传统工程,traditional engineering
1)traditional engineering传统工程
1.This paper sums up the lesson from industrial engineering to clarify the non-sustainability of traditional engineering.本文总结了工业工程的教训,阐明了传统工程的不可持续性,以笔者主持的以保障奥运为目的的《21世纪初期首都水资源可持续利用规划(2001—2005)》为例,具体探讨了生态工程的基本内涵与目标,以及如何从传统工程走向生态工程等重大问题,进而提出了若干有针对性的建议。

1.From Traditional Engineering to Ecological Engineering:Cases and Suggestions从传统工程走向生态工程:案例与建议
2.Code for design of cable transmission system engineering海底光缆数字传输系统工程设计规范
3.Code for acceptance of fiber optic submarine cable transmission system engineering海底光缆数字传输系统工程验收规范
4.The drive analysis on hydrodynamic mechanical transmission system.第二章工程车辆传动系统动力性分析。
5.The Modeling and Simulation of Powertrain for Engineering Vehicles;工程车辆动力传动系统的建模与仿真
6.Study on the Relationship between Engineering Philosophy and Traditional Technology Philosophy;工程哲学与传统技术哲学之关系初探
7.The DWDM Transmission System Principle, Test with the Engineering Fulfillment;DWDM传输系统原理、测试与工程实践
8.The Compulsive Migration of Construction and Chinese Juridical Tradition;工程性非自愿性移民与中国法律传统
9.Deep Excavation Supporting Engineering without Traditional Support Replacement Condition无传统换撑条件下的深基坑支护工程
10.The Inheritance and Development of Traditional ChineseIrrigation Project and Technology;中国传统灌溉工程及技术的传承和发展
11.Application Research of the WDM/DWDM System in the Long-distance Light Transport Network;WDM/DWDM系统在远程光传输网络中的工程应用研究
12.On the Instrumental-rationality Characteristic of Technical Design in Traditional Engineering;试论工程主义传统中技术设计的工具理性特征
13.Exploration on the transition from traditional metalworking practice to modern engineering training;由传统金工实习向现代工程训练转变的探索
14.Compared to more traditional engineering disciplines, the field of nuclear engineering is a new addition to university educational programs.与传统的工程学科相比较起来,核子工程是大学教育中新的领域。
15.A Contrast Between the Traditional and the Object-Orienbted Methodologies of Software Engineering;传统的软件工程方法与面向对象的软件工程方法比较
16.Momentum and heat transfer are of concern in many branches of engineering, but mass transfer is traditionally the domain of the chemical engineer.动量和热量传递与许多工程分支有关,而质量传递传统上是化学工程师的主项。
17.The Technique Alteration and Project Realization of Traditional Elevator Based on VVVF Control;基于VVVF控制的传统电梯改造技术与工程实现
18.The Theory and Project Realization of Passive Acoustic Direction System Based on Vector Sensor;基于矢量传感器被动测向系统原理与工程实现

the tradition of engineering工程学传统
1.The author points out that the division of technological philosophy into the tradition of engineering and the tradition of humanism from the perspective of essentialism can be traced back to the conflicting ideas of scientism and humanism.本文追溯了技术哲学两个传统划分之来源,认为从本质论的角度把技术哲学划分为工程学传统与人文主义传统,虽然根源于科学主义与人文主义的对立,但需要纠正一个误解,即以为时至今日,工程学的技术哲学仍仅仅对应于科学精神,人文主义的技术哲学则独享人文精神。
3)traditional process industry传统过程工业
1.For the purpose of the greenization of traditional process industry, this paper puts forward the quantitative evaluation index including atom utilization and resource efficiency by analyzing the known evaluation index of traditional process industry.本文对过程工业已有传统评价指标进行了比较综合,提出了传统过程工业实现绿色化的评价指标,包括资源原子利用率与资源效率,并以铬盐生产的绿色化学过程为例阐明了其对我国资源利用率低、重污染型传统过程工业技术更新改造的重要指导意义。
4)traditional software engineering传统软件工程
1.However, because of the inherence drawbacks of traditional software engineering (TSE) models, the increasing rules and operational criterions, it is not met to the really needs of the middle-or-small scale projects developing process.然而 ,传统软件工程模型固有的缺陷和越来越多的规则与操作规范约束 ,面对大量中小型系统开发时 ,不能适应实际开发过程的需要。
5)Traditional Ergonomics传统人机工程学
1.Traditional Ergonomics emphasizes research of the relations between human and machine involving dimension of human body, skeleton, muscle, posture and so on.传统人机工程学着重对人体本身和人体功能与使用对象之间关系的研究,涉及人体尺寸、骨骼、肌肉、姿势等方面。
6)Genetic engineering遗传工程
1.The principle of breeding of seedless fruit by genetic engineering and its study advance;遗传工程无籽果实原理及其研究进展
2.Genetic engineering and lignin biosynthetic regulation in forest tree species;林木遗传工程及木质素的生物合成调节(英文)
3.By comparing the development of software engineering and circuit engineering, genetic engineering, the author declares that in order to make software engineering become a discipline, we have to work hard to align software engineering foundations with curricula and curricula with industry practice.通过比较软件工程与电路工程、遗传工程学科的发展过程 ,提出软件工程要成为一门学科 ,必须将基础、课程和产业实践紧密结合 ;并从认证、执照、课程改革等方面对改革软件工程提出了几点建

传统传统tradition  传统(tradition)“传统,,」词从严格意义上讲,首先是指“传达”(tr翻smi-ssion),任何个体都可以从其所生存的社会中学习到若干道德准则、累积的知识,甚至是祖先的成见。第二是指文化的延续过程,即把本民族、本地区文化中选择出特别有价值的,作为“传统”代代沿袭。所以一种传统乃是由某一团体而并非某一个人所产生的一种稳定的行为方式或标准,具有加强团体凝聚力的强大社会心理效应。但由于传统中往往可能包含着某些陈旧落后的因素,因此随着社会文化的变革,旧的传统与新风尚之间往往容易发生冲突。 (林乘贤撰沈德灿审)