传统生态环境思想,Traditional eco-environment theory
1)Traditional eco-environment theory传统生态环境思想

1.Inspiration from the Traditional Eco-environment Theory for Modern Eco-city Construction传统生态环境思想对现代生态城市建设的启示
2.The Effects of Chinese Traditional Ecological Thought on Agricultural Environmental Protection;中国传统生态思想对农业环境保护的影响
3.Chinese Traditional Ecological View on Environment and Implications;中国传统社会的生态环境思想及其启示
4.On the thought of ecology living environment in Chinese traditional culture;中国传统文化中的生态居住环境思想探析
5.Transition of Traditional Environment Ethics towards Marxism Ecology Natural View传统环境伦理思想的马克思主义生态自然观转向
6.Thoughts about Environment Ethics in Chinese Traditional Culture;浅谈中国传统文化中的环境伦理思想
7.A Preliminary Study on the Thoughts of Environmental Ethics in Traditional Chinese Culture;中国传统文化中的环境伦理思想初探
8.On the Thought of the Environmental Ethics in Chinese Traditional Culture;略论中国传统文化中的环境伦理思想
9.On the Thought of Ecological Environment Protection from the Perspective of Taoist Unity of Nature and Man;从道教天人合一看生态环境保护思想
10.The Unity of Nature and Humanity from Protection for Western Ecological Environment;“天人合一”思想与西部生态环境保护
11.An Elementary Analysis on MENG Zi s Thought about Ecological Ethics and Environmental Protection;孟子的生态伦理和环境保护思想浅析
12.Pespecting the Development of Human-goegraphy Relationship Thoughts and Ecological Environment;透析人地关系思想的演进与生态环境
13.Analysis & Development Advisement of Culture Entironment Factor Towards Huizou Tradition Folk Domicile Community;徽州传统民居群落文化生态环境要素的分析及发展思考
14.About the Ecology of the Natural Environment of the Traditional Folk Houses of Guizhou Province;贵州传统民居建筑的环境自然生态观
15.Promoting Education on Environment by Traditional Ecological Culture in Our Country;以传统生态文化提升我国的环境教育
16.Marxist Ecological Environmental Ideology VS Development of Biological Economy;马克思主义生态环境思想与发展生物经济
17.Research on "original ecology"thoughts of traditional local-style dwelling houses;浅谈中国传统民居中的“原生态”思想
18.A Study on China s Traditional Eco-ethical Thoughts and the Building of Ecological Civilization;中国传统生态伦理思想与生态文明建设研究

ecological environment view生态环境思想
1.This paper reviews the development of ecological environment view in the history of American modern landscape architecture.从现实问题出发,对美国现代景观设计一个世纪以来生态环境思想发展进行了梳理和思考,从不断追求生态科学价值的视角,探讨了景观设计学中生态思想及生态技术的地位,并对如何在中国景观设计中树立生态价值观,并运用生态学方法指导实践的启示进行了研究和探讨。
3)traditional environment ethics传统环境伦理思想
1.It is still at a traditional standpoints between subjective and objective that how to understand the environment problem and ecological crisis in the thought of the traditional environment ethics.传统环境伦理思想对环境问题和生态危机的认识滞留于传统主客观二分的境地,非但不能取得积极的成果,反而制约了经济社会的发展。
4)eco-environment construction idea生态环境建设思想
5)Chinese Traditional Ecological Main Ideas中国传统生态核心思想
6)Traditional agriculture ecological thought传统农业生态思想

传统传统tradition  传统(tradition)“传统,,」词从严格意义上讲,首先是指“传达”(tr翻smi-ssion),任何个体都可以从其所生存的社会中学习到若干道德准则、累积的知识,甚至是祖先的成见。第二是指文化的延续过程,即把本民族、本地区文化中选择出特别有价值的,作为“传统”代代沿袭。所以一种传统乃是由某一团体而并非某一个人所产生的一种稳定的行为方式或标准,具有加强团体凝聚力的强大社会心理效应。但由于传统中往往可能包含着某些陈旧落后的因素,因此随着社会文化的变革,旧的传统与新风尚之间往往容易发生冲突。 (林乘贤撰沈德灿审)