清代垦殖,Reclamation in the Qing Dynasty
1)Reclamation in the Qing Dynasty清代垦殖
2)A Study on the Reclamation of Sichuan Frontier Region in the Late Qing Dynasty论清末川边垦殖
1.Cultivation and Desertification of Korqin.;科尔沁地区的垦殖与荒漠化
2.The Northeast cultivation and the economic development of Heilongjiang land reclamation system;东北垦殖与黑龙江垦区经济发展
3.The examination and quantization of cultivation in Anhui before and after the War of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom;太平天国战争前后安徽的垦殖考量

1.We brought a vast area of wasteland under cultivation我们垦殖了大片荒地。
2.An analysis of reclamation trend in the Early Qing Dynasty from the view point of Kangxi to Qianlong cultivation and reclamation policies;从康雍乾垦殖政策看中国清前期垦荒发展趋势
3.Agendath Netaim: planter's company.阿根达斯·内泰穆,移民垦殖公司。
4.Study on the Reclamation of Guangdong Overseas Chinese Donation in Republic of China (1939-1949);民国时期广东侨资垦殖问题研究(1939-1949)
5.The Modern Agricultural Cultivation of Qinghai and Environmental Changes (1840-1949);青海近代的农业垦殖与环境变迁(1840~1949)
6.Cultivation of Wasteland and Land Use Characteristics of Horqin in the Republic Time of China;民国时期科尔沁的垦殖与土地利用特征
7.A Study of Cultivated Land and Enviromental Change in Hehuang Areas in Qing Dynasty;清代河湟地区的土地垦殖与环境变迁研究
8.Agricultural Reclamation Policy and Environmental Change in Northwest China in the Qing Dynasty;清代西北地区的农业垦殖政策与生态环境变迁
9.Reclamation in Central and Western Regions in Inner Mongolia and Its Environmental Influence清代内蒙古中西部地区的垦殖与环境影响
10.Effects of Different Planting Manners on Output and Quality of the Fruits at Eroded Orchard垦殖方式对侵蚀果园果实产量与品质的影响
11.The Impact of Successive Garrison Reclamation in Qinghai on Ecological Environment青海历代屯田垦殖对草原生态环境的影响
12.They cultivated in mountainous areas of Jiangxi province, planting the cash crop and food farm crop.他们在江西的山区进行垦殖,种植经济作物和粮食作物。
13.Analysis of History of Vegetation Reclamation and Eco-enviromental Transition of Temperate Grassland in Northern China;中国北方温带草原植被垦殖与生态环境变迁历史分析
14.The Immigration into Taiwan and Social Change in the Ming and Qing Dynasty-A Case Study of the Shiku River Valley in NE Gunagdong (Yuedong);明清粤东石窟河流域的社会变迁与对台湾的移民垦殖
15.Immigrants in the Qing Dynasty and the Land Reclamation in the Northwest of Hubei Province;清代移民与鄂西北的土地垦殖——以历史时期十堰所辖区域为例
16.Cultivation and Reclamation in North Jiangsu as Epitome of Industrial Revolution;两淮垦殖业及工业的发端:近代中国工业革命的缩影
17.The Evolution of the Maowusu Desert and the Reclamat ion in the Adjacent Areas in the Ming Dynasty;明代毛乌素沙地变迁及其与周边地区垦殖的关系
18.Reclamations and Cultivation of Lakes in the 1950s-1970s and Evolution of Lake Wetlands in Jianghan Plain20世纪50-70年代的围湖垦殖与江汉平原湖泊湿地演化

A Study on the Reclamation of Sichuan Frontier Region in the Late Qing Dynasty论清末川边垦殖
1.Cultivation and Desertification of Korqin.;科尔沁地区的垦殖与荒漠化
2.The Northeast cultivation and the economic development of Heilongjiang land reclamation system;东北垦殖与黑龙江垦区经济发展
3.The examination and quantization of cultivation in Anhui before and after the War of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom;太平天国战争前后安徽的垦殖考量
1.Primary study on the reasons of grassland reclamation of China during the historical period;历史时期中国草原垦殖原因初探
2.Effects of marsh reclamation on methane and nitrous oxide emissions;垦殖对沼泽湿地CH_4和N_2O排放的影响
3.Study on the Reclamation of Guangdong Overseas Chinese Donation in Republic of China (1939-1949);民国时期广东侨资垦殖问题研究(1939-1949)
1.With the nation’s peace and increase of expending of Qing Dynasty, the scale of reclaim in Ordos changed from none to little, then more and more, until exceeded any other dynasty before.清代随着国家的安定与清后期财政支出的增加,对鄂尔多斯的垦殖从禁止到弛禁直至规模持续上升,超过以前任何朝代。
6)Research on the Tuntian in Yili Area during Qing Dynasty清代伊犁屯垦研究
