生产观,production concept
1)production concept生产观
1.It is necessary to regulate human beings\' production concept in the field of ecological civilization which are from the view of ecological value of connotation and denotation.生态文明视域内生产力的发展,不断将生态元素注入到人类的生产方式中,使得从生态价值观念的内涵与外延的角度出发,来规范人类生态生产观念成为生产发展的必然。
2)production of idea观念生产
3)productivity standpoint生产力观
1.Deng Xiao-ping s productivity standpoint is always on the purpose of meeting people s demand.邓小平的生产力观始终是以满足人民日益增长的物质文化需要为出发点和最终目的的。

1.Deng Xiao-ping s Productivity Standpoint on the Basis of People s lnterests;邓小平以“人民利益”为基点的生产力观
2.Evolution of Productive Forces Concept with Chinese Socialist Characteristics and its Features;中国特色社会主义生产力观念演变阶段与特征
3.Analysis of Main Contents and Practical Significance of Deng Xiao-ping s New Concept of Productive Forces;试析邓小平新生产力观的主要内容及现实意义
4.On Deng Xiaoping s View of Modern Productivity and its Composition;论邓小平现代生产力观的构成及其理论贡献
5.Mao Zedong s Viewpoint of Liberating and Developing Productivity during the Revolutionary period;革命时期毛泽东的解放和发展生产力观
6.Macroscopic control of the production and reproductionof national personnel resources;论国家对人力资源生产和再生产的宏观调控
7.The result of intellectual activity; a thought or an opinion.思想,观点智力活动产生的结果;思想或观点
8.Productivity Viewpoint is the Basic Viewpoint of Marxism;生产力的观点是马克思主义的基本观点
9.On Capital Productivity--With Consideration to a Kind of Viewpoint;浅论“资本生产力”——兼评一种观点
10.On the Reconsideration of Productive Forces in the View of Scientific Development Concept;科学发展观视野下生产力要素再认识
11.Philosophical Indication "developing requirement of China s advanced productivity;“中国先进生产力发展要求”的哲学观照
12.On CPC s Outlook on Agricultural Productivity Development Since the PRC s Founding;论建国以来中国共产党的农业生产力发展观
13.Distance is well known to lend enchantment, even to the less attractive views.众所周知,距离产生魅力,甚至使不大吸引人的观点产生魅力。
14.It is Marxist viewpoint that science and technology are productivity, furthermore the first productivity.科学技术是生产力,而且是第一生产力,这是马克思主义的观点.
15.Morality Productivity in Mulriple Field of Vision--Against the Point of View of "Generalization of Productivity";多重视域中的道德生产力——兼驳“泛生产力论”的观点
16.Marxism has consistently treated science and technology as part of the productive forces.科学技术是生产力,这是马克思主义历来的观点。
17.On the Absoluteness and Relativity of the Standard of Productivity and the Scientific Development Outlook生产力标准的绝对性、相对性与科学发展观
18.Constitution of Productive Forces and Historical Materialism in The Germany Ideology;《德意志意识形态》中的生产力与唯物史观的构成

production of idea观念生产
3)productivity standpoint生产力观
1.Deng Xiao-ping s productivity standpoint is always on the purpose of meeting people s demand.邓小平的生产力观始终是以满足人民日益增长的物质文化需要为出发点和最终目的的。
5)the production concept生产观念
6)Productive landscape生产性景观
