动态经济,dynamic economy
1)dynamic economy动态经济

1.static economics and dynamic economics静态经济学与动态经济
2.A Kind of Dynamical Models on Dynamical Macro-economic System;一类宏观动态经济系统的动力学模型
3.Econometric model and method for analysis of dynamic economic system;动态经济系统分析的经济计量模型与方法
4.The Dynamic Effect of Fiscal Technology and Education Expenditure in China;中国财政科教支出动态经济效应分析
5.Economic normality, economic fluctuation and fiscal macro-regulation;经济常态、经济波动与财政宏观调控
6.Ecosystem Pricing: A dynamic analysis to ecosystems;生态价格:对生态经济系统的动态分析
7.A System Dynamics Modle of Ecologicol Reconstruction of Agro-economy农业经济生态建设的系统动态学模型
8.Dynamic Transition of Economic and Population Median Point and Region Development;经济人口重心的动态转移与区域经济发展
9.On the Dynamic and Non equilibratory Theory Concerning Complex Economy System;有关复杂经济系统的动态非均衡经济理论评述
10.New Situation of Business Cycle Fluctuation and Trend of Economic Growth in China中国经济周期波动新态势与经济增长趋势
11.Study on Mutual Coordination between Preservation and Development of Ecological Economic Zone--An Example of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone生态经济区保护与发展互动协调研究——以鄱阳湖生态经济区为例
13.Ana1ysis of dynamic factors of construction cost in market economy市场经济中工程造价的动态因素分析
14.Chinese Economy's Dynamic Efficiency: Theoretical and Empirical Research;中国经济的动态效率:理论与实证研究
15.Study on Economical Forecasting Method of Oil Field Exploration and Production;油田勘探开发经济动态预测方法研究
16.The Dynamic Communicative Process and the Realization of Pragmatic Economy;试论动态交际过程与语用经济的实现
17.Dynamic Analysis of Macroeconomic System under Stochastic Conditions;随机条件下宏观经济系统的动态分析
18.Ecological Industries to Promote the Development of Recycle Economy in China;以生态产业推动我国循环经济的发展

economic trends经济动态
3)Dynamic heating economics动态热经济性
4)dynamic economic analysis动态经济分析
1.The calculation formula of dynamic economic diameter of a pressure bury steel pipe of the routine hydropower station has been derived according to the dynamic economic analysis method for simplifying calculation of economic diameter of a pressure bury steel pipe of the routine hydropower station and enchancing dynamic economic benefit of project construction.为了简化常规水电站埋藏式压力钢管经济直径计算工作,提高工程建设的动态经济效益,本文推导了按动态经济分析方法确定常规水电站埋藏式压力钢管经济直径的公式,并以实例作了论
2.The calculation formula of dynamiceconomic diameter of a non-lined pressure tunnel of a hydro-power station has been derived according to dynamic economic analysis method for simplifying calculation of economic diameter of pressure tunnel of a hydro-power station and enhancing dynamic economic benefit of project construction.为简化水电站有压隧洞经济直径计算工作,提高工程建设的动态经济效益,推导了按动态经济分析方法确定水电站不衬砌有压隧洞经济直径的公式,并以实例作了论证。
3.Integrating with the theory and methods of economic analysis,the paper analyses economic indicators of silviculture design by using dynamic economic analysis methods and carries out uncertainty analysis, draw analysis chart and so on.本文在前人研究成果基础上,通过分析立地质量评价方面的理论和方法,从中选取适合杨树的立地质量评价方法,采用层次分析法,将其应用到杨树速生丰产林辅助决策系统中;通过研究杨树造林设计方面的知识和内容,设计推理机和知识库,集成造林专家知识,完成杨树速生丰产林造林设计方案推荐子系统;结合经济分析的理论与方法,对造林设计方案进行动态经济分析和多种不确定性分析,计算各类经济指标和绘制分析图等,完成营林经济分析子系统。
5)dynamic economic evaluation动态经济评价
1.the static economic evaluation and dynamic economic evaluation.主要介绍了冰蓄冷空调系统的两种评价方法,即静态经济评价和动态经济评价。
2.The dynamic economic evaluation analysis was adopted to calculate the eco- nomic effectiveness of different rotation age of the coppice forest of black locust,while the economic maturity was determined with the help of sensitivity analysis.采用企业动态经济评价方法对刺槐萌生林不同轮伐期的经济效果进行了评价;按NPV最大、IRR最大确定了林分经济成熟龄;通过敏感性分析确定了经济成熟龄区间。
3.Based on the numerical simulation and dynamic economic evaluation,a method for studying economic and technical boundary values in the development of heavy oil reservoir by thermal recovery methods was built.结合数值模拟和动态经济评价,建立稠油油藏热采开发经济技术界限研究方法。
6)dynamic economic dispatch动态经济调度
1.The dynamic economic dispatch (DED) problem including wind farms is discussed in this paper and a fuzzy modeling for DED is then presented, which could make the dispatch result reflect the willingness of decision-maker.文中应用模糊理论建立了含风电场电力系统动态经济调度的模糊模型,使调度结果能够表达决策者的意愿,从而更好地适应风机输出功率的随机性。
2.This paper proposes a bid-based dynamic economic dispatch model to maximize the social profit in a competitive electricity market.在竞争性的电力市场环境下,为了获得最大化的社会利润,提出了基于竞价机制的动态经济调度模型,该模型综合考虑了发电机组的爬坡约束、输电线路的容量约束和污染气体排放量的约束。
3.The units in the look-ahead technique and response ability decoupling technique-based heuristic dynamic economic dispatch algorithms are exactly classified and the notation of maximum valid response ability adjusting amount is defined.对基于前瞻技术和响应能力解耦的动态经济调度算法中的机组进行了精确分类,给出最大有效响应能力调整量的概念。
