以促进农村社会的和谐稳定发展。
4)responsibility shared by all责任共担
5)to carry out their responsibilities担负责任
6)Guarantee Responsibility担保责任
1.The Defect Guarantee Responsibility of the Contract Sellers:A New Understanding;出卖人瑕疵担保责任的再认识

比例分担条件比例分担条件  【比例分担条件】投保人以一个保险标的同时向两家或两家以上的保险公司投保同一危险,或两个以上保险公司同时承保同一保险标的,在发生赔款责任时的分担条件。在重复保险或共同保险中,保险金额的总和往往超过保险标的的可保价值,但根据被保险人不可获得双份赔偿的原则,投保人所能获得的最高赔偿金额,只能是其投保财产的可保价值。因此,在发生保险财产损失时,通常都采取比例分摊办法,按各保险人各自承担的金额占总保险金额的比例分摊赔款。