污染避难说,the hypothesis of"pollution haven"
1)the hypothesis of"pollution haven"污染避难说
2)Pollution haven hypothesis"污染避难所"假说
1.As the most important theory in this discussion, Pollution Haven Hypothesis constitutes the basic explanation for the shift of pollution from developed c.从理论上看,“污染避难所”假说为发达国家通过FDI向发展中国家转移污染提供了支持。
3)The Hypothesis of Pollution Haven污染避难所假说

1.The Practical Considerations of "Pollution Refuge Hypothesis" in the Undeveloped Western Areas--Taking Gansu Province as an Example“污染避难所假说”在西部欠发达地区的现实考量——以甘肃为例
2.An Empirical Test on the Pollution Havens Hypothesis of the Foreign Direct Investment--Evidence from Jiangsu外国直接投资“污染避难所假说”的实证检验——以江苏省为例
3.A Positive Test on The Hypothesis of "Pollution Haven" in China;“污染避难所”假说在中国的实证检验
4.The "Pollution Haven" Hypothesis & Its Empirical Test in China;“污染避难所”假说及其在中国的检验
5.The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Environment:An Empirical Study Based on Pollution Haven Hypothesis and Comparative Advantage Determined by Factor Endowment我国贸易自由化的环境效应分析——基于“污染避难所”假说与要素禀赋比较优势的检验
6.Review of Empirical Research on Pollution Haven Effect of International Trade国际贸易中“污染避难所效应”的实证研究述评
7.The Competition for FDI, Environmental Regulation, and Pollution HavenFDI竞争、环境规制与污染避难所——对中国式分权的反思
8.Analysis About The Entry For Polluted Vessels In Distress Under International Legal Systems In China国际法体系下我国对污染遇难船的避难准入问题
9.To be perfectly honest, pollution is unavoidable in modern cities.老实说吧,污染在现代城市里是不可避免的。
10."To be perfectly honest, pollution is unavoidable in modern city . "老实说吧,污染在现代成都市里是不可避免的。
11.A place of privacy, security, or refuge.避难所隐蔽、安全的地方或避难所
12.'They say, those boastful English, that it is the Refuge of many.“那些喜欢吹牛的英国人说它是许多人的避难所。
13."You are partially correct if you think air pollution is caused by factories, but a great deal of pollution is also caused by cars."认为工厂污染了大气只是说对了一部分,许多污染是汽车所造成的。
14.Economic Growth and Environmental Pollution: An Empirical Test for the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis in China;经济增长与环境污染——环境库兹涅茨曲线假说的中国检验
15.soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime.被污染的或者像是被污垢或者污点所污染。
16.It is necessary to remove the dirt and pathogenic bacteria, to avoid contaminating germ free or sanitizing articles and to avoid infection and cross-infection.答:除去手上的污垢及污染的致病菌,避免污染无菌物品或清洁物品,避免感染和交叉感染。
17.Open your eyes: See things for what they really are, thereby sparing yourself the pain of false attachments and avoidable devastation.张开你的眼睛:以事物的真实面目去看,藉以省却虚假执著所带来的痛苦以及避免不必要的灾难。
18.He said: "In the long run, all those things such as starvation, polluted water supplies and birth defects could happen."他说:「长期来说,将会有饥馑、水源污染、生育残缺和所有这类事件发生。」

Pollution haven hypothesis"污染避难所"假说
1.As the most important theory in this discussion, Pollution Haven Hypothesis constitutes the basic explanation for the shift of pollution from developed c.从理论上看,“污染避难所”假说为发达国家通过FDI向发展中国家转移污染提供了支持。
3)The Hypothesis of Pollution Haven污染避难所假说
4)the hypothesis of "pollution haven"污染避难假说
5)Pollution Haven污染避难所
1.But the problem is that the empirical studies now show little evidence to support the "pollution haven" hypothesis.目前学术界关于“污染避难所假说”存在两种截然不同的观点:一种认为“污染避难所假说”只是在理论上成立,而现实中是不存在的;另一种观点认为“污染避难所假说”是成立的,只不过由于种种原因的限制,目前的实证研究还没能很好的反映出来。
2.The hypothesis of "pollution haven" is exist,but,the technology of foreign industrial enterprise is always higher than domestic counterpart,FDI does has a technology spillover effect,newer technology means lower pollution intensity,which implies foreign industry enterprise ought to present "pollution intensity reversal".研究结果表明:外商直接投资主要通过规模、结构和技术效应的直接传导机制以及收入和政策效应的间接传导机制对工业污染产生影响,外商直接投资的增加往往会促使工业污染减少;此外,工业外资在中国区位选择时的确将污染排放量视为重要的要素禀赋,这与"污染避难所"假说相符,但现实中,外资技术溢出效应是存在的,外资工业企业的技术水平往往高于内资工业企业,较高的新技术研发水平与较低的污染排放强度是对应的,这意味着外资企业"污染密集型逆转"现象是存在的。
6)pollution disaster污染灾难
