自然流,Anthropogenic flows
1)Anthropogenic flows自然流

1.Spontaneous abortion at earlier stages of pregnancy is called miscarriage.流产可自然发生,称自然流产。
2.a natural loss of the products of conception.一种观念的自然流失。
3.The note sang out pure and heavenly, and there was no stopping what was coming.音乐自然流出,听起来很纯洁、流畅,好像来自天堂。
4.an oil well with a strong natural flow so that pumping is not necessary.不用水泵的有强大的自然流量的油井。
5.Spontaneous milk flow not associated with childbirth or the nursing of an infant.乳溢乳汁自然流出,与分娩及喂奶无关
6.natural convection air-cooled evaporator自然对流空冷式蒸发器
7.Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas“三江并流”自然景观
8.flowing naturally and continuously.自然的、不间断的流出。
9.Its function is surely communication.它的功能自然是交流。
10.natural conversion air cooler自然对流空气冷却器
11.System for Technology Exchange for Natural Disasters自然灾害技术交流系统
12.Speaking comes natural to him.他的演说流畅而自然。
13.speak naturally and easily.自然而又流畅地发言。
14.presence of natural person (服务贸易)自然人流动
15.Its natural appearance, simplicity, smoothness and easiness字体自然、简约、流畅、从容,
16.a natural stream of water smaller than a river (and often a tributary of a river).水量小过河流的自然水流,常常充当河流的支流。
17.a large natural stream of water (larger than a creek).流量超过小溪的自然水流。

natural convection自然对流
1.Characteristics of natural convection flow and heat transfer in cavity with multi-openings;多开口方腔内自然对流的流动与传热特性
2.Numerical simulation of natural convection in the transient gas-liquid unsteady absorption process;吸收过程自然对流非稳态数值模拟
3.Comparison of natural convection with fire plumes in typical shafts;典型竖井内火羽流与自然对流的比较
3)nature convection自然对流
1.Experimental study on heat transfer enhancement in nature convection in vertical plat by using delta-winglet longitudinal vortex generators arranged in rows;多排纵向涡发生器强化竖直平板自然对流换热的实验研究
2.In this paper, the phase-field models coupled with force flow, shear flow and nature convection are introduced respectively.阐述了相场方法是凝固过程中对流效应数值模拟的有效方法,分别介绍了考虑强迫对流、剪流、自然对流的相场模型,综述了相场方法在对流领域研究中的应用情况,指出了该研究领域目前存在的问题及今后的发展方向。
3.The authors study the nature convection in the liquid phase and flow pattern of nature convection during the process of solidification.从传热学的角度出发,采用控制容积法对凝固过程进行了数值模拟,并考虑了凝固过程中的液相部分的自然对流,研究了液相部分自然对流的规律和流型。
4)natural river自然河流
1.The experiment of wastewater treatment by stabilization pond of natural river;利用自然河流稳定塘进行污水处理的实验研究
5)natural DC自然直流
1.On the basis of analyzing disadvantages of principle for all kinds of existing selective leakage protection, this paper analyzed a selective leakage protection system of natural DC according to two branches distribution networks.分析现有井下漏电保护原理存在的不足,以目前直流选择性漏电保护研究[1]为基础,以中性点不接地的两分支电网为例分析了单相漏电情况下自然直流选择性漏电保护原理,并论证了可行性。
2.Study on the idiosyncrasies of the protection criterion on the basis of the Natural DC selective leakage-protection theory is shown in this article.在自然直流选择性漏电保护原理[1]的基础上,研究了此保护判据的特性。
6)Natural airflow自然风流

自然流产自然流产 凡妊娠不足28周、胎儿体重不足1000g而终止者称为流产。自然流产是指胎儿尚无生存能力,也未使用人工方法,由于某种原因胚胎或胎儿自动脱离母体排出的,其发生率占全部妊娠的15%左右。自然流产的原因较多,主要有以下方面:①遗传基因缺陷:早期自然流产时染色体异常的胚胎占相当比例,占50%~60%,染色体异常多为数目异常,其次为结构异常;②外界不良因素:如有害化学物质如有机汞和物理因素如放射性物质可直接或间接对胚胎或胎儿造成损害;③母体因素:如妊娠期患急性病,高热可引起宫缩,细菌毒素或病毒使胎儿死亡;孕妇严重贫血或心力衰竭可致胎儿缺氧,高血压可使胎盘发生梗死等均造成流产;生殖器官疾病如子宫畸形、盆腔肿瘤影响胎儿发育导致流产。宫颈内口松弛或宫颈深度裂伤,易导致胎膜破裂发生晚期流产。内分泌功能失调可影响胚胎发育如黄体功能不足,甲状腺功能亢进或低下,糖尿病等。妊娠期创伤可刺激宫缩等;④胎盘内分泌功能不足使妊娠难以继续;⑤免疫因素:胚胎及胎儿与母体间存在复杂而特殊的免疫学关系,这种关系使胚胎及胎儿不被排斥。若母儿双方免疫不适应则可引起母体对胎儿的排斥而致流产。