生态社会理想,the ideal of "ecological society"
1)the ideal of "ecological society"生态社会理想

1.Building "the Conserver Society"--A Comment on the Ideal of Leiss′s "Ecological Society"建立“较易于生存的社会”——莱易斯的生态社会理想评析
2.Confucius Ecological Ethics in the Perspective of Harmonious Society和谐社会视角下的儒家生态伦理思想
3.On the Minorities Ecological Ethics and the Construction of Harmonious Society;论少数民族生态伦理思想与和谐社会建设
4.Research on the Historical Foundation of Conservation Culture--On the ecological society of Marx and Engels;生态文明理论形成的历史观基础——马恩生态社会发展思想探要
5.a diseased society, mentality, imagination病态的社会、 病态的心理、 不健康的想像.
6.On the “ideal formation” and “actual formation ”of socialism;试论社会主义的“理想形态”和“现实形态”
7.A Preliminary Analysis of the New Ethics in the Ecological Society-Ecological Ethics;试论生态社会的新伦理学——生态伦理学
8.On the Construction of Ecological Ethics in Socialist Harmonious Society;论社会主义和谐社会的生态伦理建设
9.A glance at American society s after-modern values: Rolston s ecological ethical thought centering on nature s value;美国社会后现代价值观一瞥:罗尔斯顿的自然价值论生态伦理思想
10.Ecological Value:Idealism or Realism--A Comment on Eco-socialism理想主义还是现实主义——生态社会主义的价值观述评
11.Ideology And Social Imagination:Utopian Literature--The Whole Imagination of Ruritanian;意识形态与社会想象:乌托邦文学——理想社会的整体构想
12.Pepper's Ec-socialism Thought and Practical Significance佩珀生态社会主义思想及其现实意义
13.A Comparison of Social Ecological Aesthetics of the Confucian School With Natural Ecological Aesthetics of the Taoist School;儒家社会生态美学思想与道家自然生态美学思想比较
14.The Birth of Social Antagonistic Psychology and Treating with Social Reasonable Spirit社会逆反心态的产生与社会理性精神的疏导
15.Ecological-ethical understanding of construction of socialist harmonious society;对构建社会主义和谐社会的生态伦理解读
16.Construction the Ecological Ethics and the Ecological Civilization in Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会视野下的生态伦理观和生态文明
17.The Concept of Eco-ethics and Ecological Civilization Construction under the Vision of Harmonious Society和谐社会视野下的生态伦理观与生态文明建设
18.On Harmonious Society's thoughts of Ecological Marxism生态学马克思主义的生态和谐社会理论

ideal society pattern社会理想形态
3)Social Ideal社会理想
1.Manette and his daughter Lucie Manette, two young men Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton, Dickens demonstrated his social ideal.狄更斯将自己的社会理想通过对这三类人的塑造表现出来。
4)ideal society理想社会
1.Soloviev s theory about the way leading to ideal society;索洛维约夫论通向理想社会的道路
2.There Would Be Hell, but Not Heaven" ——Poper and Hayek s Criticism on the Ideal Society;“有地狱,没有天堂”——波普尔和哈耶克对理想社会的批判
3.In the history,a lot of people continuously went after and research the ideal society.论述古今中外无数人为了追求心目中的理想社会,不断探索和实践。
5)social ideality社会理想
1.The Great Harm ony thought of Chinese tradition,especially of KANG You-wei s, profoundly affect ed Mao Ze-dong s social ideality, and the impact is different in different perio d of his life.从古代到近代,大同社会理想一直是中华民族长期追求的梦想目标。
6)Social ecosystem principle社会生态理念

生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。