发展稳健性,Development robustness
1)Development robustness发展稳健性
2)steady development稳健发展
1.Measures and advices of keeping the steady development of real estate market is put forward as well.本文介绍了城市土地储备制度的建立背景,深入分析了城市土地储备制度与地价、房价的关系,并提出了保证房地产市场稳健发展的措施和建议。
2.This article discusses current situation of real estate market in our country and the necessities of its steady development.论述了目前我国房地产市场的现状以及保持其稳健发展的必要性,深入分析了我国房地产市场持续低迷的原因,并在此基础上从提高市场交易量、合理引导购房者预期和房地产业长远发展的角度提出了促进我国房地产市场稳健发展的措施建议。

1.and the region's rapidly progressing economy.并促进西部经济的快速稳健发展
2.Creating Operating Mechanism of Circulating Necessary Funds and Promoting Enterprises Stable Development;创新融资运作机制 促进企业稳健发展
3.On the Steadily-developing Management System forStudents Ideological Education;稳健发展的学生思想教育管理体系探讨
4.A Brief Talk on the Suggestions of Promoting Steady Development of Real Estate Market浅谈促进我国房地产市场稳健发展的调控措施
5.On the Controller for Steady Development--Viewpoint of Independent Press Conference推动社会稳健发展的调控器——自主新闻发布会刍议
6.Finally, policy recommenda-tions for a steady industrial development are made.本文最后提出稳健发展生物乙醇这一可再生能源的建议。
7....and to put forward the norms for the steady development and success of an enterprise and the groups related to it.…..同时也为企业与企业有关的团体的稳健发展和成功提出了规范。
8.Deepen the Reform to Push the War Industry Mill to Develop Healtily and Steadily;深化改革,推动军工企业健康、稳定发展
9.To Develop Insurance for the Quick and Stable Increase of Hunan Economy;发展保险 促进湖南经济快速稳健增长
10.The premier promised" fast yet steady" economic development, according to the AP.AP报道,中国总理承诺经济会“快速稳健”地发展。
11.relations between the two countries will definitely progress forward in a sustained, steady and sound manner.两国关系就一定能够持续、稳定、健康地向前发展。
12.A Way to Go Beyond Steady-Study on Container Port Development in China;稳健跨越的道理—中国集装箱港口发展研究
13.Ensuring the Continuity and Consistency of Trade Policies to Promote a Sustainable and Sound Development of Foreign Trade in China;保障贸易政策稳定 促进对外贸易持续健康发展
14.Controlling price improving and promoting national economy s stable and health development;抑制物价上涨 促进国民经济的平稳健康发展
15.Functions of mass fitness groups in community stability;群众性健身团体在社区稳定中的作用及发展
16.Consideration to corporate culture in promoting enterprise s steady and enduring development;关于企业文化促进企业稳健持续发展的思考
17.Some Recommendations for Accelerating Steady and healthy development of Wood Based Panel Industry;促进人造板工业稳定健康发展的几点建议
18.Strengthen money market Construction,Promote stable and rapid development of Commercial banks;深化货币市场建设,推动商业银行稳健快速发展

steady development稳健发展
1.Measures and advices of keeping the steady development of real estate market is put forward as well.本文介绍了城市土地储备制度的建立背景,深入分析了城市土地储备制度与地价、房价的关系,并提出了保证房地产市场稳健发展的措施和建议。
2.This article discusses current situation of real estate market in our country and the necessities of its steady development.论述了目前我国房地产市场的现状以及保持其稳健发展的必要性,深入分析了我国房地产市场持续低迷的原因,并在此基础上从提高市场交易量、合理引导购房者预期和房地产业长远发展的角度提出了促进我国房地产市场稳健发展的措施建议。
3)the health develops with steady steps健康稳步发展
4)stably continuous development稳定性发展
5)healthy development健康发展
1.Harmonizing Urban-rural Development to Reach a Healthy Development of Urbanization;以城乡协调发展推动城市化健康发展
2.Key problems affecting healthy development of community mass sports activities;关于影响社区群众体育活动健康发展的几个关键问题
3.The Path Towards a Healthy Development of Real Estate Brokerage Organization;促进房地产中介组织健康发展的途径探讨
6)sound development健康发展
1.A few misunderstandings to BB fertilizer on production,standard,sale and popularization stages are discussed;a sound development is expected upon soil tested fertilization,local market,a special national standard and regular quality control of product for BB fertilizer.阐述在BB肥生产、标准制定、销售推广等环节存在的一些认识误区,指出BB肥应与测土配方施肥相结合,发挥自身优势;应科学地制定BB肥的国家标准,规范产品质量;推广工作应立足于本地,充分发挥肥料企业的作用,以利于BB肥的健康发展。
2.In short, Internet games need to be advocated for their sound development in all .随着网络的发展,网络游戏已经产业化,目前我国网络游戏在产业链中处于弱势地位,其市场的背后也存在着不同程度的混乱现象,必须从政策上、人才上、宣传上加大对于网络游戏研发的支持,加强对于网络游戏不良内容的监管,从各方面促进网络游戏的健康发展。
3.The profound development of management consulting has posed a substantial threat to the independence of audit, and has done harm to the sound development of non-governmental auditing profession.管理咨询的深入发展已经对审计独立性构成实质性的威胁 ,不利于民间审计职业的健康发展。

发展发展development  指疾病或病情的蔓延、扩散或加重的意思。