对照村,the control village
1)the control village对照村

1.The Analysis on the Ecology Civilized Consciousness of the Pilot Village and the Control Village in the New Rural Construction--Take the Shandong Province as an Example新农村建设试点村与对照村生态文明意识探析——以山东省为例
2.Control Study of Personality and Self-consciousness in Children of Civilian Workers.;农村“留守儿童”个性及自我意识状况的对照研究
3.On my travels through the country, I met with kindness and consideration from ordinary people in the villages.在那个国家旅行期间,我感受到普通村民们对我的友谊和照顾。
4.An Epidemiologic Study on the Echinococcosis of Residents in Rural Areas of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region;宁夏农村人群包虫病流行病学及其危险因素的病例对照研究
5.The Impact of Care for Grandchildren on Psychological Well-being of the Rural Elderly;提供孙子女照料对农村老年人心理健康的影响研究
6.The Contrast Research between the Parents-absenting Children and the Liveing-with-parents Children in of Five and Six Grades of Rural Central Primary School;农村中心小学校五六年级留守儿童与非留守儿童的对照研究
7.A contrast study on the characters and behaviors of the children between from the SOS children village and from ordinary families;SOS儿童村儿童和普通双亲家庭儿童个性行为对照研究
8.The Embarrassment Caused by the Comparison between Country Novels and City Novels;城市和乡村人性的二重奏——铁凝城乡小说对照分析
9.Case-control analysis and follow-up study on risk factors of suicide attempt in a rural population in Shandong Province;山东某地农村人群自杀未遂危险因素的病例-对照分析和随访研究
10.A Case-control Study on Influencing Factors of Low Birth Weight in Rural Areas贫困地区农村低出生体重影响因素病例对照研究
11.A Case-control Study on Risk Factors of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in the Rural Area of Tangshan唐山市农村地区慢性阻塞性肺疾病危险因素病例对照研究
12.Gradual Community-based Rehabilitation for Schizophrenia in Changping Countryside:A Comparative Study昌平区农村精神分裂症患者阶段性社区康复治疗对照研究
13.A full moon illuminated the village.一轮圆月照亮了村庄。
14.We analysed the case-control data of House Rats type of Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever(EHF), which were 60 pairs from an urban area and 54 pairs from a rural area,with the single-factor- matched method and Logistic model.对城市60例和农村54例家鼠型出血热病例作1:1配对病例对照研究。
15.I have never known her to do it before, for as a rule she takes no interest in the village folk at all.就我所知,她从来没这么干过;因为照老习惯,她对这个村子里的乡下佬压根儿就不感兴趣。
16.A Case-control Study on Attribution,Subjective Well-being and Cultural Value of Rural Migrated Laborers Children in the Juvenile Prison and Urban Children;少管所农村流动儿童与城市儿童的归因方式、幸福感及其文化价值观的对照研究
17.Analysis of Need and Provision of Care of Chinese Rural Oldest Old;农村高龄老人的照料需求与照料供给分析
18.standard of comparison for checking the results of an experiment(实验的)对照标准

1.Bifonazole -Co Cream in the Treatment of Tinea Cruris and Tinea Corporis:A Randomized Double-blind Vehicle-controlled Clinical Trial;复方联苯苄唑乳膏治疗体股癣随机双盲对照临床试验
2.Analysis the Establishment of the Control Group in the Clinical Research of Acupuncture on Peripheral Facial Paralysis;周围性面瘫针灸临床研究中对照组设立的分析
3.Since some people often fail to fellow the principles of control and randomization in the experimental designs and clinical trials, a great many examples with wrong statistics in medical research are illustrated.本文介绍了实验设计的核心内容,并针对人们在进行临床试验设计时,常违犯对照和均衡原则的事实,举出了很多常见的实例。
1.The tragic degradation of Macbeth:a survey on contrasts in Macbeth;麦克白堕落之悲剧——《麦克白》中对照手法浅析
2.Therefore any new treatment must contrast with present general treatment and select characteristic effective targets that can be measured objectively.对急性踝关节扭伤治疗需与现行的常规治疗方法进行对照,并选择可客观测量的特征性效应指标。
3.When it is used as a post-modifier to indicate that the coming information is in contrast with some message conveyed in the precedent sentence,it often functions explicitly or implicitly.文章在作分析时导入了"对照"概念,并将其分为"显在""潜在"两部分加以论述:首先阐明「は」显性对照时的意义表达,然后以大量的例句为考察对象,对其潜在性的内涵意义进行了对比分析,且重点在后,意在帮助学习者更好地理解掌握提示助词「は」的用法。
1.In this paper, the writer makes a comparison in theme sentences between Japanese and ancient Chinese and finds that there are considerable similarities between the two la.笔者通过现代日语与古汉语中主题句的对照,发现古汉语中有标识的主题句与日语的主题句在句子结构方面有高度的类似性。
2.Relative comparison antonyms are not the same as ordinary ones,not having contradictory or contrary relation in logic and concept.相对对照反义词和一般的反义词不一样,不具备逻辑概念上的矛盾关系或反对关系,主要是因为相互间因有某种联系引发联想,于是相互对照并经常使用。
3.In this masterpiece,the principle of comparison between beauty and ugliness which is reflected from the beginning to the end is the core of the author\'s romantic idea.《巴黎圣母院》是法国伟大的浪漫主义作家雨果的代表作之一,在这部浪漫主义文学奠基之作中,他生动形象地刻画了以爱斯梅拉达为首的主要人物,并通过对照原则揭示了人物关系之间的真善美与假丑恶以及女主人公爱斯梅拉达的悲剧根源。
1.A comparative study of index of well-being between drug addicts and normal people;戒毒人员与普通人群幸福感指数对照研究
2.Randomized, Comparative Clinical Study of Gatifloxacin in Treating Community Respiratory Tract Infections;加替沙星在社区呼吸道感染治疗中的随机对照临床研究
3.At the age of global economic integration,the comparative information system of world material standards is very important for material procurement of manufactory industry.在制造业走向全球采购的背景下,多国材料牌号对照信息系统的建立有着极为重要的意义。
1.Probes into the Cognitive Value of Identification by Antithesis in Burke s New Rhetoric and Antithesis;博克新修辞学对立认同说与对照辞格认知意义探析
2.In perspective of cognitive linguistics,this paper endeavors to analyze the cognitive values of the opposites in antithesis.本文以认知语言学的视角,对对照辞格的对立面的认知意义进行分析。
3.The rhetorical device of antithesis in English is one that is balanced in structure,condensed in content and similar to that of Chinese.英语中的“对照”(antithesis)是一种结构工整、内容凝练并和汉语相似的修辞手段。

对照对照contrast  对照!e阅尔昭t珊;,r一1.比较(mrnparison) 向量O一印{一动了与给定向量。二({.。,一,动了的内积川·£一其f扣c,卜一‘:、二0例如,两‘维正态分布的未知数学期望口1和住之拳为口;一从=(日.姚)(l,一l)几因而是 个对照在方差分析中常要考虑多重比较(multlple①mParlson)问题.疾问题涉及有关若千个对照的数值之假设的检验.【补注】当0的各分量加土_同一常数时,对照不变.因此,对照不依赖二于有任意性的“总水平”在某些安排之下,这可以是一个极大的便利陈希孺译