场所意识,Place Consciousness
1)Place Consciousness场所意识
3)Creative place创意场所
4)market consciousness市场意识
1.Competition and market consciousness and architect s function;关于竞争市场意识与建筑师的职能
2.On Market Consciousness of Editors of High School Journal;论强化学报编辑的市场意识
3.Thus I think that,as far as the quality of book editors are concerned in the new age of books,besides the traditional ones such as good political awareness,strong language ability,a market consciousness should be strengthened.那么作为新读书时代的图书编辑,除了具备传统意义上的要求外,如要有良好的政治素质,扎实的语言功底,娴熟的文字技巧,以及成功的社交能力,还应树立和强化市场意识。

1.Deeply having the sense of the market and lighly reforming education and teaching;牢固树立市场意识 深化教育教学改革
2.Confluence Of Refinement and Popularity Going to Market --Market-consciousness of Authors in 1990 s through Analyzing Chenyan s Works;雅俗合流 走向市场——从陈染的作品看20世纪90年代作家的市场意识
3.The Art Practice and the Market Consciousness Is Important in the Art Education;论艺术实践与市场意识在艺术教育中的重要性
4.Discussing the multiple perspectives of economic news reporting;试论出版企业化背景下编辑主体的市场意识
5.Fostering Market Guiding Consciousness and Exalting Marketing Conception;培育市场导向意识 提升市场营销理念
6.Meanwhile, it calls for the establishment of the sense of equal competition and the consciousness of a market economy.同时也要有平等竞争的意识和市场经济的意识。
7.Challenge of Market-Oriented Economy on Ideological Security of China;市场经济对我国意识形态安全的挑战
8.Initiating the Consciousness of Competitive Job to Adapt to Market Requirement;倡导竞争上岗意识 主动适应市场模式
9.Establishing Branding Swareness to Enhance Enterprise’s Marketing Competitiveness;树立名牌意识 增强企业市场竞争力
10.On the Editor s Consciousness of Journal Culture;市场经济和编辑主体的学报文化意识
12.Marketing concept is the reflection of the marketing activity in the consciousness of the proprietor.市场营销观念是市场营销活动在经营者意识中的反映。
13.Re-Recognition of the Market Economy;市场经济再认识——重温马克思市场经济理论的时代意义
14.Soon, other nations began to realize the advantages of the Common Market.不久,其他国家开始意识到了共同市场的好处。
15.Good business sense, good knowledge of local market and sales channel.良好的商业意识,熟悉当地市场和销售渠道。
16.Developing Honest Reputation under Socialist Market Economy;社会主义市场经济条件下诚信意识的培养
17.Workers Collective Identity and Class Consciousness in State-owned Enterprises in the Times of Market Transformation;市场转型时期国企工人的群体认同与阶级意识
18.The Countermeasures for the Credit Consciousness Education for University Students under the Condition of Market Economy;市场经济条件下高校学生信用意识教育的对策

3)Creative place创意场所
4)market consciousness市场意识
1.Competition and market consciousness and architect s function;关于竞争市场意识与建筑师的职能
2.On Market Consciousness of Editors of High School Journal;论强化学报编辑的市场意识
3.Thus I think that,as far as the quality of book editors are concerned in the new age of books,besides the traditional ones such as good political awareness,strong language ability,a market consciousness should be strengthened.那么作为新读书时代的图书编辑,除了具备传统意义上的要求外,如要有良好的政治素质,扎实的语言功底,娴熟的文字技巧,以及成功的社交能力,还应树立和强化市场意识。
5)market awareness市场意识
1.For the reform of the local medical schools and pharmaceutical schools, following measures should be taken: first, the reform idea with market awareness should be adopted; second, the reform orientation with feasibility should be established; third, the reform strategy of "being based on the talents and managing teaching by goodness" should be implemented.地方高等医药院校进行改革要考虑以下几个方面:一、必须树立市场意识的改革理念;二、必须确定可行性的改革定位;三、必须实施"以人为本,以德治教"的改革方略。
2.The commercialized operation ask that the press editor should transform idea to firmly set up the market awareness.出版社的企业化运作要求出版社编辑必须转变观念,要牢固树立市场意识。
6)consciousness of market市场意识
1.Architects should hold conception of context and consciousness of market, and it s the foundation and guarantee of architecture design.建筑师应该具有环境观念和市场意识,这是建筑产生的基础和保证。

场所场所locale  场所[如川e;“0,a”。:1【补注】一个看成“广义拓扑空间”的完全Heyting代数(见R阴洲,格(Brou忱rlattiCe)).“场所”这名词应归于J .R.Isbell「Al],虽然这概念已经被很多更早的作者研究过:基本思想是,对任何拓扑空间X,X的开子集的格岁(X)是完全的且满足无穷分配律(洲而te曲tri卜以ive hw) uU门{V!:i任I)“U{U门V‘:i“I}(等价地,它是一个Heyti飞代数( Heytinga唇bla)),且空间的很多重要拓扑性质(紧性,连通性,等等)事实上是其开集格的性质.这样,可以把满足无穷分配律的任何完全格(这种格普通称为标架(n朋le))看成一个空间的开集格,而不考虑它是否有足够的“点”使被描述为一个实在的开子集格.一个标架同态(n么叱bo加宜幻印hism)是保持有限交和任意并的映射.一个场所外延上与标架是同一事物,但内涵上不同:不同在于这样的事实,从X到Y的场所的态射(或连续映射(Contin田usll坦pp住唱))是定义为从Y到X的标架同态.(为强调内涵的不同,有些作者把对应于场所X的标架写成《x).另外一些作者—例如〔A2』的作者—用不同的术语:他们重新定义“空间”以表示上面所称的场所,而用“场所”表示上面术语中的标架.本文所用的“场所”的意义是Isbell所用的原来的意义.) 一个标架可表示为一个空间的开集格,当且仅当每一个元素可表示为素元素的交;具有这性质的场所称为空间的(sP如al).对应于空间场所的空间不是唯一决定的,但是如果要求它是朴素的(sober),即每一个素开集必须是唯一的点的闭包的补集,则它是唯一决定的.(每个Hausdorff空间是朴素的,且每个朴素空间满足T。