市场和政策失灵,market and policy failure
1)market and policy failure市场和政策失灵
2)Market and government disfunction市场失灵和政府失灵
3)Malfunction of market and government市场政府双失灵
4)policy failure政策失灵
1.Both the theory of policy failure and the failure ofpollution levy system in China and countermeasure are discussed in this paper.在市场经济体制下,经常会出现政策失灵。
2.Firstly,the authors discuss about the necessity of government s participation and management in economy,and then introduce the problem of policy failure.对中央政府与地方政府间政策失灵和地方政府之间经济协调政策失灵这两类政策失灵问题产生的原因作了较为详尽的阐述,认为由于政策体系的不完善、区域利益的驱使导致了第一类政策失灵问题。
3.The author raises his own points in viewing the problems emerged during the period, such as the alternatives between public products and private products, governmental-oriented and market-oriented, policy failure and market failure, market monopoly and competitive.简要地回顾和评述了二十多年来我国旅行社行业的发展历程 ,对一些长期困扰旅行社行业发展的诸如旅游业发展与制度化环境、政府主导与市场主导、“政策失灵”问题、行业垄断还是行业竞争等理论问题提出了独立的见解 ,并就我国旅行社业的发展趋势与路径选择提出了建设性的意

1.About Distinction between Two Kinds of Ineffectiveness;浅析公共政策失灵与政府失灵的区别
2.Analysis of the Public Policy Inefficiency in China s Minor Ethnic Group Communities;少数民族地区公共政策失灵问题分析
3.Policy Analysis on Forest Limitation Cutting Management Constitution in China;我国森林限额采伐管理政策失灵分析
4.Policy failure is common in market economy.在市场经济体制下,经常会出现政策失灵
5.Failure of China s Environmental Protection Policy:Its Cause Analysis and Modification Principles;我国环保政策失灵的成因分析及矫治原则
6.On Regulation of Telecommunications in China from the View of Public Policy Ineffectiveness公共政策失灵视角下的电信监管问题探索
7.From Market Failure to Government Failure: The Evolution of Externality Theory and Policy;从市场失灵到政府失灵:外部性理论及其政策的演进
8.Market Failures of Technological Innovation and Policy Implications;论技术创新的市场失灵及其政策含义
9.Public Policy Hearing in Preventing and Overcoming Regulatory Failures of Government;公共决策听证与政府规制失灵的防治
10.Market Failure Caused by Supply Inflation of Labor Force and Policy of Government;劳动力供给膨胀所导致的市场失灵与政府政策
12.The Way to Overcome National Policies Involvement Failure in the Rural Governmence;乡村治理中,克服国家政策介入失灵的路径选择
13.Failure & Countermeasure Research of Social Regulation Based on Chinese Country Government;中国县级政府社会性管制的失灵与对策研究
14.The Industrial Innovation Mode,Market Failure and Public Policy Design;产业创新模式、市场失灵与公共政策设计
15.Analysis and Countermeasures on Government Regulation Failure in Mine Tragedy;矿难治理中政府管制失灵的原因及对策选择
16.On the Significance of Talent Introduction Policies from the Talent Markets Ineffectiveness;从人才市场的失灵谈人才引进政策的重要性
17.The Failure of Government s Micro Regulation and Measures during theTransformation Period;浅析转型期政府规制失灵的原因及克服对策
18.Market Failure, Technology Life-cycles and Technology & Innovation Policy;市场失灵、技术生命周期与技术创新政策

Market and government disfunction市场失灵和政府失灵
3)Malfunction of market and government市场政府双失灵
4)policy failure政策失灵
1.Both the theory of policy failure and the failure ofpollution levy system in China and countermeasure are discussed in this paper.在市场经济体制下,经常会出现政策失灵。
2.Firstly,the authors discuss about the necessity of government s participation and management in economy,and then introduce the problem of policy failure.对中央政府与地方政府间政策失灵和地方政府之间经济协调政策失灵这两类政策失灵问题产生的原因作了较为详尽的阐述,认为由于政策体系的不完善、区域利益的驱使导致了第一类政策失灵问题。
3.The author raises his own points in viewing the problems emerged during the period, such as the alternatives between public products and private products, governmental-oriented and market-oriented, policy failure and market failure, market monopoly and competitive.简要地回顾和评述了二十多年来我国旅行社行业的发展历程 ,对一些长期困扰旅行社行业发展的诸如旅游业发展与制度化环境、政府主导与市场主导、“政策失灵”问题、行业垄断还是行业竞争等理论问题提出了独立的见解 ,并就我国旅行社业的发展趋势与路径选择提出了建设性的意
5)market failure市场失灵
1.The choice in the reform of public health system——How to deal with government failure and market failure;公共卫生体制改革的选择——如何应对“政府失灵”和“市场失灵”
2.Flood risk insurance market failure;洪水风险保险市场失灵研究
3.Study on market failure and government intervention in modulating wetlands;湿地资源配置中的市场失灵与政府干预研究
6)market failures市场失灵
1.This article analyzes the causes of market failures in environment economy field.本文分析了在环境经济领域市场失灵的原因是由环境问题的外部性、环境质量的公共物品性和环境资源产权不清而引起的。
2.The transmission mechanism of Pareto efficient、securities market failures and civil liabilities institutions of securities law promulgates that Pareto efficient constitutes economic basis of the civil liabilities institutions of securities law.帕累托最优、证券市场失灵、证券法民事责任制度的传递机制揭示了帕累托最优构成了证券法民事责任制度的经济基础。
