生态可持续指数,ecological sustainability index
1)ecological sustainability index生态可持续指数
1.060 hm2 per capita calculated by using traditional model;and the cropland ecological sustainability index 0.060 hm2大;耕地生态可持续指数为0。
2)sustainable development static index可持续发展静态指数
1.Based on the calculation of the sustainable development static indexes of all counties in Chendu municipality, the differences of the present situation sustainable development of various counties in Chendu city are derived quantitatively.本文通过对成都市 8县 4市 3区的可持续发展静态指数计算 ,定量地表达了成都市各区县目前可持续发展状况的对比关系 ,分析造成这种格局的原因并提出相应对
3)ecological sustainability生态可持续
1.And the legislation should confirm its subject status, intrinsic value, the interests of ecological holism and the concept of ecological sustainability value for the intangible cultural heritage.立法应确认非物质文化遗产的主体法律地位和内在价值、生态整体利益本位,生态可持续发展的价值理念。

1.On Ecoenvironment Compensation and Ecological Sustainable Development;试论生态环境补偿与生态可持续发展
2.Ecological Ethics--The Ecological Direction of Sustainable Development;生态伦理——可持续发展的生态向度
3.Ecological vulnerability,sustainable development and eco-ethics生态脆弱性、可持续发展与生态伦理
4.The persistence can keep on to develop the thought and ecosystem thoughts.坚持可持续发展思想和生态思想。
6.Sustainable development of the Lijiang river tourist industry and protect ecology of water漓江旅游业可持续发展与水生态保护
7.Ecolgical Tourism and Sustainable Development of Hainan Tour ism生态旅游与海南旅游业的可持续发展
8.unsustainable patterns of production and consumption不可持续的生产和消费形态
9.unsustainable pattern of consumption and production不可持续的消费和生产形态
10.Study on Ecotourism in Xinjiang and Sustainable Development.新疆的生态旅游及其可持续发展研究
11.Study on Building Eco-City Based on Sustainable Development基于可持续发展的生态城市建设研究
12.Ecotourism-The Base of Sustainable Development of Tourism生态旅游——旅游业可持续发展的基础
13.On Ecotourism and Sustaining Development in Nanyue Mountain南岳衡山生态旅游开发与可持续发展
14.CASE STUDY ON THE ECOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY OF MINING INDUSTRY FOR THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT - The Technology of Rehabilitation of Tailings Pond & Pollution Control可持续发展的矿业生态技术范例(英文)
16.The Exploitation and Sustainable Development of Ecotourism in Henan河南省生态旅游的开发与可持续发展
17.Advocate Eco-mineral Industry to Promote Its Sustainable Development倡导生态矿业,促进矿业可持续发展
18.Improve Ecological Environment of W est China and Persist in Sustainable Development改善西部生态环境 走可持续发展之路

sustainable development static index可持续发展静态指数
1.Based on the calculation of the sustainable development static indexes of all counties in Chendu municipality, the differences of the present situation sustainable development of various counties in Chendu city are derived quantitatively.本文通过对成都市 8县 4市 3区的可持续发展静态指数计算 ,定量地表达了成都市各区县目前可持续发展状况的对比关系 ,分析造成这种格局的原因并提出相应对
3)ecological sustainability生态可持续
1.And the legislation should confirm its subject status, intrinsic value, the interests of ecological holism and the concept of ecological sustainability value for the intangible cultural heritage.立法应确认非物质文化遗产的主体法律地位和内在价值、生态整体利益本位,生态可持续发展的价值理念。
4)Sustainability index可持续性指数
1.The sustainability index indicated that,the sustainability of soil N was much more dependent on chemical fertilizer input,while P and K were relied on organic fertilizer.6%之间;通过可持续性指数的分析得出,土壤N素养分的可持续性对化肥的依赖性较大,而P、K养分的可持续性则对有机肥的依赖性更高。
5)sustainable development index可持续发展指数
1.According to the interrelationships of flood hazard and sustainable development index,a new classification system is used to map China into four regions.以县域为评价单元,采用快速评估方法进行中国洪水灾害危险度评价分级和可持续发展指数评价分级,并在此基础上对洪水灾害与可持续发展内在关系的区域差异进行探索。
6)ecological sustainable development生态可持续发展
1.Application of the DPSIR model in the evaluation of ecological sustainable development in Anhui ProvinceDPSIR模型在安徽省生态可持续发展评价中的应用
2.This paper introduces the connotations of the thought of sustainable development and ecological sustainable development, and probes emphatically into the components of university library’s ecological sustainable development.介绍了可持续发展思想及生态可持续发展的内涵,重点探讨了高校图书馆生态可持续发展的构成要素。
3.City sustainable development must be based on ecological sustainable development.城市地域的可持续发展必须以生态的可持续发展为前提,城市生态可持续发展评价成为当前国内外的研究热点,而生态足迹分析方法是目前较为常用的城市生态可持续发展定量分析评价的方法。

生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。