铁山镇,Tieshan Town
1)Tieshan Town铁山镇
1.A case study of Tieshan Town,Fujian Province showed that the sustainability level of Tieshan Town was 0.以福建省铁山镇为例,应用该模型进行评价。
2)"commanding mountain"镇山

1.A view of Badajoz from the Castle built by the moors on the top of the hill.从小镇山顶上摩尔人留下的城堡俯瞰全镇。
2.Research on Vegetation Restoration Technologies for Abandoned Mines among Ningzhen Mountains宁镇山区采石废弃矿山裸岩生态恢复技术研究
3.The castle is built on the hill overlooking the town.城堡建在山上,俯瞰小镇。
4.The town mounts the hills.这座小镇坐落在山顶上。
5.The town is hedged in by low hills.这城镇四边有低山环绕。
6.Creating Green Towns-The Way of townizing in the Mountainous Area in North Fujian;闽北山区城镇化路径——创建绿色城镇
7.Dongshanwei on the island is the Dongshan town nowadays.海岛上的“东山圩”就是现在的东山镇。
8.The town was built among the hills, hence the name Hilltown.该城镇修建在群山之中, 故取名'山城'。
9."The town was built among the hills, hence the name Hilltown.""该城镇修建在群山之中,故取名'山城'。"
10.The Running Dilemma and Outlet of the Towns Level Government for Example of Fengshan;从凤山镇看我国乡镇政权运行的困境和出路
11.The Economic Evaluation and Analysis for the Being-constructed Project of Water Supplying in SongJiangHe Town and Donggang Town, BaiShan City;白山市松江河镇、东岗镇供水工程项目分析
12.Cultural Features in the Small Towns of South Jiangsu--Taking Jingxi Town,Kunshan City as an Example;苏南小镇用文化打造个性——以昆山锦溪镇为例
13.Conditions and Opportunities of City and Town Construction for Tourism;旅游城镇建设的条件与机遇——以山西砂河镇为例
14.ZhongShan GuZhen BEST lighting factory, locating in Guzhen town where is the capital of China lighting, organized in2000.中山市古镇百思特灯饰厂位于中国灯饰之都--古镇镇,创办于2000年。
15.Professional Specialization Impact on Spatial Structureof Small Towns: a Case Study of Zhongshan;小城镇专业化发展对城镇空间结构的影响——中山市村镇为例分析
16.Tectonic intersection relationship between Dabashan and Micangshan in Zhenba area,southern Shaanxi Province陕南镇巴地区大巴山与米仓山构造交接关系
17.Willing of Farmer-Hoods in Planting Timber-Forests--Starting out of Liangshan court Shandong provence农户的用材林经营意愿——山东梁山镇的调查
18.The town is tucked in(或 into) the pine-covered mountains.这小镇隐没在长满松树的群山之中。

"commanding mountain"镇山
3)Jingzheng railway津镇铁路
1.This text, based on advocate and disagreement of Jingzheng railway, tries to analyze the differences of railway engineering and the fight for the right of railway building.文章以甲午战后津镇铁路的议筑、罢修为中心,试图勾勒各派政治势力在铁路修筑理念的分歧和对修筑权的争夺。
4)Railway cities铁路城镇
5)Iron Dragon Town铁龙镇
1.Research on Tourism Exploring on Iron Dragon Town of Wengyuan County in Shaoguan;韶关市翁源县铁龙镇旅游开发初步研究
6)the SunTiePu town孙铁铺镇

铁山1.产铁的矿山。 2.比喻坚固之屏障。 3.古山名。在今内蒙古自治区阴山北。